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Sunday, September 04, 2016

Laura Mitchell Gets Daily Times Editorial Board To Voice Their opinion On No A/C In Jail

While Laura Mitchell is quoted in this recent article, perhaps if the Daily Times actually knew Laura's Son is incarcerated there right now and the only one uncomfortable is Laura visiting him on a regular basis. They actually compared the jail to a dog being placed in a car on a hot summer day. 

Look, Laura shouldn't even be on the Council any more. Her home/belongings were packed up and moved weeks ago. I was assure by now the announcement would be made that she is stepping down from the Council but that hasn't happened. Salisbury voters are being cheated right now with her still being able to cast votes when her residence is now in Reistertown, Maryland. 

Nevertheless, this editorial is a hit piece for Laura and he Son. 

Let's help Laura and the Daily Times out on this one.



  1. Maybe he would not be uncomfortable if he had not done something wrong to be in there.

  2. no let them heathens suffer.

  3. Lol is her SON compaining ??????

  4. Nope. Just good ventilation.

  5. Let them sweat outside on a Chaingang.

  6. Laura Mitchell??? What a piece of crap she is.

  7. The council has been and remains a joke. She is just one of several punchlines.

  8. Regarding Mitchell, what about her asking the public for funeral expense money for her infant granddaughter in Florida? Isn't that an ethics violation, using one's official title to beg for money?

    1. She is use to begging look at her.

    2. She not only begged and set up a supposed fund for funeral expenses, she kept the money from her own family. This is fraud. The fund should have been Laura's fund. What a disgrace she is

    3. She had not even begun to deal with the repercussions of this stolen money which she begged for on a Christian funding site through FB.
      Watch your back Laura.They are coming for you.

  9. I hear she brings her nasty grandchild to the jail who misbehaves regularly.

  10. HELL NO! Does every person in Wicomico or Worcester county have A/C in their homes? I guarantee you the answer is No! But those poor poor CRIMINALS are Hot!

  11. If SPD can go without air conditioning since May, so can the inmates.

  12. this is inhumane! they may be in there for crimes and they are being punished by being incarcerated, making them go without air conditioning is just plain wrong! this would never happen in a civilized society!

    1. Whats your name and address you crying liberal and when they get out you can let some move in ?.

  13. What a lowlife her son must be sweating in bubbas bunk bed ?

  14. What do want from a welfare pill popping cheat

  15. Laura you belong on a chaingang with your son.

  16. You have to consider the source since the Daily Times is the libtarded Marxist left hand politics voice! Then Laurel Mitchell the bottom of the pond as far as scum goes. You know the olde saying, "birds of a feather flock together" just more lies and deception all smoke and mirrors from Democrats.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Regarding Mitchell, what about her asking the public for funeral expense money for her infant granddaughter in Florida? Isn't that an ethics violation, using one's official title to beg for money?

    September 1, 2016 at 11:10 AM

    No, but what is the story on this one?

  18. it was Worcester county prison in the article

  19. NO!!!! Inmates not doing anything why do they need AC???? Laying around watching TV ain't that strenuous....

  20. Aren't there still schools on the Eastern Shore that don't have A/C? If so, why should a convicted criminal have the luxury, and I do mean luxury, of having A/C when it isn't deemed a necessity for children? I know it is hot; however, none of the schools had A/C when I was growing up and we made out just fine. I don't believe a criminal deserves luxuries paid by our tax dollars that we can't even afford for ourselves.

  21. I heard Gov Hogan say yesterday that there are many skools in Balto County without A/C - so they are being treated like children!

  22. Her son is at Poplar Hill facility, not ECI or the Worcester County facility that is in the article. She no longer lives in Salisbury or Wicomico County even so she should be removed from the council. She should have never been given the seat to start off with but we all love to complain until voting day... so there she is.

  23. Plenty of us grew up without A/C and plenty of us don't have it now. A/C is a luxury not a right and most certainly is not covered by the Constitution!

  24. I thought she moved to Georgetown. Hmmmm... she definitely isn't living where she was. Thought she had to step down.

  25. Laura Mitchell = Cheating, lying low-life

  26. their being in prison IS their punishment, no one is sent to prison FOR punishment. why can't you understand that

  27. A fat welfare sucking, scamming piece of trash.
    How can she get more publicity?

    1. Welfare sucking?
      I'm not really a fan of the fat comment. ..
      But I'd definitely would like to know more about these other comments.

  28. Check with Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona. I'm sure he will give you good counsel on this ...lol

  29. Joe you need an updated picture. She is at least 50 lbs heavier now.

  30. Laura, he's not hot. That sweating is the DTs.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Check with Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona. I'm sure he will give you good counsel on this ...lol

    September 1, 2016 at 7:39 PM

    and that's why he's always in hot water. and he runs a county jail, not a prison.

  32. They should have air conditioning and a pool , while they get their free education and college degree. After all how can you study in the heat of summer?

  33. Joe, so what is the story with her residency? If she truly has moved it will bring question to anything she votes on. This places the City in a very bad position. The right thing to do is step down, even if it seems unpopular. The City Attorney should be all over this, it is what he gets paid for. Then again, he will get paid down the road to sort out ordinance legalities voted on by a Council Person that doesn't meet eligibility requirements. It's a big problem.

  34. I never voted for her and she has never done anything for Salisbury or the county, all she has ever done is whine, and whine, her housing was not what she wanted here, she was not compensated for spending all her time in Baltimore and Dc trying to get a better job and impress people there but it failed no one wanted her. She should be off the council officially if she isn't already, and she should pay back the city for her lying expenses. She has used her maiden name and married name at will depending what her game plan was for that day. Liar, Liar, and don't forget her drug addiction no wonder she has one in jail it is where Mom belongs, and the father.

    1. Her housing?
      Lying expenses?
      Changing names? Liar lair?
      Drug addiction?
      Do tell more please, curious minds want to know? Are there facts to back this up?

  35. She's a first class suck up and backstabber, not to mention petty thief (missing some money from when she was treasurer, are you, Wicomico Democratic Committee?) Good riddance to her and a warning to the folks in her new town, look out!

  36. Ban all Air Conditioning.....King Obama is correct....Air Conditioning causes Climate change


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