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Sunday, November 27, 2016

JUST IN: Clinton campaign: We are taking part in the recount

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton's campaign said Saturday it will take part in efforts to push for recounts in several key states, joining with Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who has raised millions of dollars to have votes counted again in Wisconsin.

But, in a post on Medium, Marc Elias, the campaign's counsel, said the campaign's own investigation has not uncovered any evidence of hacking of voting systems.

In the campaign's most detailed comments to date on the recount, Elias wrote that while the campaign was not going to contest the results itself, it has decided now to take part in the effort to "ensure that it is fair to all sides."

Green Party officials filed Friday for a recount in Wisconsin after reports of voting discrepancies.


  1. Be careful what you wish for Hillary.
    We know you and your cronies are just mad that your hacks didn't work to your benefit.
    Wasn't it you that said it was unamerican to question the out come of the election?

  2. She will win. She will rub it in. And then she will go after conservatives. Bad times ahead, folks.

  3. This is the same tactic the demonrats use over and over. Keep recounting until the demonrat is ahead and then stop

  4. Her and Soros just needed a little time to get their ducks in a row and manipulate the figures.

  5. Recount of what? The electorate? She can win the popular vote and still lose so what is the point of all this? Someone please explain, and I mean someone with a clue, not some basement dweller taking guesses.

  6. Once the dead people are counted out Trump will come out just fine.

  7. She's looking to sway Electoral College members before the December vote. It's not going to work. The popular vote numbers will be essentially the same in every state, not enough to warrant an elector's change of heart.
    This is all another money-making ruse to fill the Clinton coffers. Don't be fooled.

  8. They should look into all the votes she got which alot alot were probably illegals dead people etc and really see how bad she lost even with all the lies

  9. Anyone "pay" for all this extra time?

  10. She will fail or be killed in the process.

  11. But Hillary I thought you had said you would accept the results. Also didn't you already concede. So is this another lie to add to your already mountain of lies? Hiliary you are such a liar and disgusting witch.

  12. Electoral College members are being threatened by these sore losers. Where is law enforcement here? Obama and the Clintons won't be leaving soon enough. Trump better enforce the laws of the land like he promised!

  13. Wasn't it Clinton who said (when Trump wouldn't commit to the results) that it was a travesty to democracy should he challenge or contest election results? Ah the Democrat hypocrisy. And they wonder why they've fallen from power over the last century. Does anyone wonder why now?

  14. I'm all for a recount but they have to remove all the votes by illegal aliens, multiple voters and dead people! Then we'll have a more accurate account. Let's start with California and New York.

  15. time for filthary to head out to the pasture and enjoy the rest of her life with the friends she has left

  16. It's an illegal recount.

  17. She and her party can't embarrass themselves any more than they already have.


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