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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Question Of The Day 10-26-16


  1. It depends on the personalities of those involved. If the couple are truly the forgiving type it can go back to exactly how it was. True forgiveness means you give up the right to ever bring the offense back up again. If you can't stop dwelling on it and bringing it up then you haven't truly forgiven.

    1. This is the only sensible post on here.

    2. That crap works..only in a movie.

  2. Been there. Answer is NO

  3. Exactly? No. That would be impossible.

  4. Anything is possible I guess.

  5. Never. It's the most brutal thing you can do to a spouse. A punch to the face would be way easier to take. It changes you forever.

  6. Nope....it will be the first thing brought up with each and every argument!!!!

  7. Hell no.Part ways and find someone else.I can envision the hailstorm of comments this will bring,but if I was still working every day & had stress galore already on me I could not cope with anyone I couldn't trust.There are too many problems that life throws at a person to add infidelity to it.

  8. only Bill Clinton can do this , he's done it all his life.

  9. no, and sometimes thats a good thing. If they both want it to work they have to work together. Takes a lot of work & forgiveness. The guilty person must work at improving themselves. If they're lucky they can wind up with a stronger relationship than what they had before.

  10. A breach in contract is a breach of trust and without trust, you have nothing.

  11. No. But healing can happen and in time, the relationship may be whole again, but it won't be the same.

  12. With God on your side it can

  13. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  14. "Hell No" Not a chance.

  15. No. Loss of trust.

  16. Nope , I tried it

  17. No.. trust has been broken and the feeling of betrayal never goes away.It's best just to separate and go your own way. You'll never be able to get back what was lost.

  18. 11:41 Ah the forgiveness card....most cheaters love to throw this at the faithful spouse. Cheaters request forgiveness so they don't have to deal with the aftermath of their sin. Just like 11:41 said you give up the right to talk about it......because they can't handle it.

  19. To me it would depend on whether I am the cheater or the cheateeeee. Be okay if I were the cheater.

  20. 4:26 No one should ever ask to be forgiven because then you can't be sure if the forgiveness is sincere. A person who truly forgives does it without the offending party having to ask. They do it because they want to. If anyone wants to read about forgiveness read about the Amish school shooting and the families not only ability but eagerness to forgive the murderer.
    There are several books on the subject. Powerful testament to faith.

  21. No, not even if the other spouse never finds out. This isn't to say that it's always for the worse. There's the occasional affair or slip from grace that actually strengthens a marriage.

  22. From day one I had always tried to do the best I could for my wife and kids. My dumb as$$ wife cheated on me with a slime ball who still lives with his mommy. Nothing was ever the same after that. All she wanted to do was find anything wrong with me to help her justify her actions. I made her an offer, she took it. Apparently she had not realized how hard I worked all of those years in the business I built and how well off we were. I have millions and she now has a looser boyfriend. Karma .

  23. Only if I get to have a free one also, with her best friend. Then we are both bad and on a level field. She screwed my friend, I screwed hers.

  24. Absolutely not. The hurt always remains!


  25. In theory, perhaps. In reality, unlikely.

    The cheater must sincerely regret their action, and ask/beg forgiveness. They must have a partner able to weigh the facts and with the capacity to genuinely forgive.

    Under those circumstances the relationship may heal and move forward. Will it be as strong as before, or stronger, for having weathered the 'incident'? I'm dubious.

    If someone you expect to have your back fails to do so, you are disappointed. If they have stabbed you in the back, the situation is much more severe.

  26. I believe it can be better. As in my case, I had never been faithful in a relationship until I met my husband (this is a 2nd marriage for me and first for him) He maintained that if I ever cheated that would be it no ??? asked no excuses valid. Ha Ha He in fact was the one that cheated - my response - better him than me. We agreed to never speak of it again - we did counseling - and I can tell you that our relationship even with ups and downs is wonderful - we have been together for 27 years and I look forward to growing older with him at my side. So it depends on your outlook, your past, your wishes and wants for a future, love, and a daily determination to make your relationship last, compromise and respect. I was ready, he was young, and we survived - as we always say He is my gift from God and even though we may not like our gift sometimes, its not returnable.

  27. As long as I don't find out.

  28. My wife cheated on me early in our marriage. Then karmia hit, a beautiful girl came into my life and we had a nine year affair. Best nine years of my life.

  29. No, but the relationship can actually improve after infidelity. Both partners need to be committed to the work it will take to make the relationship work. If you don't have two committed parties - throw in the towel.

  30. If someone is cheating then there is either something wrong with the relationship or the cheater is just a slug. Who would want to go back to that? So either BOTH people in the relationship change or it's not worth going back to. And remember, you can't change other people, you can only change yourself.

  31. It can never be the same again...you can never forget completely....you lose some respect for your spouse and the shine of the others personality dulls and you can never recover the original luster.

  32. All u braggers of cheating, its a disgusting immoral thing you did. You could give someone a disease or bring a dangerous person into your families circle. I you watch some of the real mystery shows, there is always a person who was killed by a lover or spouses lover. Keep your pants on.

  33. Answer, NO. The trust has left the building, and it cannot be rebuilt.

  34. On the fence ........Vote Pence


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