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Thursday, November 17, 2016

We May Not Like His Trump Decision But You Have To Admit, He's The Best Governor Maryland Has Ever Enjoyed


  1. Maryland is still a Rob'em Hood state..take from the rich,middle income and give to the goverment n' greedy ghetto "needy"..until he stops that it doesn't really matter.

  2. 1:38 right on to that!

  3. Bob Aswell... tired of the political BSNovember 17, 2016 at 2:15 PM

    Hogan,UGH, we forgot to mention he sat on his fat ass and let the PUC ok a rate hike that makes everyones electric bill in the State go up by 7%. The Eastern Shore Delegation(ha,ha) also didn't make any waves because ALL OF THEM are taking campaign money from big electric. I not only couldn't opt out of the 'smart meters' for free now I have to help buy them. This is over and beyond the millions the power companies are getting from the Feds to improve the grids conductivity. They ALL SUCK and most assuredly and utimately will wind up in HELL. Bob Aswell..... Tired of the political BS.

  4. Get over it 12:15 P.M. so far I can't think of one better. But liberals have one track minds.

  5. where does Ehrlich fit on this list?

  6. What about letting honest folks carry weapons.

  7. He can only do so much with a left cartel controlled legislature.

  8. Go Gov Go.....he is sooooooo much better on his worse day than that idiot O'Malley could ever hope to be.

  9. Stop tootin your own horn, just do it

  10. Anonymous said...
    where does Ehrlich fit on this list?

    November 17, 2016 at 3:16 PM

    Ehrlich was a better Governor, just screwed over by his own party!

  11. I was disappointed with his decision to not support Donald Trump, but think he is doing a very good job as governor.

  12. November 17, 2016 at 2:15 PM:

    Get a big-arse generator for your house and get off the grid. See how much you save by buying fuel for your generator. Nothing says you HAVE to buy electricity from the power companies. But you might be surprised at how much it costs to make your own.


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