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Monday, November 14, 2016

Anti-Trump Protesters Adopt Safety Pin as Symbol

Protesters rejecting the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States have adopted the safety pin as a symbol of their movement. Safety pins were once associated with diapers, and were ubiquitous in the age before disposable diapers.

USA Today reports:

Safety pins have become a symbol of solidarity with refugees and other migrants since the historic Brexit vote to leave the European Union in June.

Now, people in the United States are showing that they are allies with groups — including LGBT, minorities and women — who say they feel threatened by Donald Trump’s election..



  1. It's to hold their diaper up.

  2. That's so they can pin the tail on their donkey....dumocrats....

  3. They need safety pins for their diapers - they're whiny babies!

  4. I feel threatened by them, but do you think anyone gives a rats a$$ how I feel? Likewise for them!

  5. Safety pins are cheaper than Depends. If they bought Depends they would be helping the economy and putting people to work .Safety pins come from China.

  6. Safety pins were used in the Netherlands and worn under the collar to protest Fascism and Hitlers rule. Perhaps they see parallels between the two. I hope Trump serves our country well

  7. 1:42 tell them to move to Russia or Cuba and see what they are really missing!!!! DUMBASSES

  8. Cuba is nice. Was there last month. Enjoy it as soon as possible, because Americans will ruin it shortly.

  9. I am beginning to think that a lot of these people are an order of fries short of a full happy meal.

  10. We need a symbol for those of us who want the illegals to be deported and who don't want men in womens' rest rooms.

    Maybe a ROCK?

    (ie. rock, paper, siccors, safety pin)

  11. 2:07 Russia and Cuba are hardly facist. I see where you're going though.

  12. Everyone just acknowledge their "diaper pin" and they'll stop.

  13. What about the LGBTs who supported Trump? And women? And Latinos? All from these and other groups did not support Hillary.


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