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Sunday, October 09, 2016

Letter to the Editor 10-2-16

Part I

Joe, Speaking of the corruption in the City of Salisbury. Here is something else the taxpayers should be aware of. 

Did you know that Wicomico 911 no longer dispatches the volunteers at Stations 16, 2 and 1. The volunteers at Station 1 and 2 are supposed to be dispatched nights and weekends when the paid duty crew isn't on duty Monday through Friday. They are not getting dispatched unless there is a second call. Not enough incentive to keep the volunteers around. 

This is the plan Rick Hoppes and Jake Day have been working on to get rid of the volunteers. Rick Hoppes made it a mission the day he got appointed fire chief to push out the volunteers and replace them with paid firemen, but at an expense to the tax payers. That is why they hired those 12 firemen on that Federal 2 year grant. That is why Jim Ireton and Jake Day are fighting the County with the "Nuclear Option" because they want the money from the County to pay for those 12 paid firemen. Now they ended up hiring them, after letting them go, with city and county tax dollars and they want the County to pay even more money to staff the 3 fire stations with more paid firemen full time. Stand by because they are currently looking for a location on North Salisbury Blvd to build another paid fire station up North. It's a fact, look at the Capital Improvement Plan.

This policy is currently in effect and the citizens and visitors are not getting the closest fire station dispatched to their emergency. People are dying because of the long delay waiting for the fire engine from station 16 to respond all the way across town. If you have an emergency on Mt. Hermon Road you are going to die because you have to wait for the fire truck from Station 16 on Cypress Street to respond. They have to respond all the way through town, through bridges and many, many stop lights. You better hope the Rt. 50 bridge is not up. They will not dispatch the volunteers at Station 1 even if they are in the Station or living next door. 

If you have an emergency at Target on North Salisbury Blvd. you are going to die because you will have to wait for the fire engine to come from Station 16 on Cypress Street. They will not dispatch Station 2 even if there are volunteers in the station or living next door. 

Why do you think they built the new fire station on Naylor Street which is much smaller and why do you think they got rid of Squad 2 and Air Light 2? They are creating a small paid fire station. The plans are to send Station 1's air light unit to Station 16 so the volunteers at #1 won't use it. 

Part II

Rick Hoppes recently gave a volunteer firefighter from Station 1 a 90-day suspension for..... Guess what? You will never believe this? They gave an active volunteer firefighter a 90-day suspension just for talking to Bob Culver, the Wicomico County Executive. Just for expressing his right to freedom of speech! Then the volunteers hired an attorney and they blew Rick Hoppes' decision out of the water and proved Rick Hoppes was wrong and the firefighter was immediately re-instated. Then Rick Hoppes immediately destroyed all copies of the tapes he taped during these meetings. He destroyed all his documentation on this suspension to delete all evidence. He deleted all emails and voicemails. This is the crap that Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott are scheming about every single day that they are in the office.

Did you know that Wannabe Fire Chief Rick Hoppes created another paid Deputy Chief's position for the Salisbury Fire Department. They found money to pay for a new Deputy Fire Chief's position. Hoppes had already gotten Jim Ireton to pay for a new assistant chiefs position and gave it to Darrin Scott. So now we get a new mayor and they create the new deputy chiefs position and gave it to Darrin Scott. Notice I said "gave." There was no testing for this position at all which may not be illegal, but it is unethical. Now there is a Paid fire chief, 2 paid deputy chiefs, 4 paid assistant chiefs, 3 captains, 6 lieutenants and about 15 acting lieutenants. 

Each volunteer station used to have 2 volunteer assistant chiefs, 2 volunteer captains and several lieutenants as needed. There is one volunteer assistant chief at station 1 and one at station 2 and the plan is to force them out any day now. There are hardly and other officers at the other stations because they have been forced out by Rick Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott. These guys, along with the other 4 paid assistant chiefs play a part in this and have regular "chiefs meetings." scheme on getting rid of the volunteers and create more paid positions. The assistant chiefs are spies and they go around to the stations to spy on the volunteers and report back to Rick Hoppes. 

This current system in the Salisbury Fire Department is the worst that it has ever been in the history of the City. Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are the problem. We have tried numerous times to talk to Jake Day as Mayor Day and he gets nasty with us and talks down to us. He supported Rick Hoppes' failed attempt suspend active volunteer firefighters at Station 1. They were going to continue until they successfully removed all the volunteers. 

There is also a directive out to each of the stations denying the volunteers to respond on any calls dispatched to fire calls in their Utility Vehicles if they don't have a driver for the fire engines. This is another way to prevent the volunteers from responding on calls. If there is a house fire and Station 1 has 6 volunteers show up but no engineer/driver for the fire engine they have to stay at the station even though the other 2 stations and a volunteer station from the county is responding with fire engines. Sometimes it only takes one fire engine to put out a house fire so they prevent more/free manpower from responding to the call. 

Part III

The only time the volunteers will be dispatched on nights and weekends to calls in their territory is if Engine 16 from Station 16 is already committed to a call. So now they get the scraps from the paid firemen. Now what volunteer wants to hang around waiting for a call when there rarely will be one for Stations 1 and 2 anyway? That's how they got rid of the volunteers at Station 16. No one wants to hang around and be treated like second class citizens by the paid men.

Keep in mind now you the city and county tax payers are paying for the volunteers to respond to your emergencies and they are playing second fiddle at best. The point is YOU the tax payers are not getting what you are paying for and people are dying we are losing property. It's time to get rid of Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Jake Day and Jack Heath. They are the PROBLEM!!

Editor's Note: We have moved this post up since so many have asked us to do so. 
Originally posted 10-2-16 6:38pm


  1. What Maryland or federal office can be contacted to do an investigation of all the government ethic violations?? Something needs to be done and this garbage corrected. When Ireton flat out got rid of Lore Chambers just to give the job to his buddy STEVENSON I tried every and all entities to investigate his not meeting city charter requirements for position plus his sketchy background but apparently the butt kissing by IRETON Day and Culver to the Annapolis crowd carried more weight

  2. OMG, this is absolutely sickening. I live only a few blocks from the fire station on Beaglin Park Drive and according to what it going on, that we, the citizens of this town don't know, is that if my house should catch on fire, I have to wait for the fire truck from Cypress Street to come to my rescue? OMG, this is so very wrong. Lord forbid I do not ever want to have a house fire, but I would have a much better chance of survival if a fire truck from the few blocks away could respond vs the fire truck on cypress street. There has been enough underhanded dealings with the fire department and enough is enough especially when you are playing with citizens lives. Jake Day and the rest of you in this "game", just need to stop and let the appropriate stations respond to fires. If a house is burning I don't care if it's a volunteer coming here, he/she is going to be doing the job just like someone who is paid. Stop playing with people's lives.

  3. You should look into the methadone clinic and addiction unit ran from a building rented out by prmc including "security" and trash collectors and cleaners from prmc, they have people that are looking for help getting used for their weaknesses and misery. The court and the Naylor mill rd had a hand in it they deny active patients their medication if in the detention center, even if they have been on it for a while with positive progress, then when done with their sentence of incarceration and completely withdrawn. they turn around and make the methadone treatment part of their stipulations for probation or parole. They treat their patients as if they a below the scum of the earth, using their power over their medication as ways to punish or control their patients fit things that are not even treatment related. They also have 1-cab company that is allowed to financially gain from this by picking up patients and taking them to the clinic paid for by state insurance, d don't get me wrong I think it helps but with the money they are charging and they money they fork out for rent to the hospital and all the other benefits they siphon away from misery and hope.you think they could get a van or two BUT hopefully S.O.D.A. Will take care of it. Someone needs to look into it I mean they paid 40k a year for a hallway which was the clinic btw for years in the bottom of the old hospital. Where is all the money going?

  4. I have on occasion, listened to the scanner One night they repeatedly called for a medical issue multiple times for a very long amount of time. I was appalled by it all and worried about the person in distress. I would have sued them.

  5. Given the bad economy I would have assumed the City would take advantage of all the volunteers they could get! Why spend money when there are people willing to help for free?

    I don't get it.

  6. This is absolutely correct Joe. The cult like mentality and Station 16 where the paid fire crew is 24 hours a day is totally anti-volunteer. Their main goal on Cypress Street is to run every volunteer away from the city and force that taxpayers to hire more paid fireman to staff all 4 fire stations. The 4th fire station is in the planning stages and will be built in the near future. The culture of the Salisbury Fire Department is pro-aid and anti-volunteer.

    Rick Hoppes started out as a volunteer sometime around 1987 and got hired as a paid fireman. Soon after he hated the volunteers and always ran them down. Same thing happened to John Tull and Darrin Scott. They hate volunteers even though they used them to get their foot in the door for a paid job. If they didn't get hired as paid firemen they would still be working low paid jobs. They are bad people.

