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Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Viewer/Witness Writes: JMB fight today- from someone who was there


I witnessed firsthand the out-of-control behavior, fighting, and assaults that occurred at the madhouse known as JMB today. Staff and good students are frightened that they are next- victims of the predators at this "school." Parents pulled their students in droves today and teachers had to walk students to and from the bathroom out of fear of those students being assaulted.

The mayhem was a seen straight from a horror movie. A student started a violent fight upstairs and were separated by staff. Then a girl tried to assault, push a student over the balcony, and blood was everywhere. Mayhem ensued, students started all-out chaos and what could only be described as a riot. A girl downstairs who was just trying to get to class was hit in the head by a full bottle of water thrown from above. Students running wild, cursing staff, accosting other students and now trying to kill staff. THIS IS ALL ON VIDEO JUST LIKE THE ATTEMPTED MURDER OF MRS FORBUSH AND MR BRIGGS! get a freedom of information act request and show what these "students" are really up to!

When does the madness end? PLEASE KEEP THE INFO FLOWING! DO NOT LET UP!

We need change- what is this liberal crap doing to our country???


  1. Why are these thugs permitted to stay?

    1. It's called public school

    2. Because they are black and Margo Handy protects them.

  2. Every one of these students doing these assaults should be charged with attempted murder and locked up . Where is the press release about the girl that "fell" or was possibly "thrown" from the 2nd balcony last week? this school is out of control and all parents who have decent kids attending should be over there demanding that there children go to school and feel safe. I hope furbush and Figgs are okay they are wonderful administrators . Get the thugs out of our schools!

    1. The sad thing is that the administration and staff have their hands tied. Their told to pacify, pacify, pacify. All about keeping the numbers in school. Gotta get that funding. Crazy!!!

  3. Where are the school deputies? Is there any Supervision? So sad...

  4. Sue the county if your kid gets hurt.

  5. Baltimore is slowly taking over the bury

  6. It's Briggs, not Figgs.

  7. Dear fellow parents of JMB kids,

    Ironically, just prior to the mayhem that disrupted school today Principal Briggs made an uplifting speech to the entire staff and student body. He observed that in spite of the attack on Mrs Forbush and himself that he still felt that JMB was the best school in the County and that things will get better in the future. He is probably correct that on a competitive academic basis that the JMB student body probably does perform better than the other schools....maybe not in every metric, but overall. Indeed, I believe when the national rankings were updated last year, JMB was the highest rated in the county.

    However, that ranking is based on the good works and great effort of the children that are not fighting everyday, committing violent crimes against each other and staff, and generally disrupting a fine structure and learning environment. If the administration, Board of Ed and Superintendent are either unwilling or unable to establish a safe learning environment for all of the good students at JMB, then as parents we should immediately pursue options for removing our children from the school system.

    There are more than enough qualified parents in the neighborhoods off Pemberton Drive and Nanticoke Road to establish home school cooperatives, pursue the legal requirements for a charter school, or simply enroll in Private and Parochial schools in the area.

    By Monday afternoon the school system should be in contact with us parents with a clear and concise plan to immediately remove every bad kid from JMB (they know precisely who they are)as well as a plan for the ongoing safety of the institution.

    If the school system cannot safeguard the good kids, because they are indeed powerless to deal with the bad kids, then the system must be deemed a failure and should be dismantled.

    The WCBOE should know they probably get one shot to address this now or risk a mass exodus. I'm sure everyone wants the BOE and JMB to be successful in this effort, but if they can't keep our kids safe, are we not forced to consider other options?

    1. Amen... I've said it before and will say it again. Bring expulsion back to our county. No tolerance for fighting/violence. Parents need to step up and visit the Board of Ed in droves demanding solutions for JMB and Salisbury Middle School.

    2. Agree. When I was in hig school I know People who got EXPELLED for way less than this mess. My niece got expelled for repeatedly leaving school property almost everyday she wasn't suspended for leaving school property!!! No fighting no disrespect to admin or teachers. Just did not like school. Now no suspensions for that or lateness. Teachers hands are tied, we try but they know you really can't do anything. Disrupts learning for those who want to do so. I see it EVERYDAY in class.

