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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Drip, Drip, Drip -- Day 22!

Day 22 of Podesta's emails have now been released by famed WikiLeaks. Could these emails have anything to do with FBI Director James Comey reopening the email investigation? At this point, we don't know but it sure does go towards providing investigators with a lot more evidence than they had 22 days ago.

Also here is another site which shows the 100 most damaging Wikileaks reveals for those unable to sift through the 27K already released. The site shows the high (or low) points of the Wikileaks reveals!

Bear in mind, Wikileaks says they have another 50K to go just for Podesta alone.

Don't you wish you had that kind of time on your hands - to sit around, generating 76K emails? Oh what a life of luxury they lead...

Dare to inform yourselves or lose your country. It's really that simple.


  1. Just plain old stupidity caused t his. Huma occasionally used a yahoo email account when visiting with the Dick. Hillary forwarded "dirty" emails (classification markings) to that address. Nobody anticipated that computer every being searched.

  2. How many more days will this continue before democrats get it? They're so busted! 😊

  3. Huma and Hillary are a couple. ...they have been for a while


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