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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Eric Holder Leading Org. to Help Dems Get Back Control Through Redistricting

Former Attorney General Eric Holder will help Democrats reshape their party and gain more control as chairman of a new committee.

Holder said Monday he will lead the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, according to The Huffington Post.

The "unprecedented new effort . . . will set priorities for investing in races for governor, state legislative and other key down-ballot races," Holder said, per the Post.

"It's also a cause that President Obama hopes to embrace when he leaves office."

Holder served as attorney general from 2009-2015. The 65-year-old said Democrats "need a comprehensive approach" to all races, from school boards and other local positions all the way up.



  1. Holder should be incarcerated.

  2. Yes, further poison the system from the ground up. Start while the person is still a fetus by putting Democrat propaganda through headphones on moms' bellies.

  3. Redistricting is not the correct way to regain control!
    Supporting constituents that vote for you is the way it should work!

  4. For all you liberals, its called gerrymandering.

  5. So now he is going to raise his ugly head trying to change districts and the weasel trying to capture every open office for the cheaters, and fraudsters, and the lying democrats. Holder should be in prison.

  6. Democrats still trying to force crap fown our throats and steal elections. Give it up. The democrats are done.


  7. Eric the Pardoner. Walked the Marc Rich pardon to Clinton as he was leaving the White House.

  8. Eric is a white hater money hack.


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