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Monday, November 14, 2016

Rep. Huelskamp: Speaker Ryan Does Not Have 218 Votes

The chairman of the House Tea Party Caucus and one of the first men to come out against Speaker John A. Boehner told Breitbart News that he does not think Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R.-Wis.) has the votes to keep his gavel.

“I just don’t think he has the votes,” said Rep. Timothy A. Huelskamp (R.-Kansas), who lost his primary Aug. 2 and returns to private life after this session of Congress.

Huelskamp said he is concerned that the House Republican leadership is in a hurry to, first, get itself rubber-stamped inside the conference and then to proceed with an aggressive lame duck agenda.

The Kansan said that, in the lame duck session itself, he expects to see two bills come up that no one is expecting—the Internet Sales Tax and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, negotiated by President Barack Obama with our Pacific trading partners.

Before the current recess, the speaker led House Republicans to believe that he would not push for the TPP deal, but Huelskamp said if you read between the lines, Ryan actually left the door open.

For six years, Republicans have blocked Democratic attempts to pass an Internet Sales Tax that would circumvent the 1992 Supreme Court Quill Decision, which ruled that the Quill office supply company was not obligated to collect sales taxes for states other than the state in which it was located.

Huelskamp said there is an Internet Sales Tax bill all ready to go, written by the staff of the House Judiciary Committee and supported by the GOP leadership.

The tax bill is set to be sprung without warning, he said.



  1. These 2 bills will again IMO prove Ryan's true colors. I do not believe it will be "RED".

  2. If it passes, the turd will sign it...hopefully, it will be the first to get repealed after we hold handle down while flushing!

  3. ANY name, on ANY Bill....seeking more tax raping of the Citizens...should be FLUSHED!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I believe Ryan needs to go!!

  5. Drain the swamp. Sometimes you have to get a few snakes along with the alligators. Still gotta drain it, even if you might like some snakes or alligators.
    Watch them, as an avenue for new taxes has been dangling in front of them for years. They are sweating at the prospect of collecting billions more from "we, the people". It's a gold mine.... They know, however, that the idea of "internet taxes" is so odious to the American people that they will use midnight votes and quiet, sneaky roll calls and riders to slip it through. Working for the people, and all that.

    Don't say I didn't warn ya.
    They need MONEY. Your money. And they will get it.
    Keep cheering.

  6. They get plenty of money already. They need to spend more wisely.


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