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Friday, December 09, 2016

BREAKING: Germany Officially Calls for BURKA BAN

Well, this is unexpected. Angela Merkel, the Angela Merkel who welcomed Muslim refugees with open arms and has all but turned her back on the suffering of her own people because of her decision, has come out with a pretty stunning change of heart.

The woman is calling for a full burka BAN. She has gone from tirelessly pushing her open-door migration policies to doubling down on the the burka. Has she seen the light? Or rather the darkness that is plaguing her country because of her blind leadership?

Merkel came out with her shock news at a Christian Democratic Union conference she had recently attended.

It’s just so surprising really. Unless you connect to dots with the other piece of news she had shared at this conference soon after her announcement on the burka ban.

She declared that she will be seeking re-election.

Surprise, surprise…she hasn’t seen the light, she’s seen opportunity. For herself.

Her tune has changed and it’s changed to one that the people have been singing for ages…

“The full veil must be banned wherever it is legally possible,” she said to a large round of applause.



  1. I guess our populist movement on this side of the pond was loud enough for her to hear. You would have thought that Brexit would have been enough. We are tired of the liberal agenda of allowing a minority to take over the majority way of life. The silent majority giant has awoken. Finally!

  2. Should be done here as well.

  3. Now America needs to lead the way in banning Muslims! 78% of this country is Christian, we don't want nor need a bunch of religious Terrorists. A Muslim is as dangerous as a Pit-bull, both are breed for one thing, KILLING!

  4. Burka ban? BS it's too late for that those Muslims will tear that country apart and rape every German woman they can. The first thing they need to do is get rid of Angela Merkle, send her into the Muslim areas with no protection and see how she likes getting raped.

  5. 5:03, she might like it, just look at her, that would be the only action that hag will have gotten in years!


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