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Sunday, September 04, 2016

What's Happening 8-29-16

This will be an open thread for today. Tell us what is happening in this area. The good the bad and the ugly. Did someone do something nice for you? Let us know!! Did something upset you? Let us know! Have a good joke to tell? We want to hear it! This is your chance to get it off your chest.


  1. I just cannot believe the people who tailgate , don't want to hurt peoples feelings , but , I will today. It just so happens almost everyday people from Bivalve to Salisbury tailgate . It happens to be 100% lady drivers. I can go 50 or 60 it will still happen , they refuse to pass . 75% are already on the phone or texting while driving as I can see them in my rear view mirror , that's how close they are. (speed limit is 50) I can slow down to 45 to give them a chance to pass , doesn't happen. I feel better already .

  2. Grandson moved into SU on Thursday....the staff and kids there helping the freshmen move in where just fantastic!!! Pleasant folks and move in was FAST!!!!

    1. Obviously didnt ck the crime rate in the "Bury" good loiking out for your kid,smh.

    2. Lol ur in for a rude awakening.

  3. Tried the new resturant in Hebron the other day and was quite dissapointed with the food.Can't actually say that it wasn't the worst food I've had in my life and we do eat out quite a lot.

    1. A group of us ate there twice last week for lunch and the food was awesome both times.

  4. The good , after my bitching about the trash problem at Nanticoke Roaring point Park they have improved a lot . thanks
    The bad , the old Nanticoke Seafood plant is falling apart and is an eye soar from the public harbor , when I put my boat over I see nothing but buildings in disrepair and crappy looking property. The harbor side and the rear are a mess. It's been that way for years. Culver , do something about it please.

  5. I've been seeing headlines over the past few days saying that the black folks are finally starting to realize how they've been had by the democrats and they're opening up to voting for others.

    I sure hope this is real, and that they will open up to the idea that all white people are NOT like their democrat oppressors.

    They have been held in slavery for generations by a party that has blocked their progress in education, held them in poverty and lied to them about almost everything.

    If I was black, I would be mad too.

    To my black brothers and sisters: if you really study history you will see that we conservatives have been trying to help you for a long time. For real. It isn't us that's trying to wipe out the black race with abortion and poverty.

    Take a good, careful look at where you are and what is being done to you, and try to open your heart to listen to what we are offering you-- an opportunity to have a real life of your own, where you're not beholden to somebody to keep your handouts coming.

    One of the biggest lies that's ever been told to you is the idea that you can't make it without government handouts and preferences.

    You CAN!! All you need is a good opportunity.. a good education, a good job, and a decent place to live.

    Most black folks I know are very decent people. I'm praying you will soon be able to feel the same way about us, because these divisions between us have really hurt us all.

    Let's work together to fix what's wrong and get rid of those who are keeping us from being One Nation Under God.

  6. Why do most of the small contractors and landscapers cry about slow business, but, you can't get any of them to quote jobs for you?

  7. Has anyone ate at The Corner Grill on Snow Hill road in Salisbury? The food is sooo good and very reasonable. The owner told us that he thinks might lose some business to Fratelli's next door because he doesn't serve alcohol....but to tell you the truth, I think his crab cakes tops Fratelli's any day. And no, I don't work there or even know the owner's name. We just like supporting local businesses! I believe they are open every day except Sunday, not sure of the time schedule though. Check it out!

  8. 10 IEP Tips for parents/caregivers

    Seminar will be held at the Bay Area Center for Independent Living, 909 Progress Circle, Suite 300 Salisbury, MD on September 10 and 14, from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

    The event is free for any parent wishing to learn more about how to best advocate for their child who has an IEP. Additionally, an overview of how genetic testing can help children with disabilities is also offered.

    For more information and to register, contact Mrs. Pat Lewis, Family Resource Coordinator at plweis@bayareacil.org or call 443-260-0822

  9. 2:29 All of them are not like that. Sorry you haven't found the right one yet. :-(

  10. In honor of the first day of school for many children:

    Why did the chicken cross the playground?

    To get to the other SLIDE!

  11. Bad - only a few more days left until the unofficial summer season ends.

    Good - only a few more days left until the unofficial summer season ends AND the best beach season of the years begins - SEPTEMBER!!! Water warm, crowds/family vacationers GONE, beach on the weekdays all to myself...did I mention vacationers GONE???


  12. Trying to sell my house in this hell hole called the bury.

  13. 1:57 Stop complaining and do something about. Buy the property and develop it or just clean it up. Oh wait, you have a boat but not a waterfront home to keep it in front of........Never mind, just keep complaining.

  14. I also support the Corner Grill. The cream of crab soup is the best I have ever had!

  15. the good-I have been enjoying the monarch butterflies that have been passing through recently. Beautiful

    the bad- There is so much beauty all around. I just don't understand why people throw their trash out of their car windows. I wish that all the trash these people are too lazy to throw away properly would blow into to their yards so they could enjoy their handy work close up.

  16. Heard Hogan has a big announcement on Wednesday..Hopefully it will mean the post labor day start of school for the state. This is pretty cool, now lets work on a school calendar conducive to learning for our students. No more 2 weeks off at Christmas, add a couple of days for spring break (take away the made up holiday of Easter Monday?!) And for the love of God, get rid of the PD days.. I would hope that our teachers do not need professional development, they should have that all squared away prior to the new school year.

    1. Our kids went back aug 24??

    2. Thank you for not bashing teachers. We have no say in the school calendar or PD days.

    3. Not bashing teachers at all, hope I didn't come across that way.

    4. Hogan is changing this.

  17. Most of the trash is blowing out of the back of pickups.People taking their own trash to the dump to save a couple dollars rather than paying for curb side pickup.Happens all the time and I rarely see people throwing trash.

  18. 3:49 DITTO!! I was going to post the same but get tired of expressing my feelings on this subject. I am a senior and it is very difficult for me to clean it up do to my health.

    4:38 not exactly. I have witnessed many times people throwing bags of trash from fast food places out their window. Pedestrians also walk by and throw the same on my lawn with me sitting outside on my porch. This is not a random problem, but daily problem and I live in a very nice neighborhood. It has gotten awful through the years. No respect for person or property. You are correct though, it does fly out of vehicles too.

  19. People that place loose, unsecured trash in the back of their pickups to take to the dump are no better then people that throw their trash out of their car windows if the stuff is allowed to fly out to become litter. It's about being responsible. Show some pride in our community and don't litter.

  20. Well, we've got SU students back in the neighborhoods and some of them drive down the residential streets like they're still on the New Jersey Turnpike.
    Chill, kids. You're on the Eastern Shore.

  21. 1:51 PM - I know what you mean about those tailgaters. A few pumps on the brakes sometimes wakes them up. And if they bump you from the rear, it's their fault.

  22. Having a wonderful lunch at the River walk Cafe. Delicious!

  23. Good Morning, All

    I would like everyone to know that there are still some good honest people in this world. The other day, while at work, one of the Baliffs called me and ask me if I had lost any credit cards. I told him that I didn't think so. He replied and said "you better check, because I am looking right at them" I checked and sure enough they were missing. He told me a man found it on the ground next to his car and turned it in. When I left to go home there was a note on my car that quoted "If your name is Barbra, I found a pack with credit cards in it. I took it to the Officer downstairs ground level." God Bless You! I would like to say to this man Thank you from the depths of my heart and May God Bless You as well.

  24. Apparently 4:38 is not aware that we pay a annual FEE (spelled T A X) to use the dump...


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