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Monday, November 14, 2016

As Seen On Rt. 50 in Willards Area


  1. well done. thks sjd

  2. Never going to happen.

  3. Don't waste our time or $$$$. Leaving her in the public eye...to ridicule, is punishment enough. Maybe a civil suit or 2 wouldn't hurt either!!

  4. English as a second language?

  5. 10:55 AM - Were you also the one who said that there was no chance that Trump would win the election, or was that someone else?

  6. 3:17
    I said it.

    Question: Is it mathematically possible to win 31 states, win the electoral college, and lose the popular vote?

    Anyone? Is it mathematically possible?

    1. Math has nothing to do with it. Get a basic understanding of the Electoral College and it'll become clearer.

  7. @3:19 who said he lost the popular vote? Michigan votes have not been recorded yet. In fact CNN (ok not that I believe anything they say :) ), the world press and other news outlets are reporting that Mr. Trump will win the popular vote when all the votes have been tallied. If you google it you will see that most news organizations have not even updated the electoral votes from election night last Tuesday. So we really don't know who has won the popular vote. But I know that doesn't help with the saltiness :)

  8. 3:19, absolutely yes! And it has happened more than once!

    Now, isn't it your bedtime?


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