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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Armed Robbery At The Mall In Salisbury 11-14-16


  1. Violent black teens killed the old mall and will kill this one too.

  2. Maybe he could leave and Barbs can take his place and serve pizza to the thugs and restore order like she has done for the da-bury. She is doing such a great job and also likes to sweep crime under the rug and fail to give proper staffing for offers back-up on the streets. The only thing she would be lacking is sleeping with this woman Lauren. Come on Jake wake up and see what is happening.

  3. you can't react or say anything . you'll be branded a racist. they will become the victim.

  4. He should've been fired when he started targeting the black officers he had working there.

  5. thats why we don't go to the mall anymore. and when it closes down and there are fewer jobs available, the blacks will again cry out that their ability to better themselves is being undermined by an inherently racist system.

  6. I can believe it He won't let the officers do anything! I work in one of the stores! He tells his guys to observe nd report if something happens call spd and wait

  7. This is not new. Someone is gonna end up dead there.

  8. Someone's gonna end up dead out there

  9. Don't worry it will end after January, Trump will get the national conceal and carry implemented.....honest folks will have guns to stop it themselves!!!!

    1. In the blue state of Maryland? Not in your lifetime.

  10. Tonight, I suspect that the city council will replace their very honest and hard working attorney with Robin Cockey. Mr Cockey's history and affiliations are not tasteful to me, but I I can imagine why they would want this Tilghman corney as the city attorney. Next, they will approve the sale of valuable city real estate to Gillis for pennies on the dollar. Soon, they will oust Duncan following what I think has been an orchestrated plan to cripple her as a leader. They have not provided the resources to run the department year after year and the fact that the chief answers to a mayor rather than the public sets her up as a victim to the whims of politicians. I suspect that she has frustrated them in the past be refusing to use the power of her office to bully their political opponents. That's about all that's required to restore the pay-to-play and corruption of the Tilghman era. Just my thoughts.

  11. Woah! This is huge what kind of director is that he should be fired

  12. Surprised that him firing all his black officers hadn't come out yet

  13. One more nail in the coffin of "the 'Bury"
    It has turned into a sh!t hole.

  14. That mall is a joke. There are no decent stores . I am embarrassed to take my out of town visitors to shop. The only bright spot is the new Home Goods.

  15. So glad that I moved far, far away from "Da'bury". That place has no future, get out while you can...

  16. Perhaps boycotting the mall or better yet, calling or emailing the owners of the mall will fix this problem. All of the stores and in the mall should be demanding this person be fired.

  17. Violent black teens killed the old mall and will kill this one too.

    November 14, 2016 at 8:25 AM

    Violent black teens did not kill the old mall. Capitalism, the same thing that killed downtown killed the old mall. This is not necessarily a bad thing.

    It was shortly after the new mall opened and the old mall was still dying that some young blacks had a shoot out in the new mall. Yes, the Centre at Salisbury.
    I still had a store in the old mall and both heard and saw confused misinformed people talking and looking for where it happened in the old mall. I fielded questions about where the shooting took place which of course was not in the old mall but the new, at the time, Centre at Salisbury.

    The old mall died for the same reason the downtown did. The citizens stopped shopping there and ran to the next new attraction. In fact you can hear this human fault in 11:18's comment. "The only bright spot is the new Home Goods."

  18. I am pushing 70 and I can tell you that I will no longer go to the mall. Thugs in the mall is all I have to hear once. No longer going places where thugs run free.


  19. Apparently 11:18 has never been in a HomeGoods store. Enjoy your new store because I am personally not impressed this is the worst HomeGoods store I have ever shopped in. It is Christmas and the other HomeGoods have so much merchandise you can't get down the aisle but not ours. Plus it is freezing in the store so they do not want you to stay long.

  20. I haven't gone to the mall, not even at Christmas, for ten years. It wasn't safe then, and it's worse now.

  21. Where are the police in all this? You don't outwit a lion by sticking your head in the lion's mouth. Under-cover cops, white, black and brown cracking down on gangs in and out of the mall, Elliot Ness style if necessary would do much to fix this problem. There needs to be an interdepartmental gang task force on the entire peninsula to take control of gang violence. Citizens need to unite, storm city and county council meetings and make demands to cure this I'll. Continue the revolution to take back our communities.

    1. He never called them to report it. He wants to look good when the directors from allied universal come down to the mall to inspect it.

  22. He forced out the ones that actually did there jobs. He's too afraid of a law suit so he fired the outgoing guys. And the new dumb kid he has as supervisor

  23. He tells his security staff to NOT go hands on. Even if they witness you getting beat or witness somebody harming another person he says make sure it's on camera and call spd

  24. there should be 20 stores in that mall selling bullet proof vests. welcome to da bury

  25. "I'm just a security monitor. I only report if there is a security risk. Hey, there's a security risk!"

  26. Chuck Lowe the malls operation manager ordered that the black officers be fired! He told rob he didn't trust them and rob is chucks front man. Ever since chuck
    Called a little boy a negro boy in public in the play area he's been on a high horse him
    And rob. I know both of them well. Wait until Salisbury PD finds out he's been embezzling money and cutting hours so he can pocket the cash! He's quite a character! Not to mention he is cheating on his wife! Plus on top of that when a lady lost $1500 inside of her pocket book the pocket book was found by mall security they counted it and inventoried it.they found a number for the lady they called her to come pick up the money. But for some reason it was demanded to be turned into Robert Caudill and then it disappeared. When the lady came to pick it up he flew off the handle on the officers because he had spent it at lowes and taking his wife to va beach. Please somebody get rid of this man.

  27. 1:54- there is such a task force but some local agencies have been pulling their contribution because they're hemorrhaging officers.

    Also, if you read, part of the problem is that this is not being reported to the police. Shouldn't mall security guards be required to report crimes to the appropriate authorities?

    Kinda makes me wonder who gets robbed at gunpoint and reports it to mall security in the first place.

    Besides, if our cops were allowed to really target such gangs they'd be labeled as racist. God forbid we give them what they need (including support) to do their jobs.

  28. My wife was in the mall last week and she said a black man was following her. I arrived in Macy's a few minutes later and made eye contact with him. He turned around quickly and grabbed a box of pots and pans and went out of the door. I followed him and took a picture of his tag. He was parked up against the curb. My wife thinks that he was going to try to take her purse. I gave the picture on my phone to security in Macy's. This was 4:30 in the afternoon. There is never a safe time to be there.

  29. Typical BLM Thugs that need to be taught a lesson. They're just like dogs, they roam in packs, they won't attack alone BC they're p***ies, afraid of being alone, but one day they'll meet their maker, one way or another.

  30. 4:21 PM, I love that commercial and it definitely applies to the mall here. If I go to the mall at all, I go in Boscov's door and back out their door, never walk into that mall at all.

  31. That's why my wife and I have not gone into mall in years, since there was that gang shooting. We do very well at other retail establishment locations that are properly policed by owners/managers.

  32. Home Goods a bright spot? It's just a larger version of the home section at TJ Maxx. The merchandise changes all the time. Don't go looking for a specific item because they probably won't have it. You can't even make purchases on their website. They are no competition for Bed, Bath and Beyond.

  33. The mall security is taking his direction from the SPD no report Duncan.


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