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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Feminist Journalist: Sex Will 'Get A Lot Less Fun' Under Trump

Jill Filipovic wildly claimed that "sex is about to get a lot less fun" in a Thursday op-ed on CNN.com. Filipovic pointed the finger at Donald Trump nominating ObamaCare opponent, Rep. Tom Price, to be HHS secretary, and claimed the move is "just one peek at what Trump's notorious misogyny will look like when it's translated into policy." The Cosmopolitan contributor zeroed in on ObamaCare's "provision that full covers contraception," and claimed that if the controversial law is repealed, many women would no longer be able to "enjoy recreational sex without suffering economically, professionally or medically from an unwanted pregnancy."

The title of Filipovic's editorial, along with its lead sentence, contained the over-the-top "lot less fun" statement about sex. She followed this by noting that "anti-abortion and anti-contraception" Rep. Price is also a "proponent of defunding Planned Parenthood, an organization that serves more than 2.5 million patients, many of them low-income, every year." The feminist writer, who received an award from Planned Parenthood for "media excellence" in 2015, continued with oft-used talking points about the abortion giant: "Birth control and STI testing and treatment make up the majority of services Planned Parenthood provides...Federal funding mostly goes to Planned Parenthood in the form of Medicaid dollars, which are set aside to provide health care for poor Americans, and that's who these funding cuts will largely affect."

Filipovic then outlined why, in her view, American women would have "a harder time getting contraception" with Rep. Price heading the Department of Health and Human Services:



  1. In other words, don't hook up with broke chicks. Got it!

  2. The Health Department gives free condoms to anyone, just walk in the door and take what you need.

  3. But I have a latex allergy...I needs free BC pills.

  4. Last time I checked the Constitution doesn't give us the right to sex without consequences.

  5. She is a POS like Van Jones!

  6. Maybe she should get on top instead of under

  7. Prevention, not abortion should be the theme!
    De-fund PP - except for contraception - make them document every penny!

  8. Not all condoms have latex in them.

  9. Saran Wrap works just fine, and the wrinkles are fun.

  10. Well 1:10 - if Jill doesn't speak, she's very nice!

    Van Jones HANDS DOWN is the bigger POS in any instance!! How he still gets air-time is beyond comprehension!

  11. Clearly she needs more lube on that broom she's riding.

  12. Boo Hoo you better get your safety pins you little cupcakes

  13. Anyone can have all of the sex that they want, if they act responsible.

  14. wait until you been married for 19 years sex slow down a lot then lol

  15. Shhhhhhhh 4:31. Young people find out that little fun fact they will never get married.

  16. Maybe men will stop acting like girls and the women will act like women.

  17. Rosy Palmer and "the stranger" are not only dependable companions but are also impervious to all politics and change in public policy.

  18. After 20 years of marriage, sex with my wife slowed down however sex with my girlfriend picked up.

  19. clueless, airhead, valley girl at best...

  20. If sex isn't fun then you need a new partner.
    Or you just need a partner.

  21. I'm sure sex with this b'head would be a "lot less fun" than with anyone else in the world, anyway!

  22. She can go visit Bill Clinton...he makes Sex Fun
    and a BJ is not even sex in his book ......

  23. Bill is a Expert Sex Trainer....He will make it FUN !!!
    Anthony Weener would train her too .......


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