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Saturday, December 03, 2016

Antarctic Expeditions Confirm No Global Warming

Sea ice extent nearly same as 100 years ago

There is no such thing as man-made global warming drastically melting ice in the Antarctic, according to analysis of Antarctic expeditions over the past 100 years.

When the current sea ice extent in Antarctica is superimposed over past routes of expedition ships, it reveals that ice on the frigid continent is largely the same now as it was in the early 20th century.



  1. After a few years of winter bitter cold and frozen pipes..tell me again...Global WARMING!!!

  2. I still believe in give a hoot don't pollute never soil where you live is the fairly good motto to live by... however the gloaming warming Farce is just another idealogical manipulation of markets for Financial gains to mega corps?? It aint me and you thats for sure.

  3. It was debunked years ago when they were caught falsifying the data.

  4. I'm looking for the global warming to get here on Delmarva.....I want to ride my Harley year round!!!!

  5. As per usual, Global Warming Deniers are suffering from their Alternate Reality Delusions. In the real world, actual satellite observations are showing Antarctic Sea Ice Extent is currently making new record lows.
    Graph source: National Snow and Ice Data Center
    (The red line shows 2016 data.)

    1. Ok in the 70s and 80s it was a ice age that was going to happen, now global warming the artic pack ice stinks and expands , mr. Butlet you keep paying your carbon offset taxes i pefure to wait for the next B.S thing to pop up!

    2. OK Bill Butler can you explain to me how the temperature on Mars has steadily risen, Is it due to substandard Marian ufo emissions? The temperatures on the sun pulsating may well effect the temperature on the Earth and mars?? O by the way temperature swings on the sun is fact .Unlike man made global warming!

  6. DAN's WBOC shorecast - warm this week and you can take that to the bank!


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