    3. And please wcboe do not send those kids to Parkside or any other school. We have enough students who do not know how to behave properly at Parkside, we do not need more.

  8. I would use the word "so called students" isntead of students-- they are nothing but societies throw aways--and let's throw them to ECI for life

  9. Anybody contacted the governors office ?

  10. Liberal teachers don't know whats right or wrong to do anymore.

    1. Oh so now we blame teachers?

    2. Teachers have no say in what goes on FYI

  11. No Child Left Behind is why you have grown ass men as old as 21 in high schools with your kids.The same act also protects them and insists they stay in school as long as they can,when they are clearly not there to learn.Private school people.Sending your kids to JMB is child abuse.

    1. Are you paying for the private school?

  12. We all want JMB to succeed but our children's lives need to be protected. If the BOE cannot provide a safe environment then let the exodus begin.

  13. Is this or has this been a race issue of some sort? Are the so called thugs black or white or both?

  14. Every person attending school has the right to feel safe and secure. If the Administrators, and the BOE can not do their jobs effectively, it is time for a complete overhaul of the BOE. As a taxpayer that puts up with the crying and wailing of the school union, and the BOE every year for more taxpayer monies "for the children" I am not willing to allow the Council to give the BOE any more money unless and until this school gets all programs, administrators, and children completely under control. If that means calling in the Guard to get this under control so be it.

    You need to forget this liberal BS, and get back to basics, teach to learn, and respect for yourself and others. Failure to comply, expulsion.

  15. This mess has got to stop, I have several grandchildren in these schools & I fear for their safety. No wonder kids don't want to go to school!!!!

  16. Please don't throw blame at " liberal teachers". We are powerless. Sadly most teachers are forced to send their kids to private schools because they see the violence and corruption first hand everyday. It's really a shame that's the state and boards of education everywhere prioritize 20 or 30 future inmates over hundreds of good students who want a safe learning environment. It's terrible and all good parents are going to have to unite to change things.

    1. Exactly. The parents have to speak up

  17. It is my understanding that during the first week of school back in september that the new superintendent had a face-to-face meeting with every senior that had had any history behavioral issues in previous years. Allegedly, in these meetings she told these students that they already had two strikes against them and if they wanted to graduate they were going to be model students this year. This being said, and if what I was told had any truth to it, I am curious to see what her response will be to this weeks' goings-on.

  18. I saw video posted by students on various social media and it's all types of students involved! I saw black white and Spanish and saw staff swinging and cursing also. More officers and more parent involvement needed!

  19. 1) Take the oldest, non air conditioned school building in the county and install bars on all windows, protective cubicles (with a/c) for the teachers, separate entrance

    2) Install bunk cells in half the building for the "students".

    3) "students" may walk from their quarters to their one classroom each day for their lessons, teachers will rotate from room to room cubicles so all "students" get the three R's.

    4) lunch will be served through a slot in the door to each classroom. Trays will be counted
    and returned, or the student will incur lockdown in their bunk next day.

    5) school will run 5 days a week, no holidays, and weekends will be on lockdown.

    6) Minimum sentence to this school will be 6 months, with no classroom time credits issued unless a maximum of 5 missed assignments, F's, curse words, or any minor acts is avoided.

  20. They do everything they can for the criminals. They do everything they can to keep these kids in school. I have no idea why.

  21. The students should stage a walkout because they don't feel safe. I mean if a tweet can wreak havoc in a school, what does needing an escort to use the bathroom do?

  22. Post the videos if you have them

  23. WBOC said it was a small fight outside before school started...LIARS !

    1. To clarify. The information was provided by the spokesperson for Wicomico BOE Tracey Sahler. Board of education trying to hide the mess at JMB

    2. Actually, it's the school board and school board spokesperson that is giving out the BS story about it being minor. The news reports the best they can with the information obtained. The problem is w liars in the board of ed NOT with the news folk.

  24. JMB should seriously consider having any student that misbehaves to be required to have their legal guardian attend school with them for as long as needed. If their parent cannot attend, the student cannot come back.

  25. 5:27 They don't care if you pull your kids out of the school, you still pay taxes for education.

