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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Ron Fournier: Clinton Used Secret Server To Protect 'Circle Of Enrichment'

Ron Fournier, appearing on Morning Joe on Thursday, explained that Hillary Clinton used a private server while Secretary of State to protect the “circle of enrichment” surrounding the Clinton Foundation.

Joe Scarborough led off Fournier’s appearance by referencing a column Fournier wrote back in 2015 in which he quoted an anonymous Clinton source who had suggested to Fournier that he “follow the money” from the Clinton Foundation.

“The reason she had a secret server,” Fournier said referencing Secretary Clinton. “Because the circle of enrichment, the phrase that the Washington Post pulled up today, that was clear even then. There were already some connections between Doug Band and shaking down donors at the time, and this person was saying this is really about the Foundation.”



  1. Intentionally Too not by ignorance or mistake
    Intentional Willfull Crime = Hillary a Criminal

  2. Wow that really took a rocket scientist to figure this one out. I'll be whoever wrote that was the brightest in their class. 😊

  3. Hillary only uses a Cloth to wipe her servers
    all the e-mails can be retrieved ....don't worry

  4. Huma used Yahoo to archive Hillary's emails before they were wiped with the cloth. Who needs a cloth?


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