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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Journalist: Sidney Blumenthal Raised Obama Birther Issue in 2008

The former Washington bureau chief of McClatchy Co. claimed on Twitter Friday that longtime Hillary Clinton confidante Sidney Blumenthal raised the issue of President Barack Obama's birthplace with him in 2008.

Asher is now the Washington editor for Injustice Watch, an investigative nonprofit organization.

Here is his post, which was first reported by Mediaite:

#CNN says #Hillary team in 2008 never raised #Obama's birth in #Kenya. Who is closer to #HRC than #SidBlumenthal, who told me face-to-face.
— James Asher (@jimasher) September 16, 2016

Republican Donald Trump declared Friday that "President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period" — and blamed the Clinton camp for raising the issue during the 2008 campaign.


1 comment:

  1. Social Security numbers until Obama was elected was based on the region you were born in. His first three digits show a New England Social or someone born in the New England Region of the US. That is a fact. The Social he was born with, does not match someone born in Hawaii in 1961. Obama had the rules changed soon after he was elected president to hide this fact. Up until 2009, socials were based on the region you were born which is the first three digits of your social.


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