  7. Why not tell the truth here that volunteers at stations 1 & 2 have failed to respond on calls at such a high rate the fire chief has no choice but dispatch the on duty personnel to calls. The failure rate is astounding so why should the duty crew set and wait 5 minutes for the volunteers to not respond when they can respond automatically when the call is dispatched. I look at it like this. If the volunteers had continued to respond on calls like they have for years the duty crew wouldn't have to run station 1 & 2's calls. Where does the real problems lye no leadership within the volunteers then add in the fact of what you get for people anymore is pathetic. Salisbury had strong volunteers for many years till the last couple years it's dwindled off to very little. Tell the real story if you're going to tell it.

    1. Just maybe it's because the paid fire fighters treat the volunteers like crap. Why does every other town get great volunteers? That should be the question.

  8. Everyone should be at that city council meeting tonight expressing their feeling if they live in Salisbury.

  9. Active fire fighter is s term used loosely. Sitting at the firehouse because you don't want to be with your wife isn't what being a volunteer is about. People claim that they are upset the duty crew is being dispatched. I would be more upset knowing they weren't being dispatched. Yo call 911, the volunteers are alerted, 5, 5 long minutes later they are re alerted. Then the duty crew could go, add drive time and you may be worse off than if they had been dispatched on the initial call. Now if the volunteers are in station they can staff an engine and be dispatched. The days of racing to the firehouse are over. This isn't a conspiracy. Call the chiefs office and talk to them.

  10. Here we go again !!! These tales of woe have been posted to SBYNews about every other month for the past 12/13 years.
    All "in the know" tell the readers exactly what is happening at the three stations. Then comes all the comments from the "shocked citizens".

    If there is a speck of truth in all these articles through the years I cannot believe someone has not demanded an investigation into all this corruption in the SFD. IMO the f folks airing all the problems at each stations on a blog has brought no change. Don't you think maybe it is now time for you folks to change tactics, gather your proof, speak to the officials and/or other authorities informing them of the known violation within SFD and demand an investigation..

  11. Liberals seeking bigger government. If there were more volunteers there would be no need for government to grow.

  12. The volunteers' ONLY job is to get the fire trucks on the street. They're failing at doing so at a nearly 70% rate! That's nearly 7/10 calls they get dispatched for that they FAIL to get out on. They don't fund raise. They don't do much in the line of training. The duty crews are covering about 90% of the public events that used to be covered mostly by volunteers. They leave their trucks in shambles after calls for the paid men to clean up. SCBA bottles are left half empty. Tony Waller can't raise a ladder right. And then someone with computer courage wants to whine about his precious volunteers while writing some BS "letter to the editor" without having to give his name. There's real courage, alright. Cry me a river.

    Most of the SFD volunteers could never make it as a member of a county station. They'd have to actually do something. Their own members at station 2 have complained about their dismal lack of performance and failure rate. One retired member there said the chief should dissolve them and send them packing at a recent meeting.

    This whinny tale is more BS than truth. The paid men don't want to staff station 1 at night anymore than the volunteers want them there. But when you have a failure rate in the high 60% range, what would the "concerned citizens" say about that? The paid crew responding puts a truck on the street right away decreasing the wait time.

    There are some good volunteers in the SFD. It's a shame that a few belittle the many. Let the fans speak for themselves. Tell BOTH sides of the story before running to some blog thinking anyone really cares about anything you have to say in the first place.

  13. This is some good stuff that all the voters and taxpayers in Wicomico County need to see. This should be pinned at the top for a couple of hours. It's Monday and many people are getting to work and turning on their computers. Please pin it to the top so it won't be missed by the readers/followers. Thanks.

  14. 7:22- There is no room for logic on the internet

    1. ain't that the truth - "no room for truth or logic on here"

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Given the bad economy I would have assumed the City would take advantage of all the volunteers they could get! Why spend money when there are people willing to help for free?

    I don't get it.

    October 2, 2016 at 9:42 PM

    You would've thunk so, but you have to remember they are dealing with ALL Democrats in Salisbury including the Mayor and City Council. Look at Detroit.

  16. Exactly how many people are dying from this policy you're ranting about? I haven't heard of anyone dying due to the paid crews being dispatched. With the volunteer failure to respond rate as high as it is, getting a truck on the call quicker seems to be saving more lives. If you volunteers could do your job and get the trucks on the street, none of you would have anything to complain about.
    What probably will happen is that the paid crew will have to go cover one of your calls since you can't seem to get out while another true emergency happens someplace else. And then let's see what your excuse will be then when you still fail to get out.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Everyone should be at that city council meeting tonight expressing their feeling if they live in Salisbury.

    October 3, 2016 at 5:56 AM

    I agree with you and what Rick Hoppes and Jake Day are doing to us is just wrong. I just checked when the county council meeting is an it is tomorrow night at 6 pm at the government office building as well. We as taxpayers are being cheated and ripped off.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why not tell the truth here that volunteers at stations 1 & 2 have failed to respond on calls at such a high rate the fire chief has no choice but dispatch the on duty personnel to calls. The failure rate is astounding so why should the duty crew set and wait 5 minutes for the volunteers to not respond when they can respond automatically when the call is dispatched. I look at it like this. If the volunteers had continued to respond on calls like they have for years the duty crew wouldn't have to run station 1 & 2's calls. Where does the real problems lye no leadership within the volunteers then add in the fact of what you get for people anymore is pathetic. Salisbury had strong volunteers for many years till the last couple years it's dwindled off to very little. Tell the real story if you're going to tell it.

    October 2, 2016 at 9:59 PM


    Yes I am yelling! I am pissed off!!

  19. Don't get pissed off. Go get on your fire trucks and then Hopeless won't have anything to hit you with. It isn't complicated.

  20. My question is have Hoppes or Scott hired any family or friends to fill full time employment for fire department ??? Just saying this seems to be accepted practice within salisbury city government

  21. Yes I agree, I think this needs to be to the top because I had to go looking for it.

  22. So your telling us that station 1 volunteers WASTED taxpayer money on a lawyer for one of there members that is a screw up? SMH. I would rather donate my money to an honest to goodness county station.

  23. Anon 12:17 What difference does that make. I work for a large company that encourages hiring relatives. As they did at Dupont, where generations of family members worked. Nothing better than peer pressure.

  24. 7:22 AM - I am sure it has been brought up and buried / swept under the carpet like everything else is this crap hole of a town.

    The public will NEVER know the truth because we all know the Mayor and the Chief's lie.

    And I know this from first hand experience.

  25. Anonymous said...
    My question is have Hoppes or Scott hired any family or friends to fill full time employment for fire department ??? Just saying this seems to be accepted practice within salisbury city government

    October 3, 2016 at 12:17 PM

    I am so glad someone brought that up. The answer to your question is YES!!

    Rick Hoppes and Darrin Scott hired Darrin Scott's son as a full-time paid firefighter over many other qualified applicants. No one even knew or heard of Darrin Scott's son being an active firefighter ANYWHERE. There were qualified volunteer firefighters from the Salisbury Fire Department should have been hired way before Darrin's son. And then to add icing to the cake Darrin Scott and Rick Hoppes took advantage of their positions and hired Darrin Scott's daughter's baby daddy. That's right Darrin hired his own grandbaby's father so that he could line his family up with cushy jobs at the expense of City and County tax payers.

    AND.... Darrin Scott drives a City Chief's car home every night to the state of Delaware.

    And.... Rick Hoppes drives a City Chief's Ford SUV home to Parsonsburg every night.

    And.... The City and County taxpayers are furnishing the gas and insurance.

    This is very unethical and Chief Rick Hoppes and NOW Deputy Chief Darrin Scott should be brought up on charges and fired.

    1. Who were the more qualified personnel?
      Darren doesn't live in Delaware
      Just because you lack information on where someone is a firefighter outside the city does not mean they aren't one

  26. Yea that's the way to go rellatives hiring relatives. Never known one family oriented business that wasn't a cluster f•••!!! I'm sure family wouldn't let a relative slide by on something that otherwise wouldn't be an issue!! What a joke

    1. So with this line of thought the family business belonging to the crybaby suspended fire fighter is a joke. Or,the fact that let's say part of the volunteers at station 1 being relayed makes them a joke also.

  27. Yea that's the way to go rellatives hiring relatives. Never known one family oriented business that wasn't a cluster f•••!!! I'm sure family wouldn't let a relative slide by on something that otherwise wouldn't be an issue!! What a joke

  28. Anonymous said...
    So your telling us that station 1 volunteers WASTED taxpayer money on a lawyer for one of there members that is a screw up? SMH. I would rather donate my money to an honest to goodness county station.

    October 3, 2016 at 12:48 PM

    Typical response from a paid fireman trying to pretend they are Joe Taxpayer. Get a real job Dirt Ball!!

