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Sunday, October 09, 2016

What They Found About Hillary In Wikileak Release

Below are some different articles about what was found in the Wikileak release.


  1. New York Post reports: "A search of the New York charities database by The Post found that for the years 2010 through 2014, the Clinton Foundation was years late in submitting the required paperwork to raise money in New York — waiting until 2016. Last week, the office of Democrat Schneiderman issued a cease and desist letter to the Trump Foundation ordering it to stop fundraising in the state for failing to complete the government form for every year that the group raises money in the state."

    Corrupt liberals will back the Clintons no matter what. It's all about them staying in power, not about what's best for the American people. It's time to take back our country! Vote Trump/Pence!

  2. Send 2 trump n pence

  3. I just don't understand how anyone could hate their country so much that they would vote for that totally corrupt woman. Amazing and saddening.

  4. Lengthy video, worth watching

  5. Seward didn't just pick up the phone and call the lobbyists. In the 1860s this was a much more laborious process, involving handwritten letters and horses.

  6. Seward drafted and signed the 1867 treaty with Russia that allowed the U.S. to purchase Alaska. At the time it was a highly contested issue, the cost being $7 million. Imagine how things would be if the sale hadn't occurred.

  7. 1035
    The Country as you and I remember it is gone.
    The globalists have taken control of our government.
    The US government no longer represents the American people.
    It is a rogue mafia of criminal insiders who rig markets and make war.
    Stay away from the government. Keep your head down and prepare for the impending collapse.

    Hillary will be the POTUS. It has been decided.

  8. The thing that scares me the most if Hillary gets elected is all the Supreme Court Judges that will retire. Once she has them in her pocket we are all doomed.


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