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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Homicide In Fruitland

Fruitland Police and MSP are on South Division Street for a homicide crime scene. No press release has come out. It's been reported the Police have been there since 8 or 9 last night. We are awaiting details and will publish them when they come in. 


  1. FRUITLAND, Md.- A homicide investigation is underway in Fruitland, according to police.

    Fruitland police said they are assisting the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit on South Division Street.

    There are red tents set up, which are often seen when there is excavation of the ground happening.

    Neighbors said police have been on the scene since 8 or 9 p.m. Monday.

    More details forthcoming.

  2. Oh no wonder did not see no fpd today they think they going to see something there

  3. Keep us posted Joe


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