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Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Think About It...


  1. They have been calling him racist ever since he bought into that birther nonsense.

  2. Politics aside,toy companies are missing a golden opportunity by not making a Trump action figure.Have all of his catch phrases programmed in a likeness 2' or so tall.Laugh all you want,but it would sell millions & would be yuge.

  3. 840 Obama's records are sealed. Sealed for a reason. Use your head for something other than a hat rack.

  4. Pot calling kettle black huh?
    Dems have trapped the blacks and latinos into the welfare trap and are keeping them there as slaves to the party.
    Wake up folks. We know who the recists are.

  5. 8:52AM & 9:16AM
    Agree with both 100%

  6. LOL, WRONG again. Maybe you should check out some of the past legal cases that were filed WAAAAAY before he ever mentioned running for pres.

  7. Part-Timer Agent 99August 3, 2016 at 10:52 AM

    1035 it's comments like your I LIVE for because I can cut you to the quick in a second.

    In business, it is common to be sued or to sue others who don't pay. Yes, Trump has many lawsuits-a majority of them, he's the Plaintiff. For someone like yourself who is not high on the intellect stream that means, he filed the lawsuit against someone else.

    Second, he says he rarely ever settles. So when someone owns properties where people stay, if they're suing him for their coffee being too hot or their bed wasn't made correctly he's not going to settle.

    Your comment makes you look like a complete moron. It's a good thing you used the Anonymous tag and I'm glad I posted it so the world could see what a ninny you are. You will hang on any thin thread no matter how asinine you look to defame a man who just wants to make your stupid life better. Why he would go out on the limb like this is beyond me. As far as I'm concerned it's people like you that don't deserve him fighting for you.

  8. I think his views are a little more important now that he's a presidential candidate and not just a private citizen. Who cares what he said back then? It's how he thinks and what he says now that he wants to be president that makes people not take him seriously.

  9. 8:40
    Not nonsense...we have learned the truth since through the dudes actions.


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