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Friday, September 02, 2016

Starting schools after Labor Day makes business owners beam

Just one week ago Ocean City Beach was packed full of families laying out in the sun, playing in the sand and munching on Thrashers french fries.

As Melanie Pursel, executive director of the Greater Ocean City, Maryland Chamber of Commerce, drove down Coastal Highway on Thursday on her way to a meeting at Fish Tails, there was hardly anybody on the roads.

Needless to say, Pursel is happy about Gov. Larry Hogan's executive order for Maryland public schools to begin after Labor Day starting next year.

"We want people here. The weather is beautiful and the water is the warmest it is all year in August," Pursel said. "I think it will be incredible for Ocean City."

Though Hogan has been widely criticized for the move by the state teachers' union, child advocacy groups and some parents, so far the change is being hailed by businesses in Ocean City and beyond.


  1. I don't see the down side of the after labor day start. The child care argument is bull. An extra week at the beginning means a week later at the end. Two days were probably paid for and the kids don't go because the parents are off. It's not like schools have never started after labor day. We had to start our vacations a week earlier, so that the teachers in the family could go at the same time.

  2. There is no legitimate reason that the school year needs to be so long that they must start the week before labor day.

    1. Especially if you've talked to a high school grad lately. Trust me, another week wouldn't make a difference.

  3. Actually down here in in florida our kids went back august 15 and they are out first week of june....and they are off three weeks for xmas....going back after labor day means nothing....there will not be some economic windfall like hogan thinks...just a publicity stunt...

  4. I have a business in Ocean city and I think this decision would help me out tremendously. One more busy week leading into Labor day weekend would be great. Financially and personally. I also have a daughter in school and it is hard to work around family and work schedule that week. That's just my opinion.

  5. Perhaps now, the excuse that local kids can't work so we must hire foreigners will stop.

  6. It's not just OC. First, why are the first and last days HALF days? And, the PDF days can happen during the summer. No reason to upset the learning experience and normal daycare arrangements with random days off. And third, winter and spring breaks do nothing to help the kids or families. Shorten them up accordingly. Thanksgiving is a 4 day holiday. Winter, 9 days MAX, but usually less. Spring is a 3 day weekend.

    Let simmer be summer!

  7. 536 nailed it! Thank You!


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