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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Black Lives Matter Leader Robbed - University of Houston

Watch til the end


  1. Punk A.. SU is worse.

  2. I hope he didn't call the police.

  3. Rob people for what they work for? He hasn't worked a day in his life yet .

  4. There have been other people robbed , why did he get the attention?

  5. BLM hates cops , that is , until you need one.

  6. Don't bother to call the police because you are to busy condemning them. Call your buddies from Black Lives Matter and see if they will come and protect you. Yeah good luck with that.

  7. Where is the video that captures every move. Another attention seeker, never robbed. Just a way of life to lie about everything . Well, they have a good role model, instructor, that is running for the White House, although she will not win.

  8. Thug in new clothes.

  9. Should we assume that Mr.Criminal Robber did not get the message from the BLM crowd that only light skinned crackers get robbed. Does this make Mr.Robber an "equal opportunity robber"? Was there no one to tell him that dark skinned people get a FREE pass (a don't rob the brother zone). And finally, isn't it a big black no/no for any member of the BLM crowd to call law enforcement for help? After all, that call can get him killed. Could it be, that the BLM movement is really just a phony front for the purest form of racism ever seen in the United States of America? Calling cops makes Mr.Victim look like a liar, a traitor to the cause in the beliefs that he protests and professes to have?


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