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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hillary sent ‘marked classified’ info to nonsecure Abedin account

NEW YORK – WND’s reporting in late August of a marked classified email Hillary Clinton forwarded to aide Huma Abedin could cast light on FBI Director James Comey’s dramatic disclosure to members of Congress Friday that the bureau had reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server due to new information apparently discovered in the sexting probe of former Rep. Anthony Weiner, Abedin’s estranged husband.

Comey, however, said in his letter to Congress that he was only ‘briefed yesterday,’ meaning WND readers knew of the potential security breach two months before the director did.

As WND reported Sept. 8, Clinton forwarded an Aug. 8, 2009, email – clearly marked “Classified” – to a personal, nonsecure email address registered to aide Abedin, huma@clintonemail.com. Abedin then forwarded the message to another personal, nonsecure account, humamabedin@yahoo.com.

In sworn testimony before Congress, however, Clinton declared, “There was nothing marked classified on my emails, either sent or received.”

The 2009 email, sent to Clinton from longtime adviser Sidney Blumenthal, was discovered in a cache of emails obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The exchange concerned the “disastrous nature” of an Obama trip to Germany, charging the U.S. was “totally out of the loop in Berlin – no ambassador,” resulting in the expectation that “Germans and Russians will now cut their own separate deals on energy, regional security, etc.”



  1. HUMA is one of her BFFs even in bed from time to time

  2. She is full of HUMA !!! She cheers Up Hillary !!!!
    She needs to use the Phone and stay off the internet !!!

  3. Two Sets of Laws.

    And you just can't stop cheering.

    The level of stupidity of Hillary supporters is more astounding every day.
    A liar. A perjurer. A criminal.
    You people look (and act) more like German citizens cheering at a Hitler rally every day.
    Is there ANYTHING she and her circle could get caught doing or saying that would make you say "enough! that chick should be in prison!"??

  4. Looks to me like Huma and Doug Band are being set up to take a fall. Huma for the emails and Band for the $$ grab at the Clinton Foundation.


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