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Friday, September 02, 2016

Refugee: Rape not crime because acceptable in my homeland

20-year-old Muslim man pleads guilty to sexual assault on boy, 10

(London Daily Mail)
A refugee who raped a ten-year-old boy has claimed he did not know sexually assaulting the child was wrong as it was ‘culturally acceptable’ in his homeland.

Mufiz Rahaman told Sydney’s Downing Centre Court raping children was not seen as morally wrong in his native Myanmar when he pleaded guilty to the aggravated sexual assault of a 10-year-old refugee on Wednesday, the Daily Telegraph reported.

The 20-year-old and his young victim are both stateless Rohingya Muslims – a group of people considered illegal immigrants from Bangladesh by the Buddhist-majority in Myanmar – who came to Australia to flee religious persecution.


  1. This is a perfect example of why someone of another religion not agreeing to abide by our (or any other nation's) laws should not be allowed to enter those countries. Let the Muslim refugees go to other Muslim nations.


  2. The book and the movie 'The Kite Runner' cover this topic.

  3. Ignorance of the law is....

  4. Very telling, that their own country refuses to recognize them as citizens. Sounds like a group that DESERVES so-called "religious persecution".

    Because God hates pedophiles, while "allah" smiles approvingly on them.

  5. Let him go back into his homeland.


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