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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hillary To Be Indicted After Election: Trump Responds To FBI Investigation

Clinton scrambles following FBI announcement on new email evidence

Alex Jones breaks down the FBI’s Friday announcement on the reopening of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server as new evidence surfaces.

The new data was reportedly uncovered during a separate investigation into Anthony Weiner – the husband of Clinton ally Huma Abedin.

FBI Director James Comey cited “recent developments” for the bureau’s decision in a letter to committees and lawmakers today.

“In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton’s personal email server. Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony,” Comey wrote.



  1. thats because, She will win by cheating - Obama will declare martial law, stay in office. Anyone trying to remove him will cause riots, and police are helpless because he supports BLM

    1. Tim kaine takes it per constitution.

  2. This situation would not have evolved had Clinton kept her nose clean. This is something missed on Democrats altogether. If she really wanted to be president, she would have stopped this foolishness and kept on straight & narrow. It's not that damn difficult to be a law abiding citizen. Seriously its not. She knows what she did was wrong or else, she wouldn't have had the stupid server in the first place. She wouldn't have cared if she used her state.gov account. Period. She was trying to skirt the law for self-enrichment. It's really that stupidly simple. Any first grader knows this and they use this same tactic to hide it when they've done something wrong and try to cover it up. What does this say about Clinton's mentality and maturity level that she resorts to what a 5 year old would do in times of punitive crisis? Is this what you want in the WH?

  3. Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. They should've found a better candidate to run on their ticket instead of an aging Al Capone wannabe. (reference to Geraldo the gay blade intended)

  4. Congress (at least the Republicans) will be Coming after
    her........she is not off the hook.....wheather she wins WH
    or not .......wait and see....This IS bigger than Watergate
    Regardless what the bought and paid -for FBI does or the
    bought and paid for justice dept does....

  5. 10:14 she can't stay on the straight and narrow she is just like a cleptomaniac who steals things whether they need them or not.She has been so crooked for so long she really can't help herself,she needs a mental hospital.

  6. Is he now trying to save the reputation of the decent agents at the FBI and perhaps save his butt as well?


  7. Kaine is running for VP. If elected and 'ratified' by Electoral College that is the office he is to assume.

    If he was elected, and had been sworn in, and a vacancy occurred in the presidency he would move up.

    Interesting question as to what happens if someone elected is not able to be sworn in as president due to death, incapacity, incarceration.


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