  29. Thank you for moving this closer to the top and hopefully it will stay there all day.

    Darrin Scott was allowed to hire his own son, who had absolutely no experience, as a paid firemen.

    Darrin Scott was also allowed to hire his daughters boyfriend who coincidentally happens to be his grandchilds father. How is that for nepotism and an unethical practice. The good ole boy system still at work in the Salisbury Fire Department. Where are those minorities Hoppes promised? How many minorities are in a ranking supervisory position?

  30. You all should work together , strive for peace , harmony, and comba nation ville.

  31. Salisbury city government hiring practices need to be investigated from city administrator on down the ranks

  32. Who's in charge ? Cris Hopkins I presume ! fire that man , he is also a disgusting piece of crap.

  33. Sounds like piss poor organizational skills, and really no surprise if Jake Day is involved so disappointed in him overall, if it isn't a photo opportunity, or a messed up liason coordinating offices and departments what does he do?

  34. Let me tell you of another messed up county job that is the Board of Elections if you call with a question months prior to election then nobody knows how to answer your questions, if after repeated calls you do get someone only one person there can answer your questions. I know of someone who recently applied for a position there helping with the voting pole places, he was trained but very poorly when another supervisor asked him questions involving his training, he told the person he had been trained wrong so therefore he wouldn't be hired! So they don't know how to train properly admit it then tell you that you don't have a job! Make sense?

  35. I actually called about a fire years ago in someone's back yard, the dispatcher a woman no name said how do you know there is a fire at that address I said because I can see it from my kitchen window, I kept holding and holding, and while I am talking to her it had spread from a garage to a tree, and then to the roof of the house, When the fire truck finally arrived I was standing in front of the house the fire truck pulled up, one of the fireman asked me why someone had not called sooner? I told him the above info he shook his head and said heard it all the time!

  36. Wonder how the owner of the vehicle that caught fire on Sunday night feels about a volunteer arriving on the scene long before the paid crew? The volunteer without any firefighting apparatus, had to direct the paid crew in to the scene by radio. I am sure that made a super impression on the vehicle owner. Another failure by the City of Salisbury, the Salisbury Fire Department and both administrations. Time for Mayor Jakie Poo to wake up and smell the smoke that is being generated by Hoppes and his band of thieves. Clean house at the fire department now mayor before a lawsuit explodes in your face. It may get ugly.

  37. Actually, Mr. Scott's son was a volunteer firefighter at another station before he was hired from Salisbury. And perhaps he was just as if not more qualified than some of the volunteers who applied (if there even were any). Further, Mr. Scott's daughter's baby daddy, as you put so rudely was a firefighter well before he became involved with that daughter. Sour grapes? If you don't cut it as a volunteer, you won't cut it as paid personnel either. Get over it. Oh, and by the way, Mr. Scott was probably doing this job long before some of you were out of diapers. You probably aren't even qualified to carry his gear.

  38. That fire department has been nothing but problems since Rick Hoppes was appointed Fire Chief. He is nothing but an uneducated trouble make. He needs to go!!

  39. What is going on here is a CRIME against the tax payers!!! Chief Hoppas and Mayor Day should be ashamed of themselves!!!! This is not why we pay taxes and it looks to me like the volunteers are the biggest asset $salisbury has!!!

  40. Anonymous said...
    What Maryland or federal office can be contacted to do an investigation of all the government ethic violations?? Something needs to be done and this garbage corrected. When Ireton flat out got rid of Lore Chambers just to give the job to his buddy STEVENSON I tried every and all entities to investigate his not meeting city charter requirements for position plus his sketchy background but apparently the butt kissing by IRETON Day and Culver to the Annapolis crowd carried more weight

    October 2, 2016 at 7:00 PM

    That was definitely a case that should have cost the city millions of dollars. How he got away with it I don't know.

    He promoted the unqualified, uneducated, uncredentialed Tom Stevenson to the highest rankig positin in the city. No real Mayor would have done something that stupid.

    The he promoted the uneducated, unqualied Richard A. Hoppes, BS to the highest ranking position in the fire department and now this is what you have.

    Oh Wait! Richard A. Hoppes, BS? What does that mean? It means the guy is nothing but BS and he ruined a perfectly good fire department.

    Get rid of those clowns.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Exactly how many people are dying from this policy you're ranting about? I haven't heard of anyone dying due to the paid crews being dispatched. With the volunteer failure to respond rate as high as it is, getting a truck on the call quicker seems to be saving more lives. If you volunteers could do your job and get the trucks on the street, none of you would have anything to complain about.
    What probably will happen is that the paid crew will have to go cover one of your calls since you can't seem to get out while another true emergency happens someplace else. And then let's see what your excuse will be then when you still fail to get out.

    October 3, 2016 at 11:12 AM

    This is more than likely a paid Farmin defending his job.

    Of course you are you are not going to hear about anyone dying unless the family makes a stink about it. Cardiac arrests are not publicized and never has been. The family just thinks you did your best and never gave it any thought about how long it took you to get there.

    Get a real job, you are part of the problem.

  42. Anonymous said...
    ain't that the truth - "no room for truth or logic on here"

    October 3, 2016 at 7:31 PM

    The truth has been spoken. Richard A. Hoppes and his career at the Salisbury Fire Department has been a FLOP. He has ruined the Salisbury Fire Department and the citizens have to suffer over it.

  43. Notice how the paid firemen are always bashing the volunteer firemen on here. That is just like what they do at the station when they think the volunteers aren't listening. Hoppes has developed a culture of hatred at the fire department. He is always ragging on the county volunteers as well.

    1. But it is perfectly acceptable to bash the "paid" guys?

  44. We need to go and make our options known verbally loud and in the face of the public so something does get done and until then we will keep letting them know what we want. WHAT DO YOU SAY ?

  45. When you have to wait for a fire engine to get from Station 16 on Cypress Street to the Airport to put out a fire or save a life then that is a liability. That is a problem.

    OH WAIT!! To the Salisbury/Wicomico County Airport?? LMAO. That isn't going to happen because that is another major screw up from Rick Hoppes and Jake Day and Jim Ireton. They showed Wicomico County on that one. They stomped their little feetsies in a hissy fit as said they weren't going to cover any fire or EMS calls at the Airport so the County sent Parsonsburg Volunteer Fire Department and it is working out perfectly fine.

    So in this case Parsonsburg is driving through the Salisbury Fire District to get to the Airport and they are doing it with ease. So if Parsonsburg can handle those calls then why didn't Rick Hoppes give Parsonsburg those calls that they are much closer on(such as Mt. Hermon Road)?? Instead of responding a Salisbury paid fire crew from the furthest opposite corner of the fire district and making the citizens wait longer then why don't they let Delmar, Parsonsburg and Fruitland volunteers handle those calls??

  46. Anonymous said...
    But it is perfectly acceptable to bash the "paid" guys?

    October 4, 2016 at 8:04 AM

    Do you see any "paid" guys getting bashed you stupid moron! It's always about you and your job isn't it? I love how you clowns get on here and play damage control!!

    1. There has been several named on here. Can you read?

  47. If I remember correctly the County of Wicomico pays every single volunteer fire station in Wicomico County a grant to run calls in this County. IF the County 911 center is not dispatching the calls appropriately and the City Fire Department isn not responding appropriately then the City of Salisbury is stealing from the County taxpayers. It makes sense to me for the County to discontinue paying the volunteer grants in Salisbury.

    Who authorizes this move? Did the fire chiefs committee approve this? Does Bob Culver know about this? Did the County authorize this type of dispatching?

  48. Anonymous said...
    You all should work together , strive for peace , harmony, and comba nation ville.

    October 3, 2016 at 2:09 PM

    You are correct, they should. But as long as Richard Hoppes is the fire chief then it's not going to happen. He is the root of the problems in the Salisbury Fire Department.

  49. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We need to go and make our options known verbally loud and in the face of the public so something does get done and until then we will keep letting them know what we want. WHAT DO YOU SAY ?

    October 4, 2016 at 9:30 AM

    Then do it. Go to the County Council meeting tonight, Tuesday at 6pm and let the County know how you feel.

  50. Anonymous said...
    There has been several named on here. Can you read?

    October 4, 2016 at 9:46 AM

    HUH?? Are you talking to yourself??

  51. Funny how some of the paid guys on here are at County stations and well they scratch more than anybody . Station 2 has failed . Why. Chief ran all there good members out with his bs orders. Station 1 they were doing great at 65 to 70 percent getting out in 4 mins . Let put facts oUT the fire chief gives the vollys 4 mins to respond or he says it's a scratch. In the county they are re alerted at 5 mins and scratch at 8 mins. Wow big difference. So County stations scratch at 8mins city stations in 4 mins . Nfpa says 9 mins to the scene. Pull the charts on that bet station 1 is doing great . Now you gotta bow down and staff stations for FREE and treatEd like trash while there by records and donaway. The volleys need to be giving there station back and there alerts back as well as there sirens to .