    1. They receive a certain amount of money for each child....I believe it is upwards of $16k. Can you imagine if you received a voucher for such an amount of money and could put your child in any school you choose?

  26. These feral teens do not belong in the public school system.

  27. The downplayers are at work on this.You wouldn't believe the story I heard on the radio about this.It sounded like it was really a minor issue.

  28. The BOE is putting students and faculty at risk serious risk...How long until there is a shooting do to inaction ?

  29. Mold can only grow in the dark. If you shine enough light on this issue is will have to be cleaned up. This is why the school system attempts to keep all this under wraps and us in the dark.

  30. Schools are a gun free zone. MD has strict laws on owning handguns and you need to get a HQL first.

  31. JMB parents - keep your kids out of school until they deal with the scum causing all the problems and get them out of the school. You should not have to worry about your kids like this while they are in school. This is not just a minor little issue, it's major and it's just going to keep on happening if the parents don't act. Obviously the BOE is not going to do anything and school administrators hands are tied and the scum knows it. So sorry kids and parents are having to go thru this on a daily basis.


  32. expel them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Amen... I've said it before and will say it again. Bring expulsion back to our county. No tolerance for fighting/violence. Parents need to step up and visit the Board of Ed in droves demanding solutions for JMB and Salisbury Middle School.

    December 9, 2016 at 7:50 PM

    there is no expulsion option?

  34. The NAACP has been at Salisbury Middle School this week complaining about how one disruptive and undisciplined student is not being treated fairly. Perhaps they should spend a little time trying to counter the destructive thug culture mentality sweeping through our schools. Kids wearing gang colors, roaming the halls at will, listening to headphones all day, threatening teachers, robbing other students --- all daily occurances. And I'm talking middle school.

  35. I certainly hope the teachers and teachers unions thoroughly ENJOY the fruits of their labor and their union support of Americas first THUG president 8 years ago. This like many other ills in our society are OWNED by Barak Obama. HE has single handedly empowered the whole underbelly of society, especially in the black and Muslim communities. Kill cops, kill white people, the knock out game perpetrated by blacks against innocent whites. Obama is a Thug instigator, a Chicago Communist, a radical Alinskyite that seriously needs to go the way of Che.
    Unbelievable how STUPID and GULLIBLE America was.

  36. This kind of behavior with no effective consequences is why many good teachers have quit teaching.

  37. This is what liberalism has done to our once great Country!

  38. To December 9, 5:27

    "There are more than enough qualified parents in the neighborhoods off Pemberton Drive and Nanticoke Road to establish home school cooperatives, pursue the legal requirements for a charter school, or simply enroll in Private and Parochial schools in the area."

    I'm glad there are so many "qualified parents" over there on Pemberton and Nanticke. I guess us uneducated, apathetic wanna-be parents in the other parts of town are out of luck. Oh poor us. If only we could be as qualified (and well-off) as you to home school or send our kids to private school. Shucks, I wish I could be like you.

    From, a Wi-Hi parent (with a Master's degree and a good job who's a pretty good parent of children with morals and a good work ethic)

    1. I send my child to a private school and auffer to do it.. my husband makes 50k a year and I work part time.. we have very littel extra money but we sacrafice many many things
      So our child can attend
      Private school..there are days we have 10.00
      To our name but we do this because we are to frightened to send our child to these public schools. My husband is emploeyed in a service to the community industry and We are both highly educated people from previous privileged backgrounds that believe that our child deserves better than attending a school that has rapes and riots. Yes I am resentful sometimes that I pay for private school and still pay taxes for
      Public but its a choice we are making. Not everyone that sends their child to private school live in million dollar homes.. we suffer.. work 2 jobs and give up a lot to do so..

  39. The Wicomico county school system is still under investigation by the D.O.J. The Obama administration says that minority students are being disciplined at a higher rate than caucasians and that this must be addressed. This is what you get when you allow the current Federal Race-baiters to intimidate local politicians. Fight for local control at all levels of government.

  40. 2:39 NAILED IT...Liberalism at work - now live with it.Too bad my grandchildren have to.

