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Sunday, October 23, 2016

WBOC's Weatherman Brian Keane Will Remain On The Job 10-19-16

I just received information from a very reliable source that Brian Keane will NOT be terminated from WBOC. 


  1. That's good to hear. But I won't be able to breathe until everyone is in the clear and the TV will have him back.

    Yes my name is Anonymous...my parents knew I would be writing on blogs.

  2. he should be back on the air.

  3. He shouldn't be. We all make mistakes and hopefully he learns by it. There is too many other big fish that have been caught doing bigger things wrong that gets slaps on the hand.

  4. May want to re-evaluate your source that indicated he was being terminated.

  5. Just stay out of the tanning booth , it's so obvious and for ladies , are you one?

  6. Terminated? He should be crucified! It would have been better if he joined ISIS than get a dui.

    1. Wow. Good to know there are perfect people in the world.

  7. Geesh, get a life, and leave the guy alone, really.

  8. He No Better than anyone else He Should Be Fired

    The press would have anyone else on Display
    The press he works for

    They enjoy putting everyone else on TV when they are in trouble but when it is one of their own Cover it up

    1. The story was on wboc Monday night. They didn't cover it up

    2. I don't understand why the news people put one of their own on Facebook. Don't you think he(Brian) should have his privacy?

  9. For crying out loud, people, he's a TV weatherman, not a teacher or politician!

    1. Why should that be any different?

    2. Even they get away with it!

    3. Even teachers and administrators have been charged with DUI and kept their jobs!

  10. 1:14-"Cover it up?" If I'm not mistaken, WBOC blasted this all over their page. Hardly a cover up!

  11. Most of us make mistakes in life. Hopefully we learn from them. He should be given a second change. If I were the employer, I would do this.

  12. 1:14 so EVERYBODY who gets DUI gets fired? Just put them on welfare? Lose their home? WTF is wrong with you?

    The press? All they report on is Dover, I have yet to see them "report" on any DUI's. He isn't a politician.

    What a miserable community you are.

  13. That's good; he will pay enough with the law; not necessary to lose his job. t

  14. So where has word come from saying he loses a job? Minions posting on the net? None of my business, don't know the dude.

  15. Just because he is on tv doesn't make him any different.Probably because he is is the reason for all the publicity.He is not the first person to get a dui and he wont be the last.No I don't agree with drinking and driving but he is going to have to have a job to pay for his mistake.

  16. Then they need to bring back the sports guy from a few years back that was fired and his wife the co-anchor divorced him. That's how wboc used to treat a dui.

    1. Are you talking about Scott Abraham & Lacee Griffith?

    2. No he wasn't fired. They moved.

  17. WBOC probably called him out thinking it would draw in more viewers to see if they would say anything else about it. LOL

    Seriously, I hope he gets his life and issues straightened out. He's definitely my favorite of the three meteorologists there....no offense to the other two. :-)

  18. I have to be honest I only watch the weather for the super hot women...

  19. He should be stoned. No, I mean stoned as in getting high. No DUI. Maybe a civil ticket if caught with it.

  20. good Lord hypocrites!!! many decent folks and those in every profession have dui's. its not a life sentence. he should not lose his job over this. my God the holier than thou's are out in full force!!! get a life...until you are perfect be quiet. Do you know how many bankers, lawyers, insurance salesman, store owners, teachers, secretaries, board members etc has more than 1 dui??? again- get a life

  21. The Press (WBOC) loves putting you on the Crime Stories on TV

    I have not seen them even mention His troubles on the
    station Ch 16

    They just pick and choose and cherry pick what to put on

    if you call their TIP line they just laugh you off

    He and the station Press can't hide what he did We Know this is the Internet era

    He can grow his Beard back now in Jail

    1. They aired the story on TV and their social media Monday

    2. Like I said he made a mistake no big deal. We don't know what his BAC was so we shouldn't judge him

  22. guaranteed the same imbeciles posting on here for him to lose his job are Hillary voters. the ignorant and the hypocritical and the dumb.

  23. He Lucky he did not kill or injure anyone

    This matter serious not a joke

    How can he show his face on WBOC anymore after this ????

  24. How can WBOC Put him back on after this and

    be a respectable organization anymore ?

    Think Not

  25. Poor guy. I feel for him.

  26. If you can't Do The Time

    Don't Do The Crime

    He no better than Anyone else He should have called Uber

    1. Uber wouldnt dare work in dabury and fruitland they would robbed every night thanks to troopers worrying about a guy having a beer or two.

    2. Actually UBer has been in Sby for a while. People like you are why so much mis-information is spread. How about you try spreading something positive instead of implying an Uber driver would get robbed every night in Sby which has never happened and is a rediculious immature comment

  27. It's his personal life!!!!!!! This has nothing to do with his work abilities!!!

  28. Have a Designated Driver

    Uber Lyft Taxis Don't Be Stupid

  29. Did DAN say it would Be Like This ???

  30. Troopers need to stakeout downtown dabury for lawyers drinking on the job during court breaks ?

  31. should have called Chopper 16 to get him a ride or

    Subaru or Johnny Janosick or Capt Willey

    ECI is hiring plenty of openings

  32. call Chopper 16 next time

  33. was that DogFish Head beer he was drinking ??

    since it has ties to WBOC Draper Holdings

    maybe it was Happy Hour

  34. get Jimmey to put the fire out

    Brian is in a Jimmey Jam !!!

