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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

BREAKING: DRUG Scandal About To Rock Hillary’s Campaign!

According to a bombshell new report, Hillary Clinton’s campaign will now have to answer major questions involving drug addiction.

Reportedly, Former President Bill Clinton has a serious addition to cocaine, and he once suffered an almost-fatal overdose. He also once secretly stayed a a drug rehabilitation center in Minnesota! Shocking!

The report, written by former White House Aide Roger Stone, who served in the Nixon administration, insists Bill’s drug problems started in the 1970s as Governor of Arkansas, and continued throughout the early 1990s. In fact, it’s likely drugs played a major role in why he dropped out of the Presidential race in 1987, as his handlers wanted to “clean him up” for future campaigns.

They knew he would never stop womanizing, but handlers moved quickly to keep Bill from overdosing on cocaine. Larry Nichols, a former member of Clinton’s so-called “Kitchen Cabinet,” was informed by Bill’s Chief of Staff Betsey Wright that Bill as put into rehab to quit cocaine for good. The facility where he likely ended up more than once was the Betty Ford Clinic in Minnesota.



  1. The last 3 POTUS have all been drug addicts.
    Bill, Dubya', and Barry have all been fond of cocaine.

  2. Doing drugs among the elite is no longer a scandal in America.

  3. Plenty of reports that 2 of those are homosexual, and the third one is a sexual deviant. Don't know if it is related to the drugs or not.

  4. Drug usage (or homosexual behavior which is kept hidden) are topics for which the POTUS may be blackmailed. It is important.

    Goes like this . . . If you don't vote for such-and-such then I will expose your addictions, etc.

  5. Nothing that comes out about this pos is going to change the minds of the dumb liberals.

  6. Marion Barry is laughing at us from where ever he ended up. Heaven or Hell. He be like - what's wrong with a hooker and a little blow?

  7. His red nose and sniffles were an indication. Drug abuse is a problem but especially when it involves high-ranking officials making decisions on a daily basis affecting our entire Nation's wellbeing.

  8. Gee Williams, Berlin Mayor, must have ratted someone out to the media again!

  9. Has anyone ever noticed how these pharmaceutical companies are owned by foreigners from India and many Muslim countries??? Take notice in Salisbury if you are not paying attention.

  10. Hey 3:39 , you got to be kidding , you and the world know it's HELL!!

  11. 432 - now that's GEE WHIZ funny!



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