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Saturday, December 03, 2016

First Day Of Wisconsin Recount Nets Hillary One Vote

The first day of Wisconsin’s presidential recount narrowed the gap between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President-elect Donald Trump by precisely one vote.

Trump defeated Clinton in Wisconsin’s initial tally by about one percent, or just over 22,000 votes. Nevertheless, Green Party candidate Jill Stein (who finished a very distant fourth) is demanding a full recount after suggesting fraud or technological glitches may have swayed the results. In response to Stein’s demand, Wisconsin began recounting all its ballots Thursday.

But the first results to emerge suggest the final tally will be rather close to the original one. Only Menominee County, home to the Menominee Indian Reservation, fully reported its recounted results on the first day. It found 17 extra votes for Stein and 12 for Libertarian Gary Johnson, while removing two votes from Trump and one from Clinton.

When putting all the results together, that means the first day of the recount narrowed the gap between Clinton and Trump by just a single vote.



  1. Most impressive. One whole vote! Wow. But your article fails to mention that one county had misnumbered Trump votes by 400. They notated it was 84 votes when in in fact the batch has 484. Meaning he had 400 more votes. Lamestream media. 🙄🙄 Gotta love it! Instead they obsess over one. As for PA those absentee provisionals were sent to wrong county. When they returned to the appropriate county and tabulated that's how they came about. Unfortunately, they don't help Stein/Clinton partnership because they can be challenged. Trump's people will have to inspect them before they are verified. Found the even number to be quite curious. Given Clinton cheated through primaries and debates wouldn't be at all surprised if these were forgeries, illegals & the dead voters. That's how the Clintons roll. But no official recount has been granted in the state and many from inside PA election commission say there won't be! 🤔


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