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Friday, December 02, 2016

Choose One


  1. Show me the money!

  2. Rich and single it is!

  3. been poor and in love, so 2nd time around I pick rich and single

  4. I pick rich and single any day....

  5. Money can buy a lot of things for sure. However, can't buy happiness or health.Married 47 years to the same wonderful woman; we started with nothing and are not wealthy but we are happy, have a beautiful warm and loving home, proud parents of two educated children, six grandchildren, we celebrate traditional holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays, we go to Church on Sunday and we still have some to help those less fortunate. To me that is what it is all about.

  6. Rich and Single. You can rent love. Or at least something like it and still hold on to most of your money.

  7. Rich and single! Being rich, I can find hourly love as I need it.

    It would be just like I was married anyway, after all, you have to give your wife money for sex, just in a different way.

  8. Yep been there and done that poor and in love thing. I'll take rich and single any day over that contrary to belief money can buy you happiness in my book.

  9. Single and rich for sure. When dating, it is always said with much distain, "all men want is sex!" That's not necessarily always true, but remember women want everything else, financial support, emotional support, romance, unexpected gifts and gestures, the big wedding, fantasy honeymoon, and the expectation that men cannot have a rough day.

    Google or Youtube "MGTOW", and read about Men Going Their Own Way. These days a lot of guys are MGTOW, but may not know it.

  10. Cha Cha Cha CHING!!!

  11. Since my wife died I am poor and alone.

  12. Money can't buy you love. But you can sure rent it for a little while.

  13. Same as above,been broke and in love forever..would take the cash in a do-over!!

  14. a scene from Breaking Bad


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