    I certainly hope the teachers and teachers unions thoroughly ENJOY the fruits of their labor and their union support of Americas first THUG president 8 years ago. This like many other ills in our society are OWNED by Barak Obama. HE has single handedly empowered the whole underbelly of society, especially in the black and Muslim communities. Kill cops, kill white people, the knock out game perpetrated by blacks against innocent whites. Obama is a Thug instigator, a Chicago Communist, a radical Alinskyite that seriously needs to go the way of Che.
    Unbelievable how STUPID and GULLIBLE America was.

    December 10, 2016 at 2:39 AM

  41. elected school board is coming. get involved we need to do away with those who are in power and get some parents who will push for things to change. And not the kind of change we've had for the last eight years!
    big changes needed in this county!
    superintendent hanlin has open house weds dec 14 4 to 6 pm. be there! I will! and I want to know how she's gonna deal with these future eci inmates!

  42. Just youthful exuberance.

  43. the nepotism and good ole boy network at the BOE has to change! time for a house cleaning. get rid of all those do nothing appointed ass kissers and get some real leaders in there! you want good schools then take back the system. Get involved and make our schools great again!

  44. If your kid is smart and white then you must send them to private schools because they are ignored and put in danger here at our public schools. And if you have a daughter then it is a must!

  45. In new way am I defending this horrendous behavior.

    My children who are now in 1 in college and 1 very gainfully employed with a hard earned degree, attended and successfully graduated from a local high school with national honors. Both of them.

    Many of my friends, neighbors, and co-workers have had the exact same experience.

    This is not an accident of the system, nor is it the exclusive responsibility of the school to ensure.
    I see it primarily as the responsibility of the family and the student to prepare for and successfully navigate.

    It's called responsibility, personal accountability, courage, leadership, doing the right thing.
    With the right foundation and ongoing parental involvement, it works.

    If people expect the schools to also do the parenting, it can't possibly work.
    Parents need to teach their children right and wrong, model the behavior, and establish accountability.

    I hope this doesn't sound like I'm patting my parental self on the back. I'm not.
    It takes a great deal of hard work and sacrifice on the part of the parents and the children.

  46. We have pacified these kids. There is no discipline. Teachers have no control. Now theses out of control kids are bigger older and believe that everything is owed to them. What happened to Tha alternative school? What happened to expulsion?

  47. God help all the folks who can't afford to send their kids to private school. Going to school in Wicomico County is very dangerous. It used to be we were worried about how much homework we would have, now the kids worry about if the fights will involve them. The BOE should have an ambulance at each school in this county. Next step, national guard. It's not going to get better, these are the good old days. Down hill from here

  48. 7:41 "They do everything they can to keep these kids in school. I have no idea why."

    I'll tell you why-Federal funding.The more of these degenerates they prevent from dropping out,the more money they get from the DOE/BOE. If most of your students are low performing in tests and from poor households,you get designated as a "Title One" school which makes you eligible for more goodies from the government teat. Meanwhile,the kids who are serious about their education are neglected.They get no "special grants". Instead of investing more money on kids who don't want to be in school anyway,why arent we funding STEM workshops,peer counseling programs and other things that will benefit the kids who truly want to maximize their educational experience.It's all about the money.
    Private schools receive NO public money and therefore,are not beholden to the government to create policies that reward negative behavior or retain students who don't want to be there.

  49. It would be interesting as to how much federal money actually goes into the Wicomico Co. school system. We taxpayers have a right to have this information. Thinking (out of the box) it may be possible to find alternative funding so we can escape the black and white quotas. Sure it's a big challenge but it's a school of thought. Forget building new schools. The building itself does not solve the problem. Private schools do not have to put up with the liberal rules for funding. That's why they are so successful.

  50. Folks you really need to see how bad kids are in elementary schools. They attack teachers and staff daily. Its only going to get worse. Its not a school or BOE problem. The problem is society.

    1. "The problem is society"

  51. I hope everyone on thread will go to the BOE superintendent's open door meeting this month and let our voices be heard. This BS has got to stop and has to stop now. It's out of control.

