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Sunday, November 20, 2016

This Is One Of The Reasons Why Salisbury News Is So Important

Yesterday we published an article about a robbery occurred at the Center at Salisbury Mall. Don't you find it incredible that not one of the main stream media sources have run an article about such a serious matter?

Is Joe Albero the Anti Christ because we exposed the TRUTH? The information we published has been confirmed by multiple witnesses and sources. 

As I have mentioned in the past, I've been confronted by community leaders for years now asking me to stop publishing such negative articles about Salisbury. I have butted heads with every Mayor since I started Salisbury News. Why, because we told the truth and we have exposed thousands of questionable and documented things going on that clearly wasn't pampered. We've not shown favoritism because we run Salisbury News for the benefit of the PUBLIC. 

When the new local free newspaper came out they basically said they were going to run positive news and information on a local level. It would be against their grain to expose an armed robbery. However, what about WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times?

When I watched WBOC this morning their main local stories were about the Bypass and the flea market parking lot 10 being surplussed. When it comes to the Bypass, it is what it is. As for the parking lot, they conveniently mentioned commercial and housing going in there. Do you not wonder if it will include Affordable Housing? Do you not think WBOC should've asked that question?

Nevertheless, there was NOTHING mentioned about the robbery at the Mall, yet it has been 100% confirmed. Your local media is not serving you as a community. It's no wonder, (seriously) why Salisbury News has hits in the tens of millions. We have soared to massive popularity because we are the only news source that is actually run based on our community first. 

The only way we can fix situations like what recently happened at the Mall is to confront it head on. I have always said, "You cannot fix something you are not aware of". Just imagine if I was your Mayor or Council Member. While I may not be liked or appreciated by community leaders, at least situations like this would be addressed and solutions would be brought forth. Right now, well, it's covered up and guess what, Salisbury has no gangs, less crime and we have rainbow colored skies. Can you tell me of a current council member that is actually addressing crime and jobs?

I should add, I know MANY women who refuse to come to Salisbury at night. While some of you might take that lightly, it's a serious problem. THAT is Salisbury's reputation. So let's plant trees and pave Main Street Downtown because that will revitalize everything. Idiots! 


  1. joe, you are right with all you said. salisbury has hidden things like real
    crime stats and other local problems for years. if it wasn't for you, we would have very little idea of what really goes on here. keep up the good work. thanks sjd

  2. Liberals can't handle the truth. This is why Trump won and MSNBC is losing their ever loving minds. Life is good!

  3. Speaking of downtown, I wouldn't be surprised with the Fiber going in downtown that someone in the Porn industry sets up shop in some of the empty buildings.

    As to the news it is sad when WBAL comes here to expose the truth when WBOC/WMDT can't or won't.

  4. Wish a factory or something other than a restaurant would come here. Have you noticed that there are alot of for sale signs on homes in Salisbury? Going down riverside, there seemed to be quite a few. Its amazing that the council and mayor think that Salisbury is only from Main st at 13 to Mill Street. Just wait till the roundabout goes in!

  5. We love you Joe because you speak up
    like Trump with the truth. Thank goodness for the blog so people in Salisbury can be well informed. Tired of people who are in denial about what goes on in our town and those trying to keep it all hush hush.

  6. Salisbury is a sewer

  7. To all the mainstream hacks who read here to find out what's really going on, thanks for nothing. Crime has been flourishing for decades in Salisbury, in part due to your failure to call attention it. You deserve to take the places of the crime victims you have let down, but instead many of you have lost your jobs and the rest of you are going to soon. That's what you get for not telling the truth like you were supposed to do as journalists and media.

  8. Same way spd is covering up crime at SU.

  9. I live on east college ave. And recently one weekend I know of three crimes that occurred and not reported by any local media.

  10. There are definitely worse places to live, but not acknowledging and informing the public about the crime here is a crime in itself.

    1. Salisbury has one of the worst violent crime rates, per capita, in the country. It is, literally, among the least safe places to live. The schools are some of the worst in the country and the police are spread much too thin. There is so much potential and so many have put so much effort in to making it better...if only it was that easy...
      The crime has to be dealt with,
      and schools have to be dealt with. Fix those problems and our home values will skyrocket, food stores will come and people will actually WANT to live in what could be a very beautiful town.
      But how do we do that?

  11. Salisbury still has a mall?
    WOW - I am so out of touch!


  12. The Mayor is elected.
    He cannot be fired.
    Someone may want to brush up on civics class.

  13. Run for mayor joe you could be the next trump we need change around here also Joe for mayor of Salisbury lets go joe

  14. If my wife wants to go shopping at night or grocery shopping, I always go with her. It isn't safe anymore in Salisbury. I've been hit up more than once by homeless when I get gas. They ask for money and when I say no, they cuss you out! I called the cops about this, and was told if they are not hurting anyone, they are not going to do anything about it! What about harassment? I've had this happen at Gordy's Exxon, Wawa in South Salisbury blvd, and the Royal Farms last summer near Hebron.
    Go on any Friday night or Saturday, and you will see many youth gangs hanging out in the mall. The Acme, which was formally Giant is also a hang out for the homeless. They use the electrical outlets outside to charge their phones. Can't go the library either. Homeless sleep on the sofa or congregate there to get of of the cold. Quit going there as well.
    I haven't seen any of this in Easton or Annapolis when we shop there.

  15. I've also seen a lot of for sale signs around Camden Avenue and Riverside drive. You can tell people are looking for a way to get the hell out of Salisbury! Abandoned homes as well. I wonder if that is why they have delayed the Sheriffs sales this year? Too many delinquent taxpayers?

  16. 3:23 PM - Lots of empty-nesters. Once the kids have left and retirement kicks in, it's time to leave the 3000 square foot house.

  17. Truth Joe! Half of the shootings that occur around here don't make the news. They only report when someone dies, or it's impossible to sweep under the rug

    1. Amen!!! Shootings occur all over Salisbury!! They cover it up by saying you heard fireworks. SPD is a joke and wboc just as bad. Still waiting to find out who's bullets hit my home in Oct.

  18. I am soooooo sick of turning on local stations and receiving NOTHING but Delaware news. I live in Maryland. I haven't been to the mall at night in so many years I cannot remember. As a woman I don't feel comfortable at night but now I'm not sure I feel comfortable in the mall at any hour. The mall security did NOTHING?????

  19. Let truth out. The people have a right to know.

  20. They don't want to scare away people from the busiest shopping season of the year. They care more about money and business than the lives of people who shop there. Local authorities need to do something or shoppers should boycott by buying online instead of going to the mall.

  21. Trump's countrywide conceal permit cannot come fast enough IMHO.

  22. You can't watch WBOC without all the commercials allowed by law (FCC) and then when they are reporting news it is nothing but plugs for a furniture store. I will never buy from that furniture store just because of their slimy tactics of advertising. Even their stupid paint job on their "Chopper" and furniture store sticker in the background of the camera shots. They need to sell their helicopter and hire some good non liberal news reporters if there is such of a thing. Bye the way I watch about 2 minutes of news a week anymore. You can get all the news WBOC has every other day from 6:00.00 to 6:00.30 (30 seconds) If I want to know what's going on I am on Salisbury News. Good work Joe.

  23. Joe, next election cycle - Ocean City Council.
    Don't think why.

    Think Why NOT?

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Mayor is elected.
    He cannot be fired.
    Someone may want to brush up on civics class.

    November 15, 2016 at 2:00 PM

    Starting with you perhaps.


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