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Monday, November 14, 2016

Conway: Trump Will End Washington 'Gravy Train'

Kellyanne Conway, President-elect Donald Trump's campaign manager, said Sunday morning that the billionaire will stick to his pledge to "drain the swamp" and that "the gravy train is about to have its wheels blown off."

Conway said Trump will stay true to his swamp-draining campaign promises, even if his transition team contains Washington Republican establishment figures.

“Look, these are people who are talented and have done this before. You can't just appoint novices, you have to have people who know what they're doing. But at the same time moving forward this is an administration that's going to run very differently than typical Washington,” Conway said on "Fox News Sunday.”



  1. It's about time the gravy train ended. Ryan has gotten a lot from that train and the reason he should be removed from Speaker job immediately. Everyone needs to call Andy Harris's office and insist he vote against Ryan! Their voting today or tomorrow. So let your voice be heard now!

  2. Kellyanne Conway is just another misinformed white woman, with that deer caught in the headlights look and who is doing whatever she can do to be on Trump's transition team. She would sell herself, oh wait, she already has. Trump will turn on her just like he did with Chris Christie.


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