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Monday, November 14, 2016

Police Officer Suspended After Driving with Confederate Flag

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — A northern Michigan police officer has been suspended with pay after he was seen off-duty driving a pickup truck bearing a Confederate flag around a group protesting Republican Donald Trump’s election as president.

Traverse City police Chief Jeff O’Brien announced Michael Peters’ suspension Sunday after earlier saying an internal investigation was to start Monday to see if departmental rules were broken.

O’Brien tells the Traverse City Record-Eagle that Peters “is not working as a police officer.” He expects to meet with Peters on Monday.



  1. He might be on someone else's payroll to foment fear in protestors and prolong this foolishness with maximum airtime. The MSM is eating this up with a spoon in each hand.

  2. His rights don't count?

  3. The dumbocrats have essentially abolished freedom of expression in favour of political correctness.

    The confederate battle flag represents a pat of our history - and the dumbocrats are dooming is to repeat it!

  4. Its no more or less offensive than the BLM flag, the ISIS flag or the LGBT flag. ALL of these are protected under the first amendmant.

  5. This political correctness nonsense needs to end. It's the result of liberal propaganda being taught in public schools. Let's see what the Republicans do now that they dominate both Houses of Congress and the White House as of January 20.

  6. The cops civil rights have been violated.

  7. He was OFF DUTY !!!GET IT, IT'S HIS LIFE.

  8. 1st amendment right... liberals want it BOTH ways. It's all about them... I support this police officer.

  9. This is the real white lash...The discrimination of white Americans has been ignored far too long.

  10. yet students protest with a mexican flag and thats ok

  11. Let him draw the pay....he will be promoted on January 21, 2017!!!

  12. He was off-duty. He can drive around with anything he wants as long as he isn't breaking the law. Its called freedom of speech. As far as I can see he did nothing wrong. Just a liberal police chief trying to say he isn't politically correct. The police officers freedom and rights are being stomped on in the name of political correctness.

  13. I do not agree with this decision to suspend him at all, he has the right to fly that flag. His employer also has the right to suspend him if it is detrimental to the department. He is free from prosecution, not from getting in trouble at work.

    Here is the hypocrisy that happens in the United States now. Protestors burn the American flag, stomp on it, and even fly flags from other countries and it is overlooked. But if a white person pulls out a confederate flag they have crossed the line. It may be seen as a symbol of racism to some, but that does not mean it does for all. The herd mentality that everyone must conform to the "progressive values" is getting out of hand and is a huge component as to why Mr. Trump will be in the White House come January.


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