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Friday, August 12, 2016

Truth Be Told


  1. Any Christian should read that comment from Hillary and share. It's how it's said that shows true character. She puts her faith in corporate donors. She is all about herself and her clique. Heck any dnc member should want to be armed around her. They're dropping like flies.

  2. And we sure don't trust Hillary.

  3. Because Democrats are Godless.

  4. Democrats have given us no reason to trust them.

  5. Thank you, Gary Sinise. See. Not all Hollywood is full of mindless idiots!

  6. Old Hillary is so corrupt, so evil, a born liar and thief. There is nothing redeemable about her. She would rather sell the country out to foreigners for a big fat paycheck in her private accounts then to do right by the country she so proudly wants to destroy.

    These liberal democrats can't handle the hard truth, can't handle hard facts, can't handle documented proof about their stupid, foolish so-called policies. When faced with truth, they all start name-calling, slinging mud, and making up blatant lies to distort and confused the welfare throngs that they have trapped in voting for them. The people that are lowly educated and believe every lie that comes out of the welfare mother of deceit and the father of poverty that calls himself president.

    At least Donald Trump doesn't lie to the American people, he doesn't distort the facts. Is his speech smooth and oily like lying Killary's? No, but no one can deny he speaks the truth finally to the American public that things are not as rosy as the obama/clinton tribes want everyone to believe.

    Donald Trump is good for this country, the people, and for once our future and economy, our very survival. He isn't stupid, and he isn't a politician. He is a business man who surrounds himself with the best of collective minds in the necessary areas which needs to be addressed, such as economy, military, education, immigration, healthcare. He will make a great president and finally restore this country out of the poor rumble that obama and clinton have done in the last eight miserable years. And that scares the sxxt out of the democrats, and the old guard republicans because their way of life like lying, the cheating, the insider deals, the money laundering games played by Washington, all the outsider interests that would not benefit this country's interests would come to an end and these false leaders can't stand that possibility because their way of life will come to a halt and they can't let that happen so the smear campaign against Trump is in full throttle.

    GOD helps us all because these are the same jackels that swore to protect and defend this nation. Donald Trump will get things back on track for all Americans.


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