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Friday, December 09, 2016

FAKE: Viewers Stunned as NBC Runs 2015 Baltimore Footage While Reporting Present-Day Case

On Tuesday, a mistrial was declared in the shooting of Walter Scott by former police officer Michael Slager in North Charleston, South Carolina, according to The Charleston Post and Courier.

That news may be either welcome or unwelcome depending on your opinion on the case, but everyone is united on one front — NBC’s coverage of community reaction to the court proceedings was laughable.

According to The Post and Courier, during an episode of the “Today” show Matt Lauer was giving the NBC audience an update on the trial, noting that “the mayor of Charleston, community leaders and South Carolina’s governor, are urging a calm response to that ruling.”

As he said that, NBC showed a picture of a large crowd standing together in angry protest, shown below … but there was something very, very wrong with the photo.
Namely, the photo is from 2015 protest in Baltimore concerning Freddie Gray. NBC didn’t even have the state or the year right.



  1. Shocking...Not shocking. The MSM IS fake news.

  2. Isn't incitement to riot a crime?

  3. Race-baiting creates "news" and sets the stage for more. The state's AG should visit the station for a chat about responsibility, with the FCC in the room.

  4. Their thinking is that people are stupid and will believe anything and they are right about their regular viewers.


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