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Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Bill Clinton: Foundation Could Take Foreign Cash if Hillary Wins

Bill Clinton and rocker Jon Bon Jovi cover Billboardmagazine’s November issue for a special feature exploring the former president’s work with the Clinton Global Initiative, in which he explains how the Clinton Foundation could continue to accept cash from foreign donors if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency.

The Clinton Global Initiative celebrated its final event in New York City in September with the help of rock stars Bon Jovi, Sting and U2 frontman Bono. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have previously stated they would leave their eponymous foundation if the latter is elected president on November 8.

In an interview with Billboard conducted at the CGI’s final event, Bill Clinton said he would “miss this a lot,” but offered up a vision for what the organization could look like if his wife does indeed become president, and in particular, how it could potentially get around the issue of accepting foreign donations.



  1. They're so crooked nothing would stop them...short of throwing them in jail! We need to do that anyway - for a bunch of reasons!

  2. The Clinton's have been collecting for a foundation. You would think all the money they have taken in that they would be collecting for the roof by know.

  3. The Clinton Foundation spent $100,000.00 to build 6 huts in Haiti after the earthquake. Bill, Hillary and Chelsea went there to brag about what their Foundation did. What they didn't tell you is that the cost of the two private jets for the round trip to Haiti was $124,500.

  4. If Hillary is actually elected the Clinton Crime Syndicate will sure as hell find a way to take in many more millions.

  5. They have better lawyers than the U.S. Government can afford and unlimited dollar resources.

  6. Shure if she wins ... you know damn well they Both will
    be raking in plenty of cash.... DUgh !!!!


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