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. Bear with me as I try to weed through what was mostly scattered incomplete thoughts and incoherent babbling.

    First and foremost the recommendation for the change in the dispatch procedures currently underway were incorporated from the recommendation of the volunteer response committee. You know the one, the one hardly any of you signed up for, yet complained at every turn of the page when the plan was drafted. That ideology came from Captain Mark Cotter. So it was one of your very own volunteers whom helped formulate the plan for response. Even he can see the short comings of the volunteer corporations and thei lack of reliable response rates. So in order to get a peice of apparatus on the street as quickly as possible the duty engine was placed city wide on first alerts. And please get over yourself when you say this delays response because of travel time.

    Let's take a stroll down memory lane for a minute and we'll revisit your attempt at making this a bad idea. Remember not so long ago, when the chief asked all of you what would help your response rates? No? You've forgotten? Well I remember. You said if we had five minutes until realert we would be able to hit an acceptable bench mark for response. So the chief gave you that extra sixty seconds. Which doesn't sound like much. But in those sixty seconds a fire can double its size twice, a viable cardiac arrest patient is now beyond resuscitation, that trauma patient is beyond compensating shock and has hit the point of no return. And now here we are over a year later and you still fail to get out before realert over 60% of the time. And by the four minute mark 80% of the time. Yet the staffed peices are averaging below sixty seconds over ninety five percent of the time.

    Now let's think about this logically for a second. Yes, dispatching the duty engine to the furthest reaches of station 1's district does require a longer travel time. But that engine can reach station 1 in approximately three minutes. So for the sake of making a point we'll require the duty engine to drive to station 1 and start their response from there. That means 60% of the time they would have better than a two minute head start on the volunteer peice of equipment. Which means in the end, service is actually being delivered faster. But please feel free to continue thinking your providing a faster service delivery. Especially when 20% of the time you're a total no show. So then the duty engine would have been eight minutes reaching your station, after waiting five for your realert and then traveling. That's where the delay in service came in. So in the end you're simply over inflating your self perceived importance.

    And not a single person has died because of this change. So that allegation is faceless and borderline malicious. Because the ambulance is generally what gets their first and has the equipment to really do the magic of life saving. Again, just fluffing your ego.

    To be continued. Blogger has a character max:

  53. Continued:
    And as a part of this plan you were told if you have a crew that is staffing a peice to notify the AC and you will be placed in the dispatch procedure as is the duty engine. So what is actually in play is trying to encourage more members to hang out and staff a peice. Because that's the fastest way to deliver our services. So you's you out and out lied when you wrote they will not alert the station 1 volunteers even if they are in station. Please, when you want to ruffle feathers like these, stick to the facts.

    Next, the twelve personnel hired under the safer grant. Please stop putting it out there like those guys were hired in addition to already existing numbers. Only two were "new" positions. At the end of Ireton's reign he approve "four new positions". Two of which were actually positions frozen in our budget from almost ten years ago, and two were new. All of the rest of those guys were hired through attrition. And the chief doesn't want more people to replace you, contrary to what you said. He actually is putting us at risk because of your short falls in dedication. Because if the chief wanted you gone, there's more than enough data to justify getting rid of you. But for whatever reason he wants to kick the can down the road. Hopefully no citizen or firefighter has to get killed due to your lack of response or competency before he opens his eyes. Case in point the fire in station 2's district last month. Station 2, a half mile away, never got out. And the people from your station (and yes I single out station 1 because it's obvious your a member there) that did make an appearance dos nothing to help the situation. Improper ventilation (that vent your guys cut was a waste of energy), MPO not throwing ground ladders, and having to be told what to do. When everyone should know their objectives just by what peice and order of arrival. So it was almost counterproductive even having you there. But your such a great savings to the tax payers.

    They built the new station 2 where it is at FOR THE VOLUNTEERS!! Because strategically it would have been better suited up north. But "we can't make home response up there, we all live here". And it's not smaller, it's considerably larger than the old station. They sold air-light 2 because your station was getting air utility 1. No need to keep pumping money into that old peice of junk when your were buying a new one. The squad was actually removed by Joel Dixon because it was being used to go on calls it wasn't due just so the volunteers wouldn't scratch on paper. That was done for the safety of all parties. And then it was surplused because it was no longer needed. Again with non factual opinions, you're not very good at this.

    Part One is done. I'll get to the remaining parts later.

    1. Very well written history lesson. Let us not forget all the fires they do not show up on or show up 20 minutes late. Cannot get out with confirmed entrapments. Time for change

  54. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Very well written history lesson. Let us not forget all the fires they do not show up on or show up 20 minutes late. Cannot get out with confirmed entrapments. Time for change

    October 4, 2016 at 11:50 AM

    What part of Hoppes RAN OFF the volunteers DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!!

    I agree it is time for change. It's time to find a real fire chief that is committed to recruiting and retaining volunteers. Something that Hoppes refuses to do.

    Kentland is all volunteer and handles calls. Salisbury can be just like Kentland if you had a real fire chief that wasn't anti-volunteer.

    1. Kentland also runs a station staffing model. Kind of like what the current chief you hate wants. So be careful what examples you use. Because in this case you only proved the need for in station staffing instead of home response. It's about delivery of service not your ego. Go read the department's mission statement. And if you think you're fulfilling that with home response, congratulations you now know you are a part of the problem. Now think on that and let it sink in nice and deep before making another uneducated response.

  55. October 4, 2016 at 11:07 AM

    The new fire station was not built for volunteers. The volunteers didn't want that station so quit your lying. That was built for Hoppes so he could have his name on the building. Lying Moron!!

    1. Wrong there tick boy. Simpson had that location picked and plans drawn in his CIP. And had pitched to the city about a north station. Then to pacify the uproar from the volunteers he agreed to move it across the street. Had the city not pushed the project back and Simpson not left so soon (thank god he did) it would have been his name on the plaque. Learn some history and facts before name calling. Because then you just look like what you accused me of being there genius...

  56. Now for part two:

    This is by far your best work in this whole pointless rant. And in case you're too dense to realize, that was indeed sarcasm.

    So about this "active" member given a 90 day suspension for exercising his "1st amendment right". First, active is hardly a word I would use. He does nothing but drive when he does show up. He falls into the "staffing" category anyway because he only covers calls when he's hanging out. And he wasn't just "talking" to the county executive. He, according to your station mouth piece Justin Elliott, was mapping out how your station was going to leave the city and become a county volunteer fire station. And if that's not fact, go see your man Justin. He would openly discuss the recruiting of members to build up the roster in anticipation of the split. Also openly spoke about your corporation having hired an attorney to map out the legalities of the move. And on more than one occasion alluded to this member being at the helm of the discussions with the move to leave the city. Nothing like abandoning ship, rather than being a part of the solution to patch the holes. So no, this member wasn't an innocent party with unjust cross hairs from the Chiefs office. He was unjustly reinstated before serving his complete suspension due to the fire chief caving under pressure from the volunteers. Again for the life of me I don't know why he gives in when all you guys do is give this department black eye after black eye. And by your own admission the corporation used their funds to hire an attorney to fight this. So you misappropriated TAXPAYER money to fight a fight, that should have never been paid using those monies. Maybe I should call over to the IRS and suggest an audit to see what else has happened in your misuse of taxpayer dollars. Because that member should have spent his own money to fight this battle and then seek damages after winning for his losses. But yet you want to stand on your soapbox and point fingers at the chief for the mishandling and wasting of tax dollars.

    And you better be careful. Because if the chief can produce the items you say he destroyed you have could find yourself in some hot water. But you don't care because you'll use taxpayer dollars to dig yourself out of that mess as well.

    The deputy chief position, I have nothing to say. I don't understand the need to promote another deputy chief. Darrin was just as effective as an AC as he is as a Deputy. But then again he was also exceeding what could be viewed as just compensation for all that he was responsible for. And if you have a problem with that you shouldn't have been silent while it was being done. That was voted on by council and most of you sat to Darrins face saying he deserved it, you hope he got it, and never once had a negative remark throughout the entire process. But then again when you're dealing with "men" who have the mentality of a toddler, why would one expect you to not throw a hissy fit about everything once you stop getting your way. Moving on.

