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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Do We, (Salisbury News Viewers) Have ANY Undecided Voters Out There?


  1. Nope! TRUMP all the way!!!!!

  2. I you are undecided at this point there is not much hope for you.

  3. You either vote for complete communism with Hillary or Liberty and Justice with Trump. Easy decision here.

  4. more of the same or try something new? I'm not looking for a saint, just someone who will stand up for americans and look out for our country which has seriously gone off the rails!

  5. If anyone is undecided by this point, they're obviously not paying attention!

  6. Undecided is bad but if your voting hillary your drain dead.

  7. Truefuly all I care about is my guns and my family ... Hilary will take them so I'm out on her! And honestly what I want is a good god fearing man like regan or Phil Robertson to be my president..... to be honest

  8. Donald Trump has our votes.

  9. Undecided but leaning towards Clinton - I was going to keep my mouth shut, but Joe I am shocked that you support Trump as much as you do - I am a female, pretty conservative, I really do not like Hillary Clinton and what Bill Clinton did and has said I am disgusted by. However, Trump is so much worse and you of all people, who truly loves and cares about your wife and speaks so highly of her and other women - I am at a lost for words. They can say a lot about you, but I have always admired you and your treatment of women - I have never once felt or would say that you are sexist. I have seen pictures of your wife and she is very attractive, suppose that was who Trump was speaking about? I know you absolutely hate Hillary Clinton, but I think this election is about so much more. And you can pass this off as locker room talk, but I know you and the men in my life do not talk like this. I still love your site though!!!

    1. If you do go will Hillary, with her open border policy, you will be typing this in Spanish in very little time. Think about is cherish your vote and your freedom.

    2. The most important issue in this election is the Supreme Court. The next president has the choice to return to and keep this Country the way our Founding Fathers gave their blood for. A vote for Clinton is the worst decision you can make. If you have children or grand children you must remember this.

    3. Hillary USES women and minorities as a tool to make those voters think she has their best interests in mind. She fights for children, but supports late term abortion? She fights for women but wants to take away their right to protect themselves with a gun? She is a seasoned politician who knows what to say and who to say it to and has more handlers than a switchboard! She also has memory issues, health issues, and a VERY big mouth when it comes to classified information. If the things that Trump SAID, bother you more than the things that she has DONE, there is no hope for you.

    4. I guess it's ok all the sexual assaults Bill was involved with and proven. And it does matter about him as he is an influence on her decision, mist of her decisions are proven to be disastrous. Ehat Trump said is less trash "talk" he never stated he actually did any grabbing just stated they let you do it if you're a celebrity. And most if his accusers have already been proven to be false.

    5. Your full of it. Total plant by democrats probably got paid 20 bucks to surf blogs spots supporting trump. Who knows you could be in a different country. Only thing I do know is your lying. Noway anyone is voting for a treasonous Hillary Clinton or trump because of the audio. Think of something better next time...

  10. 4:36 & Others, I want to make something very clear here to all of you.

    I want you to go back to the video/audio with Billy Bush and Donald Trump. Donald Trump NEVER said he touched women's pu$$y. He said CELEBRITIES do that.

    Hillary Clinton and the entire liberal party twisted that entire thing to fit their wants and needs. If you don't believe me, seriously, go back and listen to the audio again and again and you will see if am absolutely correct.

    As for my respect towards women, I was raised properly. Believe me though, even I have said some hateful things I truly regret and am ashamed of. However, saying that word has always been a part of my description of men acting like girls and nothing more. While I'm sure there are a few men out there who have never said that word, I have to firmly agree with Trump that it is more locker room talk then anything else.

    Aside from that, I'm from Da Bronx. Many of the things we said was just every day slang for that area of the country. The Eastern Shore, (understandably) is more relaxed when it comes to cursing and being so brash.

    Go listen to that audio again.

  11. Trump never sent anyone to rallys to start fihgts, think about it one of the one's fighting meets the president multiple times . And the president backs Hillary, not too hard to put together.

  12. I always hear people who are against Trump ask men voting for Trump don't you have more respect for your wife, mother, daughter, etc to vote for someone who said such disrespectful things about women.

