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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Vet who used a bow and arrow to kill a 'feral' cat - has her license suspended

A vet who used a bow and arrow to kill a neighbor's cat which had wandered onto her home and then boasted about it online has been suspended.

Beneath a shocking image of her holding the dead animal, still with an arrow in her head, Kristen Lindsey wrote: 'My first bow kill... lol. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it's (sic) head. Vet of the year award... gladly accepted.'

She was judged by the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners to have been cruel to the animal, named Tiger, and was banned from practicing for a year.




  1. as well she should AND face criminal charges

  2. She needs to find a new profession.

  3. Fedbook has ruined more careers then the economy. Can't understand why people keep posting images of themselves.

  4. 7:37 AM let me clue you in as to why people keep posting images and things of them doing bad... The main reason is because they are stupid people, like I keep telling you most of america is... The second reason why, is becasue people are addicted to Facebook for some reason...

    As you stated, you would think, seeing how the cops and govt spy on you through Facebook, that people wouldn't do it, but then again you have criminals who know there are spy cameras everywhere, and get caught doing stupid stuff... The cameras are there, the criminals know they are there, but are to stupid not to commit crimes...

    Why do people post pictures of their cars, with license plates? Why do people post pictures with drugs in the background or guns? Why do people post pictures with prescription medicine in the background that has your name and address on it and the doctor? Why do people post pictures with mail in it, that has your name and address??? Why do people post they are on vacation or when or where or how long they will be gone? Knowing criminals can find you, and rob you while gone... It is called stupidity and nothing more and nothing less...

    It all comes back to people who are stupid, and well, you just can't fix stupid!!!!

  5. America ambassador BEGGED for more security asking CLINTON for MONTHS to please send additional security via email to CLINTON. It's was TOTALLY IGNORED. The American ambassador was MURDERED do to lack of security. Clinton now is running for the White House.

  6. She should be banned forever. She is an abuser and can NEVER be trusted to treat and care for any animals.

  7. If she had euthanized it by "gassing" it, or with a shot of a paralyzing agent that allowed it to suffocate by not being able to draw a breath, while all the time conscious with a beating heart, it would have been legal. A quick and painless death by a arrow in the brain, and she's pilloried by the animal rights activists. There was nothing "cruel" about what she did. In Maryland the law is very specific about the definition of "cruelty to animals". Killing a feral, or dangerous animal is not cruel in of itself. Doing it in a manner that causes the animal to suffer, is the definition of cruel. Arrow to the brain, instant death, and no cruelty.

  8. She should have her license revoked forever and do real jail time. Sounds like she is a Satan follower.

  9. It is that 15 minutes of fame for narcissists.

  10. The fact that she was acting like she was proud of what she did, makes her a sick individual.


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