    To be continued:

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. Continued:
    Now let's lay credit where credit is due. Jeff Simpson is who did away with the two volunteer assistant Chiefs. Because frankly it was pointless. By chain of command each station should have one AC. With two you can play "mommy said no, go ask daddy". And that's what used to happen. So Hoppes had nothing to do with that. And let's talk about the chief running them off for a minute...
    Sorry, I couldn't think of anyway to support your ideology. Because most of those whom have left over the last five years were either worthless, riddled with misbehavior, didn't show up, didn't do their job when they showed up, and only wanted to stroke their own ego instead of supporting the mission. But because they are your "buddy" it's the Chiefs fault. Let's discus a few for a minute. Bryan Cook- only got promoted to beat on his chest. Members at two always complained how he would over reach his power and try to belittle anyone who challenged him. And he wasn't fulfilling the job description. So he left in lieu of demotion. Richard Childers- still don't know why he was ever promoted to begin with. One of the Chiefs better decisions was getting rid of him. Luanne Hampshire- was never qualified from the door. Would not respond back if FIRE was in the nature. Never had the respect from anyone as a leader, and had no clue what she was doing. Truly a 100% liability. Ronald Montgomery- another who should of never been promoted. And scandal brought down his officer career. Although he was good at taking care of other members significant others. Jimmy Corron- another whom never fulfilled the position. Only wanted the title for the power and definitely made sure you knew who he was. Danny Long- no need to go any further than, how do you promote someone you never see. Joel MCrorey- who is that? I could go on for a bit longer. But these guys weren't run off by the chief. They ran themselves off. And the last two standing AC's aren't being run off by the chief. Cory isn't going anywhere and Joel is leaving because his personal life is not worth sacrificing for that mess that continues to get worse on the east side. He's done what he can, but hardly anyone wants to step up.

    I won't even touch on the mayors lack of response to you or even getting nasty when you call. Because you would be the only person to pose that accusation.

  59. Continued:
    And man o man am I glad you brought up the utility. Thank you for opening that can of worms. Let's talk about this in a truthful way. Not in a way that makes it look like you're not being permitted to serve the citizens. Why don't you tell the fine citizens that read this blog the real reason this came about? I know you won't so I will. It's called liability. You all were using the brush and utilities to get "a peice on the street" because you knew your failure rate was being evaluated and this was how you could circumvent scratching because you got out. But let's talk about a "lieutenant" (I use that term loosely because I don't think he still has all the required classes to hold the position) taking the brush to MVC's by himself, or with one other person. When clearly our policy states it must be a capital peice (engine, truck, tower, rescue). So for one who screams about waste of money. The fuel being burned, wear on the vehicle, and exposure to liability was a waste of tax dollars. And had it been a one time occurrence it wouldn't have been a big deal. But this same "lieutenant" would take the utility and a crew to an automatic alarm. So with no SCBA, hoses, or pump what were you doing to help mitigate the problem if there was a fire? Nothing!!! That's what. Because now you have personnel with no means to operate and less people back at the station to help get a peice of apparatus on the street that could actually help the citizens in an emergency. Or using the utility to take crews on medical assists and not having a single EMT on board. Again, what were you accomplishing? Nothing more than fudging numbers. The list can go on with the misuse and abuse of the utilization of the utilities and brush. So that's why that directive was implemented. It's called loss/risk mitigation. And since you failed to comply with multiple verbal statements to discontinue the practice. A policy was drafted so you had to stop. But then again I wouldn't want the citizens I'm trying to fool into feeling sorry for us poor victimized volunteers to know the truth about this either. So I can see why you only tell enough of the story to stay in the casting of a good light.

  60. Continued:
    And since I'm done with part two I would like to interject some more truths about the waste of taxpayer money that are our volunteer corporations. First let's start with turnover. Your average retention rate is less than two years. And the city tax payers bear the burden of your background checks, physicals, gear purchases, training, etc. Now at this point you're going to say that it's the fire chiefs fault they don't stick around. But in reality it's you. All these new minds get filled with is the negative rhetoric and constant complaining about how dysfunctional the department is and how the career guys are to blame for everything. So them not wanting to be a part of that falls on you. These members should be the ones you train for the change. They should only be concerned with the mission and supporting the services that we swore to provide. Yet rather you use that opportunity to try and find a like mind to join your cult of career haters. It's the toxicity of your own corporations and the constant internal bickering, badgering, and character slamming that drives them away. Who wants to be a part of something where you're only allowed to like people when their in the room. And then when someone comes in that has that fire and they decide they can't get enough and want to ride with the duty crew to catch a few more calls or training, you alienate them to the point of not coming back at all. If you think Rick Hoppes is the first "bad" chief in this department, you're only fooling yourself. But you are such a self absorbed, entitled, group of crybabies you can't do what they did in the past. Put on your big boy pants, lead from within your organization, and be the cause of positive change. For some reason that is escaping the whole group of you. If you put half the effort painting a positive picture for your members, as you do in maintaining a negative perception for all of the chief and career staff, you would have applicants busting down the door and members sticking around. And in turn achieve a higher level of dedication, and I wouldn't be typing this because your response would be comparable to the volunteer response of decades past.

    Now let's tell the taxpayers how you respect them. You have so much respect for them you'll damage the apparatus and not report it. You'll use tools and not clean or maintain them. You'll ride all night in a storm and not rinse the apparatus once. You'll ride for an entire weekend and not wash the equipment, take out your own garbage, or wash your own dishes. You'll go to a fire and not clean tools, wash scba, nor properly refill bottles. You'll avoid addressing or reporting station deficiencies. And REFUSE to check the apparatus you ride on. Why? Because "that's the paid mans job". Well I have news for you it's not!!! That's your job!!! It's called respect. People work hard for the dollars that buy OUR millions of dollars worth of equipment. They work hard so you and I can have the latest greatest in protective equipment. The least you can do is pry yourself out of the lounge (that you wasted taxpayer dollars on to renovate so you didn't have to be in the building with the paid crew, but that's our fault too I guess) to show the same shoulders you're trying to cry on, that you respect their commitment to you and appreciate all they do for you. Instead you feel like you're owed something because you "volunteer" your time. News flash genius. They owe you NOTHING!!! Volunteer or career you do this because you want to, not to create a debt owed to you. But then again it's hard to see the bigger picture when you can't see past your own nose.

  61. Here is something to think about. There are 15 "volunteer" fire departments in Wicomico County. If all the fire deparments in Wicomico County can maintain volunteers except for the 3 little stations in Salisbury, then there is a problem. There is a serious problem and you don't have to look far to find it.

    If Powellville and Parsonsburg can maintain so many volunteers that they show up to the scene in their cars then why can't Salisbury?

    There are 40,000 citizens in Salisury and you mean to tell me you can't get enough volunteers from 40,000 people then you are not doing your job.

    The root of the problem in Salisbury is the leadership. It starts at the top. Wake the Hell up Salisbury your problem is Richard Hoppes, John Tull and Darrin Scott. They have ruined this department and the Mayor and Council is allowing this to happen.

    They are training the paid firemen to hate the volunteers.They are allowing the volunteers to comment on this blog by their phones while they are working.

    It's time for them to go!

    1. There are 13 stations that respond in this county. Delmar is in Delaware and there isn't a station 4,10, or 13. So I'm already not buying any of your statement.

      At last census there was just over 33,000 citizens, not 40,000.

      The root of the problem is the volunteers. Their negativity and bashing within their own ranks is what is driving people out. Most that come through the doors don't even make it off probation. There's no way they even know enough about the administration at that point to let that run them off. Considering most are only a few months out of fire one. So no, it's the rank and file within the corporations to blame.

    2. But just six years ago you were blaming Simpson. You're the only common denominator in the equation.

  62. Anonymous said...
    And since I'm done with part two I would like to interject some more truths about the waste of taxpayer money that are our volunteer corporations..........

    October 4, 2016 at 2:14 PM

    Whoever wrote these long "Continued" comments is obviously a paid fireman playing the came "Cover Your Butt."

    Whoever wrote these is obviously a paid person? Let me guess?? Rick Hoppes?? John Tull?? Darrin Scott??

    These are not the facts and they are distracting you with LIES.

    Not only that, person writing this is setting at a City computer on the City dime. They are writing this while the city taxpayers are paying their salaries.

    It's called Damage Control!! Hoppes, Tull and Scott!! Gone!! Get rid of Them!!

    1. No actually is the truth! Again trying to bash the career staff. Truth hurts. Glad someone is taking the time to put out the truth.

    2. You know what they say when you assume?

      Your assumptions couldn't be further from the truth. The only thing you got right is that I am paid. But I'm off today. So the only thing you clearly now know about me is what shift I'm not on. So no I'm not on a city computer getting paid. I'm on my home computer enjoying the show of you all desperately grasping at straws and trying to save face.

      And none of what I said is a lie. It can all be backed up with facts. Especially your failure rate!!! That has been tracked for sometime now. And that data has been compiled. So all the mayor and council need to do is tell the chief to hand it over and our entire city government will see what failures you are.

      Need I continue with where the facts can be found to support my statements? Because I'm not sure you want all the dust the chief sweeps under the rug hiding your inability to do what is expected of you by the citizens to be found out in their entirety.