    Well I am the wife and mother and I am voting for Trump. I love my country to much to vote for such a lying, corrupt, evil woman. Actions speak louder than words, and the Clintons actions are screaming at us! Hopefully people are listening! Enough with these politicians their actions are dirtier than any of Trumps words!

  13. Aside from all the Left and Right Cartel banter, the obvious choice for me is Trump. It's clear to me that the two-party system has destroyed this country. I believe George Washington said this in his farewell address. To vote for Hillary would mean the continuance of this national tragedy. "there are lies, more lies and statistics." I'll stick with the facts and stats and pray that an outsider, who has no financial motive to gain, will prevail in this "live or die as a nation" election. God help us all. And above all else, I pray for my children, who I love dearly. We must come together as a nation to put down the evil forces that want to ensure our disunity, distrust and divisiveness. Enough said.

  14. 4:36 there are 5 yes, five women of voting age in my house every age range all college educated all strong intelligent women and they are all voting for trump. talk is cheap, anybody can accuse anybody of anything but with clinton she's lied and gotten our people killed over seas. What part of that don't you understand? another brain dead liberal. you would rather flush the future of our country down the drain over pointless drivel. I pray you don't repeat tghe mistake your mother made, and agree with hillarys position on birth control. at least your lack of intelligencedna will end with you!

  15. Trump all the way, the only way to vote.

  16. Hillary is in this for Hillary. Period. She doesn't care about anyone except herself and maybe Chelsea and her kids. She is as corrupt as anyone can be. She used her position as Secretary of State to fill her own pockets....not to help anyone but herself. Do some research. And the Clinton foundation...who has it helped? Any Americans? In fact, what has she ever done for anyone else?

  17. 4:36--
    So talking trash is worse than covering up for your rapist husband & threatening the women who were violated? You obviously haven't been raped nor know someone who has. Do you not understand she is a lying criminal who gives favors in trade for massive donations to her foundation? And you want her in charge of our country??!! God help us all if she does make it!! Come on, do you know anyone else who has 50+ deaths surrounding them of people who could create problems for them? Other than some third world dictator, or Hitler? Connect the dots & stop being so damned sensitive that you are letting your feelings get in the way of your good sense. I've heard far worse from men on job sites all my adult life. Please think of our country's good instead.

  18. No. I've decided that neither of them are fit to run this country.

    1. I am with u. I like trump but i dont trust him. Hillary is triphling to say the least. Fake as shhh. I m voting jus not for either of them.

  19. Trump all the way! Hillary is a liberal crook. She allowed our people to be killed in Bengazi, she protected Bill and said nasty things to all the women Bill had affairs with, she is only for Hillary. But just remember if she appoints another liberal judge, our country is gone! That is really one of the most important thing you need to think about. She is the WORSE thing that can happen to this country. If you can't see that this government needs to travel a different road, then you need to do some research. Voting for Hillary assures you and your children and grandchildren a road to Hell! Think about it....everyone admits there needs to be a change in our government and there will NO change if Hillary gets in there except for the worse. I pray everyone understands that neither of these two are super candidates but we cannot afford another moment of what we have now or what she will continue or even make worse if she gets in there!!

  20. It's late and this may not get published but I am going to put my $.02 worth in anyway. By the way I am a deplorable and irredeemable. I am reading the book "The Making of Donald Trump". Frankly it does not paint a fine picture. I am a conservative and the thought of Hillary Clinton being elected scares me to no end. My wife does not intend to vote for Hillary but in her mind she cannot find it in her heart to vote for Trump at this point. Sounds funny right? She is holding out hope he is going to say something without sticking his foot in it. I have confidence, not in the GOP, but conservatives like me to effectively run the country and get us back on a path of true recovery, not some slanted BS from the failed Obama camp. I hope I can convince my wife. Trump is not a knight in shining armor, believe me it is tarnished, but I think he cares about America.

    1. I thought open boarders and attacking second amendment would convince most people at this point. Not to mention pay for play and Haiti scams and now election fraud. 4 billion dollars in our tax money went missing. List goes on.

