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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hillary Called Black Servant the 'N-Word' Claims Former Clinton Chef

Tracey Martin drops bombshell revelation during radio interview

Hillary Clinton angrily referred to a black servant as the n-word, according to a bombshell claim by Tracey Martin, a former traveling chef who worked under the first Clinton administration.

Martin’s LinkedIn page features a photograph of him shaking hands with Hillary Clinton and includes details of how he has cooked for “numerous heads of state,” including Margaret Thatcher, Helmut Kohl and President and Mrs. George H. W. Bush.

Martin claims the incident occurred during a private function at the Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center in Washington DC prior to a public engagement between Hillary Clinton and Bernadette Chirac, the wife of the former French President Jacques Chirac.

“A gentleman of color came in with something and it did not please her the way it was and when he walked out she says ‘that’ and then she used the n-word,” Martin told WBEN 930 radio host Tom Bauerle.

“So you are alone with Hillary after the black guys brings something that Hillary doesn’t like and she said to you ‘that n-word'” Bauerle asked Martin.

“Yes,” Martin confirmed.



  1. Well, the very same thing RUINED Paula Dean. Sauce for the goose???

  2. CNN, NBC,MSN,abc refuse to interview or cover the story. Total hacks.

  3. In all truth, how many people can honestly say they haven't called someone the "n" word or used it? Not very many.


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