    1. Good luck with that. Most parents won't bother. Just speaking from experience.

  52. What does "liberal crap" have to do with anything! Let me guess, it's Obama's fault!! Let's just pray about it..

  53. For all the families who want to but cannot send their kids to a private or religious based school thank goodness for Donald trump! He and his secretary of education believe in the voucher system. Parents who choose private or religious based schools will get credits for it. It will be a complete game changer in public education. Why do you think liberals are fighting it?

  54. Honestly, the DOJ has determined that too many minorities are being suspended in this county and it must stop. Suspension, to the kids causing problems, is just welcomed free time out of school. Expulsion has not been an option for some time which, in my opinion, is unacceptable. The teachers' and administrators' hands are tied by the BOE and MDDOE. Our BOE needs to fight the State and Federal governments to regain control of disciplinary measures. Keeping your child out of school will not really bother the schools, other than the fact that it will hurt their attendance % (funding again), but it will hurt your child academically. Go to the Superintendent's Open Door; contact the Governor; contact the MDDOE; do anything and everything you can to get expulsion back and stricter disciplinary rules. The Alternative School needs to be a permanent option for repeat offenders and, if they can't behave there...expel them! Then and only then will there be any hope that the parents will step up and deal with their children's behaviors (although, by then, I realize it may be too late). Regardless, they do NOT belong in our public schools if they are a threat to other students.

  55. I'm a teacher at JMB and I'm afraid to go to school on Monday. After last week I am concerned for my safety. There is a student I have to send out of the class everyday because of disruption. He comes in, puts his feet on the desk, listens to music, talks to others, sings out loud, and does whatever he wants. All while I am teaching. Last week I was teaching and he was waving his arms in the air singing loudly about "his niggas with triggers" and "f@ck the police". We had a big confrontation. The only thing he hasn't done is his school work! Now I wonder if he will retaliate. I have spoken with his other teachers who are experiencing the same thing. We have all written referral after referral after referral and nothing ever happens. In fact we have to show how we have tried to help him, being asked what interventions we have used to stop his behaviors. Well guess what? There is nothing we can do for someone like this!!! So now we have to just deal with it. So now I'm scared for my safety. Will he hit me? Will he bring a knife or other weapon to school because he hates me and I kick him out so others can learn? When will this stop? He is not the only one like this in our school!! Does someone actually have to die or be killed for something to happen? All week I have kept Mrs. Forbush in my thoughts. It is truly terrible that she was harmed. She cares about our school and staff and students. But after what happened to her, many of us are now asking, "will I be next"? Also, as a union member I find it disgusting that the union does nothing year after year. Both the our local and state unions say NOTHING about these injustices that are happening to us. You would think the union would stand up for us but they have proven to be silent and we are left to fend for ourselves.

    1. Get yourself a taser and do what you have to do for your safety. Teachers I urge you to stage a walkout. Parents will support you where your Union and the BOE will not.

  56. This is why I have a 13 year old vehicle with no heat that I drive. I take what would be a car payment and send my child to private school.

  57. 8:42 it sounds like the BOE and your Union have failed you...Maybe the teachers in Wicomico county should stage a walkout. I think the parents would support you we don't want you or our kids subjected to violent disruptive feral thugs. They don't want an education and want to deny other students from getting one.

  58. I pay taxes that fund these schools... The state and local government should pay for kids to go to private school.

  59. I believe in no child left behind but some should be left in prison cells while others go to school and lead productive lives. Get a clue. Wicomico Board of Ed doesn't give a hoot about your kids and you pay taxes for them to be placed in harm during the day. The WBOE needs a complete housecleaning. Get rid of everyone and start fresh with new people possessing innovative ideas. There's too much dead weight over there in that fancy new building. It's time to make the staff as 'clean' as the building's exterior. Right now it's just a sh&& pile wrapped in a pretty package.😣

  60. Time for home schooling. If a group of parents split the costs for teachers in the separate fields of study, students could learn from home and not be put in this type of violent environment five days a week. Contact Joe and he'll forward your info to me because I can teach English, Literature, Civics, Social Studies and History.

  61. This comment section is so lit

  62. 8:42 I swear I saw a wasp in your room earlier this month. Buy a can of wasp spray and keep it handy. 100% legal and will stop a lil thug in his tracks if you are being threatened.


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