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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Missing Person: UPDATE

The Fruitland Police Department is once again asking for assistance locating Leila Jackson. Leila Jackson is a 16 year old and was last seen during the morning of November 15, 2016, in the area of the Moss Hill Apartments. Leila was last seen wearing black pants and a pink t-shirt showing her midriff area, and tan Timberland boots. Leila is considered critically missing, due to her age, but foul play is not suspected at this time. If anyone has any information regarding Leila’s location please contact the Fruitland Police Department immediately (410)548-2803.


  1. This is third time in a month. Think it's time for state intervention

  2. Every time I see this photo, the Mickey Mouse Club theme starts up in my head.

    1. M.I.C.K.E.Y. M.O.U.S.E......MICKEY MOUSE....la la la.....too funny man...too funny

  3. Time for an intervention....fruitland needs some help.

  4. How about putting on a 72-hour psych hold since she is getting the attention she so badly wants every time this is posted. Her social media accounts blow up from this with thousands of people being just curious as to how the story unfolds. How many times can someone cry wolf before getting labeled as such?

  5. This child has dealt with more in the last 2-3 years than most adults do in a lifetime. She needs help. She needs someone to care for her and help her out of a bad situation. The last thing adults should do is criticize her.

    1. Waaaaaaaa typical liberal open ur front door for them waaaaaa

    2. I agree. She's been through a lot. And it's nobody's place to judge or criticize. We need to help our children not tear them down.

  6. Someone obviously wasnt/isn't doing their job! Social Services needs to be contacted by the police since it is the 3rd time in a month reporting her missing! Social Services needs to take the child out of the home setting she is in!!!!!

    1. Spd police do there job ? Is like the mayor reporting illegal felons to I.C.E

    2. Social Services in Wicomico County is a joke

  7. Where is the STATE.?????

  8. She's been through what? Life? I lost both of my parents, brother and aunt in a crash caused by a drunk driver at the age of 8 and had to live a neighbor for over a year until my uncle came back from Desert Shield/Storm back in the 90's. I didn't act out, but that's because I was taught better. This girl hasn't been taught better. Instead, she has found something that works to get her the attention she wants, but not the kind of attention she needs which is for a psychologist to get involved and get her the therapy she needs.

  9. All these military equipment the cops are given, all this money they are given... They raise our taxes to pay for more cops and their crap, and they are asking US to help them do THEIR JOB???? Help them do what they get paid to do by out tax dollars??? Yeah, its true cops are welfare recipients and like all welfare recipients, they need help to do their job if they even have one...

    Yet cops can lie, cheat, steal, kill and abuse people with no consequence...

  10. @4:01 Please don't call them when you need help...but I'm willing to bet they will be the first ones you call 😏

  11. Where was the SOD minority report machine ? Lol

  12. There is no state anything riding in on a white horse.Children will grow up according to their upbringing.

  13. 4pm how much do you charge at your professional practice? Man you are good. Diagnosed the problem without ever stepping into this girl's life.

  14. Sorry but I believe there is a state resolution to such behavior it used to be called Carter center for troubled youth. If this young lady keeps putting her safety and well being in jeopardy and the parents can't control the behavior I think that's what it's there for. She obviously needs some mental and emotional help

  15. By "help" do you mean letting her run wild? This why there is an endless cycle of teen mothers who end up raising their kids the way they were and repeating the problem.

  16. I'm waiting for the next SBYNews post on this individual entitled, "Whoops! Missing Again!"


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