      The best thing you could do is leave the city. Start your own fire department. Because then the citizens you're trying to fool would know the real truth about you. Because then it would have to go 12 minutes before they send the next due to cover your lack of response. Then you would really see the risk you are currently perpetuating on the citizens of Salisbury and career staff of this department with no BS story to hide behind. Keep digging that hole. Because there are some of us who will not let you run this department to the ground. So the next time you write a letter to the editor to try and remove the black cloud that comes with failure, you better bring facts, because as of yet you have failed to do so. Now if you'll excuse one of my favorite shows just came on.

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. It is funny that they don't like Hoppes anymore and want an outside chief. They had that and ran Simpson out. He was ready to staff all three stations. He saw how incompetent they were at truck work and moved truck 2 uptown. They cried about it to the mayor and made him move it back.

  65. Anonymous said...
    It is funny that they don't like Hoppes anymore and want an outside chief. They had that and ran Simpson out. He was ready to staff all three stations. He saw how incompetent they were at truck work and moved truck 2 uptown. They cried about it to the mayor and made him move it back.

    October 4, 2016 at 4:24 PM

    Simpson hated volunteers just as much. Funny thing is he hated Hoppes as well. Tull was Simpson's Boy and Hoppes was going to be weeded out in due time. The vollies didn't want Hoppes either, for the record.

  66. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You know what they say when you assume?

    Your assumptions couldn't be further from the truth. The only thing you got right is that I am paid. But I'm off today. So the only thing you clearly now know about me is what shift I'm not on. So no I'm not on a city computer getting paid. I'm on my home computer enjoying the show of you all desperately grasping at straws and trying to save face.

    And none of what I said is a lie. It can all be backed up with facts. Especially your failure rate!!! That has been tracked for sometime now. And that data has been compiled. So all the mayor and council need to do is tell the chief to hand it over and our entire city government will see what failures you are.

    Need I continue with where the facts can be found to support my statements? Because I'm not sure you want all the dust the chief sweeps under the rug hiding your inability to do what is expected of you by the citizens to be found out in their entirety.

    The best thing you could do is leave the city. Start your own fire department. Because then the citizens you're trying to fool would know the real truth about you. Because then it would have to go 12 minutes before they send the next due to cover your lack of response. Then you would really see the risk you are currently perpetuating on the citizens of Salisbury and career staff of this department with no BS story to hide behind. Keep digging that hole. Because there are some of us who will not let you run this department to the ground. So the next time you write a letter to the editor to try and remove the black cloud that comes with failure, you better bring facts, because as of yet you have failed to do so. Now if you'll excuse one of my favorite shows just came on.

    October 4, 2016 at 4:01 PM

    The point isn't that the volunteers failed, the point is that Hoppes, Tull and Scott failed the volunteers. If the entire county can get volunteers then why can't a city of 40-50,000 people? Leadership my friend. Failed Leadership!

  67. Wow Bryan you sure did have a lot to say . Next time sign your name . All people have to do is put two and two together and see this is you just like your Facebook. Why don't you retire your the same one that came to station 2 bashing the whole staffing issue and saying that's not volunteering. When I leave here you will see a 3 on my shield . All you do is stir trouble .Get back under the Chiefs desk.

  68. This is great. It's a shame the volunteers don't leave cause from this they alt to. Seems like the career don't need them or want them. Best part is if they do then I guess some will be layed off. Great that should be the plan then the city won't need more money from the county.

  69. Anonymous said...
    There are 13 stations that respond in this county. Delmar is in Delaware and there isn't a station 4,10, or 13. So I'm already not buying any of your statement.

    At last census there was just over 33,000 citizens, not 40,000.

    The root of the problem is the volunteers. Their negativity and bashing within their own ranks is what is driving people out. Most that come through the doors don't even make it off probation.
    Considering most are only a few months out of fire one. So no, it's the rank and file within the corporations to blame.

    October 4, 2016 at 4:15 PM

    Hey Dumb Dumb! Delmar is in Wicomico County, it is Station 4 dip wad!! Why do you think they always do roll call after Station 3 and before Station 5. Have you ever heard of the Town too big for One State?? If you were as smart as you think you are you would know that Delmar Station 7(4) recieves County Funding and recieves County radios and recieves County insurance for Workers Comp!

    "The root of the problem is the volunteers. Their negativity and bashing within their own ranks is what is driving people out. Most that come through the doors don't even make it off probation."

    No Dear, the root of the problem is YOU PAID firemen who do all the bashing and create all the negativity. "Most of the volunteers don't make it through probation?" That is because Richard Hoppes and the paid firemen do their best to run them off like you are doing now with your lies and your negativity.

    1. Hey dip wad, the poster counted Delmar. There are only 13 stations. And Delmar fire department is located in Delaware!! That's why they're 74. And they may receive county funds, but no fire department is given county radios. And if they do my department wants reimbursement because we spent over $30,000 last year on radios. And they have to be covered by the workers comp because they do have response district in the county on the Maryland side of their town. And when do they do "roll call"? I've been a volunteer in this county for 27 years and have never heard a "roll call". They do announcements and out of service reports. You have little room to call someone dip wad, dumb a**

  70. Anonymous said...
    You know what they say when you assume?

    Your assumptions couldn't be further from the truth. The only thing you got right is that I am paid. But I'm off today. So the only thing you clearly now know about me is what shift I'm not on. So no I'm not on a city computer getting paid. I'm on my home computer enjoying the show of you all desperately grasping at straws and trying to save face.

    And none of what I said is a lie. It can all be backed up with facts. Especially your failure rate!!! That has been tracked for sometime now. And that data has been compiled. So all the mayor and council need to do is tell the chief to hand it over and our entire city government will see what failures you are.

    Need I continue with where the facts can be found to support my statements? Because I'm not sure you want all the dust the chief sweeps under the rug hiding your inability to do what is expected of you by the citizens to be found out in their entirety.

    The best thing you could do is leave the city. Start your own fire department. Because then the citizens you're trying to fool would know the real truth about you. Because then it would have to go 12 minutes before they send the next due to cover your lack of response. Then you would really see the risk you are currently perpetuating on the citizens of Salisbury and career staff of this department with no BS story to hide behind. Keep digging that hole. Because there are some of us who will not let you run this department to the ground. So the next time you write a letter to the editor to try and remove the black cloud that comes with failure, you better bring facts, because as of yet you have failed to do so. Now if you'll excuse one of my favorite shows just came on.

    October 4, 2016 at 4:01 PM

    Your statements aren't facts, your statements are lies trying to justify yor paid fire jobs.

    "Now if you'll excuse one of my favorite shows just came on."

    Oh, nice touch trying to pretend you are home watching TV. LMAO

    1. You keep saying the poster isn't putting out facts. Yet you offer no facts in rebuttal? Seems like maybe your one of the volunteers he/she is writing about trying to avoid being ousted in the public eye. Bring some substance to the debate and people may take you seriously.

  71. Anonymous said...
    Wow Bryan you sure did have a lot to say . Next time sign your name . All people have to do is put two and two together and see this is you just like your Facebook. Why don't you retire your the same one that came to station 2 bashing the whole staffing issue and saying that's not volunteering. When I leave here you will see a 3 on my shield . All you do is stir trouble .Get back under the Chiefs desk.

    October 4, 2016 at 11:08 PM

    He would have been my guess. Funny how he goes around kissing up to the volunteers when he is at he stations but in reality he is really spying for the chief. They meet and work hard trying to see what they can come up with to screw people over. When he is talking to me he runs the chief down. When he is in the chiefs face they are best friends. He calls Joe and acts like they are best friends then in front of Hoppes he runs Joe down as if they hate each other. Joe don't trust him. Don't anyone trust him.

  72. Anonymous said...
    Kentland also runs a station staffing model. Kind of like what the current chief you hate wants. So be careful what examples you use. Because in this case you only proved the need for in station staffing instead of home response. It's about delivery of service not your ego. Go read the department's mission statement. And if you think you're fulfilling that with home response, congratulations you now know you are a part of the problem. Now think on that and let it sink in nice and deep before making another uneducated response.

    October 4, 2016 at 2:35 PM

    Thanks Hoppes, we knew you were on the computer today trying to do Damage Control. LOL, you little Weasel! Oh Crap, you fat slob, you are little at all. I mean you Chubby Weasel you.

  73. There are Volunteer stations all over Prince Georges County, Maryland that have excellent volunteers and if they can do it Salisbury can also. PG doesn't invent all these "Mandatory Classes" for everyone and suspend them if they miss one.

    1. There are mandatory requirements once a year. So keep crying about nothing.

      And PG does a staffing matrix. So again, you're only further proving the need for in station staffing instead of home response. Keep on digging...

