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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Survey: Trump tops Clinton in trustworthiness

Voters view Hillary Clinton as more qualified for the presidency, according to the results of a Fox News survey released Sunday, but they have more trust in Donald Trump.

The survey found a total of 61 percent view Clinton as qualified, compared to 45 percent who feel the same way about Trump. Just 34 percent believe Clinton is trustworthy, while 39 percent trust in Trump.

On a range of other questions, the poll found voters split between the candidates. Slightly less than half believed either candidate was in touch with them, with 45 percent saying as much of Clinton and 44 percent for Trump. Another 47 percent said they were "tired of Clintons," while 42 percent said they supported the ongoing Clinton legacy.

The survey found respondents have even less faith in government. Eight percent said they had a "great deal" of faith in the federal government, compared to 18 percent who had "none at all."



  1. Stalin would win against her.

  2. It's a survey, that's all.

  3. Duh!

    Hillary would lie about the color of the sky

  4. I can't understand how anyone can believe her. YouTube is full of her lies. It doesn't surprise me though. Trending on social media brain washes everyone that believes it. Social media is a lie folks.


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