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Thursday, November 17, 2016

I'm Ready To Volunteer To Help Build The Wall, How About You?


  1. put all welfare recipients to work on the wall. Then watch how quick they get other jobs.

  2. And what about the privately owned land along the border?

  3. Join the Wall Corps today! I want to do my part.

  4. And what about the privately owned land along the border?

    You must not read news much
    If need be government can use whats needed to erect even a sidewalk
    Don't get the crybaby liberals started.
    Sorry if you are one?

  5. 3:59 sounds like you're accepting exactly what you elected Trump to fight -- an overreaching government capable of doing whatever they want.

    You're the one with your panties in a bunch over one question lol

  6. Is that all you fools know how to say welfare this welfare that. I'm not saying some on it shouldn't but most work and also get help. Grow the hell up and talk about the real problem

  7. everybody thats on welfare down south of the boarder should be put to work building it.

  8. Go thru any of the lower income neighborhoods in the middle of the day and see how many strong young men you see just hanging doing nothing.They don't want to work and they aren't going to as long as the tax payers are supporting them.

  9. I would rather see qualified masons build it and get paid to do it, but I can sign on as a helper.

  10. I will volunteer my time as well!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And what about the privately owned land along the border?

    November 17, 2016 at 2:21 PM

    If you were paying attention you would know that the land owners are sick and tired of the Mexican trash walking across their land and leaving garbage behind. Vandalizing their property and raping their women.

  12. Gonna be fence.....

  13. Make all the ones who came here illegally Make the Wall
    and make Mexico Pay for it Too.....

  14. I'll buy a block. Hey, if everyone that voted for him buys one...


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