  74. The most evil person that ever ran the Salisbury Fire Department was David See and Rick Hoppes isn't far behind. John Tull and Darren Scott are in that same group. They all hate volunteers and they were all buddies. David See would cuss out the volunteers so bad that a fly wouldn't pitch on em. Rick Hoppes kissed David See's butt to get promoted and when he got his wings he decided to carry the torch to get rid of all volunteers. That has always been the motive of the paid fire leaders. All of them.

  75. Jeff Simpson? WTH brought up that idiot? Jeff Simpson wouldn't make a pimple on a real firefighters butt, much like Rick Hoppes. The only good thing about Jeff Simpson was the fact that he knew Hoppes was worthless and he was working on getting rid of him just like he did with Jimbo's little butt buddy who got fired then came back demoted.

  76. Anonymous said...
    There are 13 stations that respond in this county. Delmar is in Delaware and there isn't a station 4,10, or 13. So I'm already not buying any of your statement.

    At last census there was just over 33,000 citizens, not 40,000.

    The root of the problem is the volunteers. Their negativity and bashing within their own ranks is what is driving people out. Most that come through the doors don't even make it off probation.
    Considering most are only a few months out of fire one. So no, it's the rank and file within the corporations to blame.

    October 4, 2016 at 4:15 PM

    This is for the above idiot that can't comprehend intelligence!!

    Communications Division

    The Communications Division known as "Central" is manned 24/7. Central houses, maintains, and operates the Wicomico County Public Safety Answering Point, better known as 9-1-1. All incoming 911 calls from within Wicomico County are received at this center. (Calling 9-1-1 What To Expect)

    The center receives calls for service for six police agencies within the county, gathers information and transfers the call to the appropriate agency for action. Along with the six police agencies the center also receives and dispatches all fire and medical related calls for 14 fire companies and 14 ambulance companies.

    Fire & Ambulance Companies
    Salisbury Headquarters Co.
    Salisbury Fire Department Station 1
    Salisbury Fire Department Station 2
    Salisbury E.M.S
    Fruitland Fire Department Station 3
    Delmar Fire Department and E.M.S Station 74
    Hebron Fire Department and E.M.S Station 5
    Parsonsburg Fire Department and E.M.S Station 6
    Pittsville Fire Department and E.M.S Station 7
    Willards Fire Department and E.M.S Station 8
    Mardela Springs Fire Department and E.M.S. Station 9
    Powellville Fire Department and E.M.S Station 11
    Westside Fire Department and E.M.S Station 12
    Sharptown Fire Department and E.M.S Station 14
    Allen Fire Department Station 15

    Oh look!! And even the Delmar Police Department is listed!!

    Police Agencies
    Delmar Police Department
    Fruitland Police Department
    Maryland State Police
    Salisbury Police Department
    Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department
    Salisbury University Police Department

  77. It's amazing what people will do for a job and or promotion. It seems that's the only qualification you need. I'm curious what STEVENSON had to do for IRETON behind closed doors

  78. Anonymous said...
    You keep saying the poster isn't putting out facts. Yet you offer no facts in rebuttal? Seems like maybe your one of the volunteers he/she is writing about trying to avoid being ousted in the public eye. Bring some substance to the debate and people may take you seriously.

    October 5, 2016 at 7:17 AM

    I don't know who you are or who you are talking about, but the original post, ie. Letter to the Editor is factual and that is all I need. WTF are you talking about "the debate?" There is not debate, Richard Hoppes, ie. Wannabe Fire Chief has run off all the good volunteers and has done nothing to recruit new volunteers and he must go. Case Closed!!

  79. Joe why isn't this a featured post or listed as one of the 5 top posts of the week?

  80. Anonymous said...
    It is funny that they don't like Hoppes anymore and want an outside chief. They had that and ran Simpson out. He was ready to staff all three stations. He saw how incompetent they were at truck work and moved truck 2 uptown. They cried about it to the mayor and made him move it back.

    October 4, 2016 at 4:24 PM

    No what's really funny is Hoppes was demoted by Simpson and Tull was made "Senior Assistant Chief." Hoppes was only in charge of the office staff and he was a failure at that as well. Proof that Hopeless isn't qualified to be the fire chief.


  81. Richard A. Hoppes said...
    Wrong there tick boy. Simpson had that location picked and plans drawn in his CIP. And had pitched to the city about a north station. Then to pacify the uproar from the volunteers he agreed to move it across the street. Had the city not pushed the project back and Simpson not left so soon (thank god he did) it would have been his name on the plaque. Learn some history and facts before name calling. Because then you just look like what you accused me of being there genius...

    October 4, 2016 at 2:33 PM

    The above post was written by Chief Hoppes(a title he doesn't deserve).

    He called a volunteer firefighter Tick boy and do you know what TICK means?

    TICK means Totally Incapable of Containing Knowledge = Stupid.

    That is how Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Jay Jester, Records, Gladwell and O'Barsky think of the volunteers and this is how they treat the volunteers. Any they want the public to think that the volunteers can't handle the calls or there are no volunteers available for taking the calls? Well there you have it, plain and simple. This is proof of how they run the volunteers off by demeaning them and putting them down all the time. They are treated like second class citizens all the time.

    A real Mayor and City Council would not tolerate this and do a thorough investigation. But they won't! They won't because each and every one of them are Democrats.

  82. You know what is funny? Darren Scott is the dumbest member of the Salisbury Fire Department, but Rick Hoppes made him the Deputy Fire Chief without going through the appropriate promotional process system. That is because he can't pass any exams without assistance, also referred to as cheating. He tried to take the State Realtor's Exam, but failed it 5 times until someone finally took it for him.

  83. 4:32, You crack me up.

    First of all, we don't pick and choose which articles become the top 5 posts of the week. That's done automatically by Google and it is based on the most read articles. For the fun of it I just went and looked to see where this article is and guess what, it's not even in the top 10.

    As for this being a featured article, I think not. Yeah, like I want my readers hearing about one firefighter screwing another firefighters wife. You people are warped, seriously.

  84. Anonymous said...
    Hey dip wad, the poster counted Delmar. There are only 13 stations. And Delmar fire department is located in Delaware!! That's why they're 74. And they may receive county funds, but no fire department is given county radios. And if they do my department wants reimbursement because we spent over $30,000 last year on radios. And they have to be covered by the workers comp because they do have response district in the county on the Maryland side of their town. And when do they do "roll call"? I've been a volunteer in this county for 27 years and have never heard a "roll call". They do announcements and out of service reports. You have little room to call someone dip wad, dumb a**

    October 5, 2016 at 7:14 AM

    This poor guy is dumb as Hell! How did you even get a job. If you don't know your facts about the fire service you shouldn't even comment.

    Here is a roll call from the Wicomico County 911 Centers website. Notice again that Delmar Station 74 is inbetween stations 3 and 5 making it Wicomico Station 4. Duh!

  85. Anonymous said...
    The most evil person that ever ran the Salisbury Fire Department was David See and Rick Hoppes isn't far behind. John Tull and Darren Scott are in that same group. They all hate volunteers and they were all buddies. David See would cuss out the volunteers so bad that a fly wouldn't pitch on em. Rick Hoppes kissed David See's butt to get promoted and when he got his wings he decided to carry the torch to get rid of all volunteers. That has always been the motive of the paid fire leaders. All of them.

    October 5, 2016 at 1:51 AM

    That is the truth and they can't run me off like they have done most of the other ones. They have demoted volunteer officers and even done away with many of the positions as if there never was a volunteer fire officer.

  86. JoeAlbero said...
    4:32, You crack me up.

    First of all, we don't pick and choose which articles become the top 5 posts of the week. That's done automatically by Google and it is based on the most read articles. For the fun of it I just went and looked to see where this article is and guess what, it's not even in the top 10.

    As for this being a featured article, I think not. Yeah, like I want my readers hearing about one firefighter screwing another firefighters wife. You people are warped, seriously.

    October 6, 2016 at 4:54 AM

    I tend to agree with you on this. That is very sad how Rick Hoppes has created an environment of evil and hatred.

    One fireman screwing another fireman's wife. I guess that puts "Brotherhood" in another perspective.

  87. I'd like to know why the Salisbury University PD is said to be a police department, but they don't act like real police officers.

    Why don't they provide mutual aid to the City of Salisbury PD, the Sheriff's Office or the State police? Why don't they run radar around on the streets around the campus? Why don't they investigate automobile accidents on the streets surrounding the campus? After all that traffic is created by the college.

    During the Seagull Century every year, and the next one is this Saturday October 8, 2016, the Maryland State Police pays Troopers to be at the intersection of Rt. 13 and Bateman Street directing traffic all day long for the bikers. IF the Salisbury University's PD is a REAL police agency then why are they not directing the traffic when it's their Seagull Century that created this major HAZARD!!


