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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

We Need Some Of These On The Shore


  1. Please tell me what good a sign is going to do anywhere? If the person is that ignorant in the first place what exactly makes you think that they would even care or read the sign?

  2. Why people are so stupid to take the dogs along in their vehicles then leave them while they go shop, is just beyond me. Don't you people know that your dog would be so much more comfortable at home and could be sleeping in that A/C and just waiting for you to come back. Think!!

  3. Pets belong AT HOME. Simple.

    You're a moron and don't deserve a pet if you drive it around in a car. Period.

  4. Who doesn't know that?

  5. 8:38...You are right on

  6. We need those signs everywhere.

  7. I like to take my pet for a ride & she loves it.
    However , I have enough sense to never ever leave
    her alone in my car , except in Winter time.

    There are "those among us" that DO NOT realize
    the danger of leaving a dog in a car----even in
    75 degree weather----however , I don't think
    signs will change their mentality.

    Perhaps making it a LAW that you can't leave a
    dog in the car when it's past 70 degrees might
    work better & have that said on Posted Signs!

  8. Who made you people the grantor of rights as to where and when my dog comes and goes from my home? You should have stayed in school.

  9. I'll Bring The Common SenseAugust 3, 2016 at 11:36 AM

    1132 here's the problem with your let's make a law claim. Dogs and other animals are considered people's property. Yes, I know you will be all up in arms and on the phone with your local PETA chapter but that's the fact. You can't legislate people's belongings. That would be like telling people they can't drive a Toyota after 11PM on Thursday nights.

  10. 11:32
    There are too many laws now....seriously. We have some really stupid mess on the books that citizens don't even known about.

    The democrat candidate would kill her dog and claim she did not intend on the pet dying.

    Ditto 11:36

  11. 9:38 I guess you can call me a "moran"! I take my pet for a ride in the car most every evening. She LOVES her ride!!!!!


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