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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Who Am I?

Who Am I? Can you guess?

Hint: I was legal kind of guy and have a lot in common with Hillary Clinton, probably much more than you think.

Give it a shot!

Answer will post at 7:00PM


  1. John Mitchell...a big-time crook. Former Attorney General, I think. All the misdeeds of his and Nixon, Haldeman, and Erlichman (and many more) probably gave the young democrats of the day lessons in how to do what they are doing today. The dems used to be "the nice party" back in those days. My how times have changed.

  2. Ben Stein (before glasses)

  3. I see your viewers have mastered the image search on google but still fail do their research on the same google. But maybe you are on the right track with this. Maybe they will get comfortable with google and actually start doing fact searches BEFORE they bang on their keyboards.

    One can hope.

  4. Hey 2:56 I recognized that crook right away. Why don't you get comfortable being a smug idiot and bang on your own self BEFORE making such idiotic comments.

  5. Exactly, 3:36. He and his also crooked wife were in the new constantly for 2 yrs. Hard to forget that mug.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey 2:56 I recognized that crook right away. Why don't you get comfortable being a smug idiot and bang on your own self BEFORE making such idiotic comments.

    October 25, 2016 at 3:36 PM

    well good for you. you got one right out of how many? my statement still stands as evidenced by anyone who reads these comments regularly, and it seems I struck a nerve with you and others. That is another positive. Stop with the immature comments and rise to the challenge.

    And why do some of YOU insult others who show a little intelligence? YOU won't keep me at your level but some of your cohorts will still pal around with ya. Sorry y'all got so butthurt.


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