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Monday, November 14, 2016

Radio Silence: Obama FAILS to Condemn Violent Trump Riots

Immediately following Donald Trump’s massive upset over Hillary Clinton at the polls Tuesday, a bunch of special snowflakes who didn’t get their way took to the streets to protest the new president-elect, proceeding to flip cars, burn stuff and cause general manic and mayhem.

Because in America, this is apparently how we solve our problems now. Didn't get what you wanted? Burn a car.

But while fires rage in the streets, cops get attacked and both public and private property gets defaced nationwide, the country has been met with noticeable radio silence from folks like President Barack Obama and former presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who’ve yet to call for an end to the oft-violent protests that have left some cities in shambles.

While Obama met with president-elect Trump yesterday at the White House and touted a peaceful transition of power come January, the current occupant of the Oval Office has yet to issue any kind of statement condemning the protests, attacks and open calls for Trump’s death.

I mean, literal calls for his death.

Now, it’s not like a plea for peace from any public figure will suddenly placate all the whining crybabies who apparently possess no capacity for handling defeat like adults. Decades of coddling and participation trophies are hard to unravel overnight.

But still, a little effort might be nice, especially from the guy who constantly lectures us on being nice to illegal aliens and potential terrorists.



  1. The riots will continue until George Soros is arrested for inciting the snowflakes.

    1. Yep and did you see what he dix to the british pound and the french economy Google him, he is a felon in france and a disgrace in America.

  2. radio silence? Could have swore I just saw him give a national speech at the WH on this exact topic

  3. That would go against his "Community Organizer" background

  4. I believe Obama is to address the Nation at 3:15. However, I doubt that they will listen to him.

    1. He is the one that did this bc obama wants a Race war but that would only last 3 days.

  5. What do you expect from a racist and the worst president in the history of the US?

  6. He fails to condemn Muslin terrorism, race riots, blm members, and now the anti Trump protesters. Whats new? Obama to me is the most racist, hateful president we have every had in office. Worst president on foreign policy and the economy. It will take generations to undo the damage he has done already!
    I'm counting the days until he is out of office! Looking for him to pardon Hilary from prosecution. I'm sure he will still provoke some more false flag events and executive decisions before leaving office. You can count on it!!

  7. I still think he is the anti Christ!

  8. Obama was doing what he does best, avoidance, first golfing, now heading overseas. Can not wait for him to be GONE!!!!

  9. George Soros is one of the elites.
    He can't be arrested.

  10. Soros is 86. He won't be around much longer, but still, long enough to change the world to his liking.

  11. Obama and the dems are in denial. He does not care at this point.

  12. exactly what we expect from this oppress.


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