  88. Rick Hoppes said...
    There are mandatory requirements once a year. So keep crying about nothing.

    And PG does a staffing matrix. So again, you're only further proving the need for in station staffing instead of home response. Keep on digging...

    October 5, 2016 at 2:26 PM

    Proof that Rick Hoppes wants to do away with the volunteers. There is nothing wrong with "in station staffing" of volunteers, but that has never been discussed. Neither has going through the neighborhoods to see if any of the residents living next door want to become voluteers. Oh Wait! They can't do that because many of the neighbors are black and Rick Hoppes doesn't want any blacks volunteering. Remember how racist he is? Look at Lt. Cropper. The Mayor and Council isn't going to do that? Remember Dr. Chambers. There are a bunch of racist white people in leaership positions and you do nothing but give them a free pass.

    1. Cropper left under Simpson. Nice try on the lie.

  89. Anonymous said...
    It's amazing what people will do for a job and or promotion. It seems that's the only qualification you need. I'm curious what STEVENSON had to do for IRETON behind closed doors

    October 5, 2016 at 9:19 AM

    Yes that is a fact. Tom Stevenson wasn't and still isn't qualified to be the City Administrator no more than Rick Hoppes isn't qualified to be the fire chief. I too wonder what Tom and Rick did behind closed doors with Jim Ireton to get their jobs. Better yet what are they doing behind closed doors with Jake Day and Jack Heath?

  90. Uh Oh Salisbury is being dispatched for a building fire at Mill Pond Village and Chris O'Barsky is driving Assistant Chief 1 and he is looking at maps while driving and telling responding units which way to turn when they enter the complex. How soon he has forgotten that he crashed a $100,000 command vehicle not to long ago driving stupid.

  91. As a taxpayer in Salisbury I would like to know why the Salisbury Fire Department is still sending paid fire engine crew on ambulance calls when they are not dispatched??

  92. Anonymous said...
    Cropper left under Simpson. Nice try on the lie.

    October 6, 2016 at 7:32 PM

    Doesn't matter who he left under. It matters who forced him out. Simpson was only there 1 year and Hoppes was there his whole career and had the time to force him out. Hoppes was Deputy Chief under See also. Two of the most racist people to ever be employed at the Salisbury Fire Department. Nice try Moron!

    1. Still not true that is why you have resorted to insults.

  93. Anonymous said...
    Still not true that is why you have resorted to insults.

    October 6, 2016 at 9:38 PM

    Hoppes is that you on here again. It was good to see you on the call tonight. The vollies got out tonight didn't they. Thirty seconds or less behind your paid crew, proves that paid firemen aren't needed with good volunteers. Too bad you didn't know what you were doing. Pathetic leadership as usual.

  94. Anonymous said...
    Cropper left under Simpson. Nice try on the lie.

    October 6, 2016 at 7:32 PM

    Look at this. Richard A. Hoppes, BS is playing damage control again.

  95. RETIRE ALREADY HOPPES....you can't control your employees anyway.

  96. What part of "the County has already paid for services from all 3 stations" doesn't Rick Hoppes and Jake Day understand. Rick Hoppes claims that the Salisbury Fire Department is one department so why is the County paying them for 3 instead of 1?? The other stations in the County only get paid for 1. He's not toning out volunteer stations and not using the volunteers so the County Executive and the County Council needs to cut the funding.

    If the Salisbury Fire Department would quit chasing the ambulances all the time there would be no need for the paid fire crews anyway.

  97. As much as we hated Jeff Simpson we now know that Jeff Simpson was ready to fire that tool and demoted Hoppes. Hoppes looked like a sad puppy for almost a year. I am still LMFAO about that.

    Funny thing is how Darren Scott is now promoted to Deputy Chief of Operations and John Tull is the sad puppy of Administration. Did Hoppes demote John Tull when he promoted Darrin Scott?

  98. Hoppes needs to go. Getting away with murder, I bet his ego is so big now he thinks he is now qualified to be the City Administrator. But then again he has a fake college degree and Tom Stevenson can't even show that.

  99. Here is a Recruitment advertisement for a real Fire Chief in Evanston, Illinois. Hoppes wouldn't get hired because he doesn't meet the minimum requirements and these requirements are nationwide standards. Jim Ireton and Jake Day screwed up on this one. No wonder that fire department is so dysfunctional.


    Minimum Requirements:

    Must possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university; a Master’s degree in Fire Science or related area or a Master’s in Public Administration is preferred and highly desirable.
    Must possess a valid driver’s license and a safe driving record.
    Must possess current First Aid/CPR certifications. Possession of a paramedic license is preferred.
    Must possess a proven background and experience in Fire Department management. Must possess seven (7) or more years of experience as a firefighter in addition to five (5) or more years of experience in a supervisory capacity. Work experience as Assistant/Deputy/Division Chief or Chief is strongly preferred.

    1. These requirements don't matter. Same went for city administrator and guess what this guy didn't even come close, and has failed drug tests while a city of salisbury employee. Why hasn't anything been done? All you have to do is kiss the right asses

  100. Rick Hoppes did a good job of running off good vollies with his bogus job requirements that weren't justified. He intentionally ran off the volunteers so he could hire more paid firemen. It's a fact. How do you think he was able to hire the 12 with the free money grant. Had to run off the volunteers first and say they were scratching on calls all the time.

    All the city has to do is a massive recruiting drive and be honest with it and we can get the volunteers back.

  101. A real fire chief in a "Combination" department would not have let the volunteers disappear the way they have. A real fire chief would be embarrassed to have that many volunteers leave on his watch but yet he brags about it and then brags that he has "facts and figures" and "data." Rick Hoppes FAILED. If Jake Day doesn't do anything about Rick Hoppes then Jake Day FAILS!!!!

  102. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A real fire chief in a "Combination" department would not have let the volunteers disappear the way they have. A real fire chief would be embarrassed to have that many volunteers leave on his watch but yet he brags about it and then brags that he has "facts and figures" and "data." Rick Hoppes FAILED. If Jake Day doesn't do anything about Rick Hoppes then Jake Day FAILS!!!!

    October 8, 2016 at 7:11 AM

    I couldn't have said it better myself. We all thought Jim Ireton would make the better choice for chief and he failed, then Jake Day comes along and he fails. Another Boi Wonder with no experience making wrong decicions for the citizens of Salisbury and we have to suffer. Jake Day you are DONE!

  103. Jake Day is absolutely hilarious. his latest endeavor, "Intel and data gathering" and yes some selfies posted everywhere with him and STEVENSON. Blind leading the Blind

  104. The funniest part.
    125+ comments on a blog and nothing will be done about this accusation.

  105. It's not accusation it's truth and if Day had the balls and TRUE leadership he would investigate and bring the truth out in the open. But he like the people he wants around him are spineless

  106. Hoppes never holds himself accountable for anything just like his followers, Insley (bar stool warmer..Bragg...(bar stool warmer) but at least he is gone. Adams...to many crazy ass issues with that one. Look at what's going on with Hoppes now, gets rid of the volunteers and promotes a second paid Deputy Chief in the Department. Darrin Scott, just like Hoppes, never had to sit for a promotional exam. Good thing because he isn't the brightest bulb in the box. What does that tell you about the promotional process when he forces the volunteers and the career volunteers to take it. It doesn't matter, it's only an excuse to say that someone they don't want to promote didn't pass the exam. Happens every year.

  107. Rick Hoppes keeps his job because he got the paid firemen to support Jim Ireton, Jake Day Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields. The proof is in the pictures of Rick Hoppes attending the election night party of Jim Ireton, Jake Day, Laura Mitchel and Shanie Shields. Yes Rick Hoppes was in attendance hugging and kissing on Jake Day and Jim Ireton. Deals were made. I've got the pictures and they are also on the internet. Now what he did at this last election who knows, because the election was so convoluted and new districts meaning new faces. Things may change for Hoppes at the next election since Shanie lost, Laura is gone and Jack Heath is the president. You also have Muir Boda on the current council, but he is too dumb to think for himself. Hopefully Hopes will be gone by then and we can start to rebuild the volunteers. Maybe the volunteers will still be around and they can work to get some new faces on the council and get us a new mayor.

  108. Vote " JOE " for mayor . He should had won last time but day snaked his way in . Joe might not know everything about the FD but I bet he knows enough to fix the volunteers and save the city more money by obtaining more volunteers. Guess that will be more than Jake and Rick have done .

    Listening to the scanner and couldn't belive what I heard . Station 3,16,15 begin alerted for a house fire. So your sending the paid guys to the county now and not the volunteers from station 1 on Beaglin park drive . I've had a scanner all my life and I'm pretty sure that type of call has always alerted volunteers for fires with fruitland . What is the city trying to charge the county now. Wouldn't doubt it .

    1. Actually 16 in the past was alerted to Fruitland on their side of 13.


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