  21. 4:36
    We live in America and at the present time, it is okay for you to express your opinion. That right is disappearing before our eyes and will be gone, especially if the nasty mouth democrat candidate takes office and ruins this great nation. You express concern for Mr. Trumps mouth. Have you not heard secret service agents speak of her mouth, to them, her spouse, staff and family? There have been complete books written where her filthy mouth is referenced. Mr. Trumps mouth is cleaner than the Board of Health compared to that nasty career politician. Do I believe the word of our sworn agents about this, heck yes I do and will take their word over that lying vulgar woman any day. Think about it, this exposure has nothing to do with destroying her campaign, because this subject has been publicized since she wore a younger woman's clothes.

  22. I've always been on the Trump side but I keep getting further away from voting for him because of how rude he is. When I'm speaking to someone and they or someone else keeps interrupting it pisses me off, I find it disrespectful.

    1. It's very disrespectful but I've noticed since I moved here that almost all of the people around here do that. They can't let you finish what you're saying before they're talking over you.

  23. There are a number of comments here about how those people perceive Trump as not respecting women.
    I offer the following:
    Hillary has run interference for her husband's affairs and his 30 plus years of horndog ways. In my book, she has little respect for herself as a wife and a woman, and it leads me to believe that that disrespect is reflected as a disrespect for all women, regardless of what she says about equality.

  24. 1015 if you're willing to give up the Constitution and Sovereignty to live in a global government where you can make no money and there's no future for you or your family, you deserve to live in the poverty that comes from such thinking. Couldn't care less if he's rude, he needs to be a leader, which he has proven. Furthermore he's not a corrupt criminal. If you think being a corrupt criminal is cool go ahead and vote for Hillary but do NOT every come on this site and bitch should she win and every thing I said above comes to fruition. You will have absolute NO right to say another word. Just remember when the constitutional rights are stripped away from you, Trump was rude and that's why you voted to kill America. Great going! Keep Cheering!

  25. So many have fallen for the liberal press' take on Trumps "most famous" statements.
    On John McCain: I know what he meant. Being caught and becoming a POW doesn't make you a hero. It makes you a survivor (which isn't bad!). But it's like calling a heart transplant survivor a hero for surviving the operation.
    On Mexicans: I know what he meant. In no way did he ever think that each and every illegal was a rapist and thief.
    On ugly women: I know what he meant. The women were ugly.
    There's more - but you get the idea.
    His greatest drawback is that he's not a polished politician that weighs every single word out of their mouths.
    Trump has a vision. I'm going to give him the chance.
    Hillary just wants to line her pockets and be in the history books.

  26. Everyone I know supports and will vote for Trump.But alas,we live in Maryland so it won't help.

  27. People you need to start being honest with yourselves about these issues. This country is gone and no one man can resuscitate it. An absolute collapse of our monetary system is inevitable. Look around you people and be honest do you think for a minute that the people that want yo do this country harm aren't already here? And what about the complete fanaticals that just crossed from Syria or the all the drug cartels tunnels that took years to figure out. Who or what do you think was able to come into this country. I hate to inform you but Sharia law is already here in some forms, and the constitution is already gone. Several rights have already been taken away.

  28. Trump is not a polished man. So far the only person in this race who has sold their country for personal gain is Hillary. So far the only person who has lied to the family members of murdered Americans is Hillary. So far the only person who has committed treason under the espionage laws is Hillary. No thinking American with an ounce of patriotism can vote for Hillary.

  29. All too often people take our Constitutional Rights for granted and think no one will ever take them away. Well, you're incorrect in that thinking. Hillary doesn't give a hoot about your rights and she as well as Obama have complained about how the Constitution 'gets in their way' of doing whatever they want, whenever they want. People you'd better wake the hell up before it's too late, because once gone, you're never getting them back! Ever. The only way to retain them in this election is to vote Trump. It's really that simple!