  35. He just likes that Dogfish Head

  36. He could have killed someone driving DUI. Use your brains people for crying out loud. Have you all lost common sense?

    1. Give him a break... There are a lot of accidents all not including the good beer.

  37. No People sticking up for him anyway He like Hillary

    They are Perfect they do no wrong kiss their asses

  38. My the peace of GOD be with him, and his family. My prayers.

  39. I think it's wrong they even made this as news. They don't make anyone else's dui's known like this. He is a weatherman not a famous person. So yeah who cares. People mess up. We live and we learn. And who is anyone to judge him. Anyone gossiping about this should be ashamed of yourself. Grow up. You rock Brian!

  40. What he did had nothing to do with his job anyway.All you people running your mouths ought to shut up.No one is perfect. We are all guilty of messing up sometimes.

  41. He's human and we make mistakes. Just glad no one was hurt.

  42. Ok so for one they didn't cover anything up if you watched the news yet clearly said he was charged with a DUI, should he be fired yes and no, my yes is because he is on the news and people look up to him plus he's public figure and he could had killed someone but my no is because hes the best on wboc, this is his first offense we know of hes getting punished enough as it is,its not like he was on the job drunk and slurring all over the place, I see reporters from 47 all the time out drinking and acting a fool, nothing happens to them, so why fore him people make mistakes everyday you live and you learn, I look forward to seeing him on wboc again😁

  43. Everybody settle down...
    FACT: People in the public eye ARE held to a different standard. Right or wrong, it comes with the fame - the celebrity - of being on TV.
    This is something that is very well understood when the job position is taken.
    FACT: Can you honestly say that the next time - and every time - you see him on TV, you won't be thinking about him being drunk behind the wheel?
    FACT: Station owners/managers know this and are forced to take action.
    FACT: He won't be there long. I wish him well. Seems like a nice enough guy. Just bad - very bad - decision maker.

  44. I wonder how many of you same people talking so bad about this guy have at at least 1 Dui?plenty I'm sure!

  45. I hope i NEVER see wboc executives out boozing it up i will be video taping you hypocrites.

  46. 4:33pm
    Yes I can honestly say that I won't think of him being drunk when I see him on TV dressed in a suit and discussing the weather. If he's not acting drunk at the time or dressed like a slob, it won't cross my mind. I'm there to listen to the weather report.

  47. Dan Satterfield set him up so he gets more air time to screw up the forcast!

  48. I know. I saw it when Steve Hammond reported it. He did wrong, but everybody makes mistakes. He is great at his job!

  49. Brain keen lost his job before court? I'm not shure but i know Dan Satterfield lost his job in mobile Alabama for going to a global warming convention, not putting in his forcast about tornadoes in the mobile area becalse dan is the end all be all of forecasters, when every outh mederoagist was call for tornadoes, look it , he is a fool.

  50. Why was he mentioned when so many other people make mistakes and they are not on the news? He is very good at his job. I am sorry but really why make his reputation at stake? He is the weather man WBOC has!

  51. Witnessed Captain. Willie Dukes downing several at a local AL...j/s

  52. That is great, he does his job well and we all make mistakes

  53. Why should he be? He's a weather man not a cop, lawyer, judge, POTUS...he's a human and made a mistake tjat he'll pay for! Dern, at leadt no one was hurt! This doesn't make him horrible, just human!

  54. Its a sad day when something like this is "news".

  55. if a nurse gets a DUI they go before the Board of nursing and\or probation or terminated nursing license. He is getting away really easy.

  56. I would have been so disappointed with WBOC had they let him go. He is awesome at what he does and this has no bearing on his job. Thank God no one was injured and hopefully he has learned from this experience and now we can all move on. Hang tight Brian you are loved by many..

  57. A teacher in the county where I live was terminated after his third DUI, not the first.

  58. Nurses are responsible to take care of lives, he's a meteorologist. He was not on duty. He made a mistake. Those without sin cast the first stone. Just because he sinned differently than the rest of us makes us no better. We are not the judge. Peace!

  59. He should have his job back , geez it's a DUI , and he's also my favorite one as well, wish he would be on air more often .. and by far the cutest one (:

  60. I'll bet you wouldn't be so forgiving if he had killed someone. Drinking and driving kills!!!

  61. Really don't we have more to worry about than this ! Just look at the presidency !!!!!!!!!!

  62. Im trying to get his number, certified hottie!

  63. He that is with out sin, cast the first stone,

  64. He needs to put in for Barbara Duncans job at the city PD...can not do any worse than her and her top 3

  65. it's wrong to drink and drive but I've done it before and I'm sure a lot of other people have too. Thank God he didn't hurt anyone. I'm glad he will stay on the air. I'm sure he has learned his lesson. I think you are a good guy Brian Keane.

  66. I'm glad to know that he will not lose his job. One mistake was enough!

  67. Why does WBOC treat women who get a drunk driving charge differently than men. They fire the women. The men apparently get a pass. Joe, you should investigate that.

  68. Glad he gets to keep his job, I enjoy watching Brian in the morning.

  69. We all make mistakes. I look forward to seeing Brian back on the news cast!

  70. O yeah Dan Satterfield sucks!


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