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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Urban Sanctuary Designation Sought For Popular Offshore Fishing Canyon

OCEAN CITY — The National Aquarium on Monday announced it is seeking the public’s support in its effort to nominate the Baltimore Canyon off the coast of Ocean City as the nation’s first Urban National Marine Sanctuary.

The Baltimore Canyon, a 28-mile long and five-mile wide submarine canyon off the coast of Ocean City lies at the center of the resort’s multi-million dollar fishing industry and contains fragile deep sea corals rarely seen anywhere in the world along with habitat for countless species of marine life. The National Aquarium has launched a petition drive to have it designated as the nation’s first Urban National Marine Sanctuary, presenting a unique opportunity to connect an urban population to the ecological treasure using cutting edge deep sea exploration technology.

“The Baltimore Canyon is not only a fascinating ecosystem, but also a natural classroom and living laboratory that we can use to expose our children to a new world, our next frontier,” said National Aquarium Chief Conservation Officer Kris Hoellen. “We hope that with a groundswell of support from our community, we can designate this untapped aquatic treasure as our nation’s first Urban National Marine Sanctuary. It is time to invest in our deep seas and in Baltimore.”



  1. Be real! They want to make these areas offshore no fishing yet few if anyone will ever have the opportunity to see what lies deep down there.

  2. If recreational fishing is banned, OC will be vehemently opposed. If allowed with no commercial fishing? Great idea!

  3. Why can't we ban liberals and SJW's. The world would be a much better place.

  4. As with most posts here, no one bothered to read the article or just could not understand all them words. SMH.

  5. by all means, we should have an URBAN sanctuary to go along with the WIND FARM! will they NEVER TIRE of ways to bankrupt us even more?

  6. Sure they say that there won't be any regulations put on the fishing at the Canyon now. But lets wait a few years and see what they say. Lets try spending money to fix things that are not working in Maryland for God's sake.

  7. absolutely DON'T trust anything the government and it's agencies and epa friends have to say. NO is the answer to this...

  8. Is this where they want to do seismic explosive soundings for offshore drilling and planting their stupid unmaintainable windmill farms?


    There's no one behind the curtain! Don't look behind the curtairest assured, there's some anterior motive. The worst thing that happened to Chesapeake oystering was the creation of the oyster "Sanctuaries". Those oysters grow huge and die of old age and disease promoting the diseases that affect the others.

    A frequent and controlled harvest of all areas guarantees the riddance of disease and the production of young, healthy marine life, whatever the species"

    What good is a foot long oyster dying of disease compared to a 5 incher that is reproducing disease free spat and is very edible?


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