  30. 4:36, doesn't it matter to you what has happened to our country for the past 8 years under Obama/Clinton...Or the lies, deception and corruption that has been the Clintons Brand for the past 40 plus years...or the fact that Hillary will appoint extreme liberal Supreme Court Judges that will try to Make law rather than follow our Constitution and Bill of Rights...or the total corruption and cover up of the email and the Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton continues to be a philanderer as he has been all his married life and Hillary tries to cover for him by threatening and harassing his past victims. I'm a female, college grad and a professional...

  31. 4:36 - If you are buying in to this lie the DNC and Hillary cronies are spreading read the Wiki Leaks where they planned this in advance to do this for the womens votes. They do this kind of thing in every election. I would fear Hillary more with her stand on abortions. Any mother or women who thinks it is ok to abort a baby in the third trimester is no kind of woman I want to know. This is out and out MURDER!!

  32. I've wanted Donald Trump to win the Presidency since he first announced he was running.....and nothing has changed.

    To those who say they're voting for neither, or worse, Hitlary, if that criminal traitor actually does go to the White House, you all will SO... regret your foolish mistake when our Freedoms and our Country are LOST!

    "Please, God, let Donald J. Trump be the next President of this 'once great' USA."

  33. If Trump is so rude you must live in a bubble. Do you not watch TV, go to the movies, read books, hell you here worse in the halls of any middle school in salisbury. Now i whould guess you have seen WikiLeaks, and only MSM.

  34. The time is past due for anyone to not know for whom they're voting. Just get out there & do it!

  35. if you vote hrc, you're voting wjc a third term. If you think he's not going to be running things guess again. Think about it. A pervert, sexist, crooked, womanizer, rapist, pedophile... will be once again running our country.. BOO HISS! Don't forget any success he had as our leader came from a republican run congress under leadership of Newt.

  36. 4:36 is clueless troll and not a conservative if she is voting Hillary! Good luck with Hillary - You deserve the government you get!

  37. 4:36 go listen to Trumps speech from Saturday at Gettysburg and take a listen to his first 100 days plan, that should get you thinking.

  38. 7:37
    If you do some research you will find that the best economic periods in this country have come during times where congress was controlled by one party and the president is from the opposing party. This situation actually makes both parties to work for us rather than just their special interests.

  39. If you people put this much enthusiasm into getting an education and work ethics you might not be isn such a sad state of affairs. So many areas in this country are booming while the eastern shore wallows in the sadness of lost dreams.

  40. Decision = good or bad = Trump or Clinton , easy decision = Trump

  41. who would want to put that pedophile & pervert back in the white house?

  42. People on the government dole vote for Hillary where no matter if the economy is up or down they still do good,people who work for a living and make there own way vote Trump.

  43. 4:36 I don't care about things Trump said ten or twenty years ago. At that time he wasn't even in politics. That is just a diversion to keep people from the truth about Hillary. Do you like the idea that Hillary is for partial birth abortions. That is when a full term or last trimester baby is yanked from the womb and then they stick a needle in the baby's head and suck out the brain to kill the baby then discard the baby like a piece of trash. It is more important to see how bad things are in this country and that will get worse with Hillary than to pay attention to the lies they use to divert your attention away all the bad things Hillary did. You would have to be blind to not see the country is moving in the wrong direction every since Obama got in office. We need Trump because he wants to turn things around and put the country of the right track. Put Americans first, create more jobs, let us keep the second amendment, close the borders and make immigrants come in legally. Also to get back the respect from other countries that we used to have but lost with a weak non leader that Obama was. Obama had a agenda when he took office and that was to destroy America as we knew it and rebuild it into a socialist, Marxist, Muslim country. Think about all of this before you vote to keep going in the wrong direction.

  44. Situations like Friday's announcement are a great argument against early voting. There's only five states allowing people to go recall their votes and change them given the circumstances with Clinton.

  45. Heard more states could be changing their policy so early voters can also change their votes. These voters weren't given the full information and now more than ever she looks deceptive and dishonest. There's been many inquiries about changing votes.

  46. We will Put Trump Over the Hump and Empty out the DC Dump

  47. Vital that we drain the swamp. Need to give Trump the chance.

  48. Voters are on the WALL that Trump will build and have
    Mexico Pay for........ that's our new Fence......


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