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Friday, December 02, 2016

Donald Trump Wants You To Stop Saying ‘Happy Holidays’ And Start Saying ‘Merry Christmas’

The president-elect — who once said his favorite book was the Bible — repeatedly insisted that if he was elected, people would be saying “Merry Christmas” instead of the politically correct “happy holidays.”

“The word Christmas,” Trump said on the campaign trail last September at the Values Voter Summit. “I love Christmas. I love Christmas. You go to stores, you don’t see the word Christmas. It says happy holidays all over. I say, ‘Where’s Christmas?’ I tell my wife, ‘Don’t go to those stores.'”

“I want to see Christmas. I want to see Christmas.’”



  1. I have never been politically correct, nor will I ever be, therefore, I have always said Merry Christmas and will continue to do so. Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year.

  2. Merry Christmas!!!!!

  3. Trump needs to stay focused on what he plans to do for this country. He can only control himself, not people. I doubt the Bible is his favorite book, if it was or is, he should have known that 2 Corinthians is 2nd Corinthians. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

    1. See you already changed what he said to fit your opinion. That's called being "typical liberal". President Trump said it's his favorite book so I believe him. Btw MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  4. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Let's KEEP Christ in Christmas.

  5. Once again you guys are so hell bent on the false narratives you miss the true story. "Happy Holidays" is a construct of the retailers in their attempt to keep you shopping from the moment back to school shopping ends through the MLK holiday. They couldn't care less about political correctness. If you recall, the shift in phrasing occurred but no one heard of any real mass outrage at "merry christmas".

  6. "...You go to stores, you don’t see the word Christmas. It says happy holidays all over..."

    That's because Christmas is a celebration of Christ, not shopping.

  7. VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!

  8. Happy Holidays and Merry Xmas was just the way the atheist wanted to get Christ out of Christmas. Christmas is a religious holiday. They waned to keep the money that the holiday created. But they wanted to kick God and Christ out of the equation. We celebrate Christmas because that was the birthday of Jesus Christ. There is just no getting around it. So A Very MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.


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