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Saturday, December 24, 2016

GOP Candidate: I Want Barack Dead, And Michelle To Become A Male Gorilla

A former GOP gubernatorial candidate in New York isn’t backing down from his expressed hope that President Barack Obama will die while his wife Michelle “return[s] to being a male” and goes off to live with wild gorillas.

Carl Paladino launched a failed bid for New York governor in 2010, and more recently has been an ally of president-elect Donald Trump. And now, he’s made people upset thanks to an interview he gave to the publication ArtVoice, in which he said his biggest wishes for 2017 are for Obama to die and his wife to go back to “Zimbabwe.”

When asked what he would “most like to see happen” in 2017, Paladino replied as follows:

Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford. He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.



  1. Well now sir, now that we have gotten to know you perhaps throw your hat in the ring and be elected. You sound qualified to me. In fact, I would give you a vote if you even if you were a democrat. You are a lot sharper than HRC.

  2. This is the most fouled thing anyone can say about another person no matter how much you hate that person. I'm not a fan of President Obama. But, the good legacies this President and his wife did bring to the White House unlike other past Presidential family was morality, grace and fidelity. Carl Paladino is a true blue hatemonger. He's time on this earth will be full of misery. Maybe this is why his consider the former gubernatorial candidate for New York Governor.

    1. Obama certainly did NOT bring grace or morality to the Whitehouse. They brought racism, hate, ugliness and lies and tried their damnedest to destroy the US. Can't wait til they're gone.

  3. Good Man!
    I wish others weren't afraid to say what they think, It is called freedom of speech, freedom of expression, in Communist China they don't allow these freedoms.
    Nazi Germany didn't ether.

  4. Definition of Herford
    city W cen Germany in North Rhine-Westphalia NE of Bielefeld pop 64,732

    Definition of Hereford
    : any of a breed of hardy red-coated beef cattle of English origin with white faces and markings

  5. morality, grace and fidelity.....lol

    If that were so, just where did it get us.

    Sooo thankful the destruction is coming to the end.

  6. 12:46 You mean disgrace. No President in our history ever conducted a world tour to apologize for America. And, no other Presidents wife in our history said "For the first time in my life I'm proud to be an American". 12:46, as a Veteran, your attitude makes me sick.

  7. Wonder what the reaction would be if this diatribe was directed at Donald and Melania Trump? No need to answer. The disapproval would fill a room, as it should regardless.

  8. Obama divided the country by race and tanked the economy and endangered every Americans life.

  9. Anonymous said...
    This is the most fouled thing anyone can say about another person no matter how much you hate that person. I'm not a fan of President Obama. But, the good legacies this President and his wife did bring to the White House unlike other past Presidential family was morality, grace and fidelity. Carl Paladino is a true blue hatemonger. He's time on this earth will be full of misery. Maybe this is why his consider the former gubernatorial candidate for New York Governor.

    December 24, 2016 at 12:46 PM

    You say you are not a fan of Obama, but yet you refer to him as "President" and you talk about "the good legacies this President and his wife did bring to the White House unlike other past Presidential family was morality, grace and fidelity."

    We are not stupid!! You are a big fan of this Fraud and you know it as well as I do.

    Please, yes please, tell us what the good legacies Obama and Moochelle brought to the White House!!


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