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Sunday, November 20, 2016

JUST IN: Sen. Barbara Boxer to introduce bill to end Electoral College

Washington (CNN)Retiring Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, who was an outspoken supporter of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election, is set to introduce a Senate bill that aims to end the Electoral College.

Boxer announced in a statement on Tuesday that the bill, which she planned to introduce later Tuesday afternoon, would determine the winner of presidential elections by the outcome of the popular vote.

She cited President-elect Donald Trump's victory in the Electoral College despite Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's apparent popular vote advantage.



  1. The losers in federal elections always do this. But it will take a 3/4 majority of states to make it happen. End of story.

  2. we could have had Gore as a president if this had been pasted back then

  3. Lololol
    But if she won there would be no issue , hey boxer go box your lips closed, this is the same pos that told a 3 🌟🌟🌟 general to call her Sanator boxer as she EARNED IT.

  4. Good luck with that.

  5. This is not a joke.

    Eliminating the electoral college is a move toward Democracy.
    Our Country is not a democracy.
    Democracy is evil.
    Majority rules.
    Minority opinion is eliminated or punished.

    This is communism.

  6. pure ignorance here.

  7. She doesn't want people to have representation...Democrats are Communists.

  8. Lolol
    They need the house,senate,and 30 STATESto change the 2nd amendment article 1 SCREW YOU SWEETHEART.

  9. Check the anatomy. There are no nuts involved.

  10. 6:58 PM nuts meaning brains!

  11. Ms. Boxer, it's regrettable that you should spent the rest of your days on Earth with your head up your rectum, but the choice was yours, and so it shall be.;

  12. Should have been done long ago ...but prob won't ever happen.....

    Now that crybaby Dems now want it...maybe it will....

  13. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  14. Typical liberal, lose due to the rules or regulations so lets change them so next time it will go in our favor and if the change gives the opposition a win change them back again!

  15. only for this if you want five of the biggest states to choose our government's top official, the President.

  16. Electoral college gives a voice to those states with less in population.

  17. Polosi,barbara boxcar RETIRE already you 2 pos.

  18. This is an empty move. It won't pass now, let alone in the nexr congress

  19. Yea when Dems loose they don't want Elect College....
    If Republicans lost , Oh it would be Fine ......


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