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Friday, August 12, 2016

A Real Poll


  1. How is it that the media will not pick up the story of the Clintons raping Haiti? They love us black people so much yet Tony Rodham is over there robbing the mines. The 10 BILLION relief that was sent and look how people are living. Wake up my people this woman is so so so EVIL. Media only reports that Trump is racist and he hates us. How?

  2. Let the dumbocrats think they're winning - maybe they won't go and vote!

    Meanwhile, for the conservative voting block out there (reading this), vote TRUMP! It's our last chance to start taking our country back from the lawless, liberal scum that are trying to turn us in to a third-world slime country!

  3. I whole heartedly agree with the first two commenters. This is the most telling poll and likely the most accurate.
    God Bless America

  4. I hope the Main Stream Media will continue to spread their Lies. I feel that there is a place in Hell for all those Liars. Vote Trump

  5. Love you 7:59. News like this post will spur the dems to attempt election fraud like never before.

  6. Wow ! This is a great poll to read !!....WE GOT IT BABY !! GO TRUMP !

  7. George Soros leaked email to Hillary basically nobody is talking about. Wake up people.

  8. God bless America's enemies.
    God bless the poor pathetic uneducated American citizens.
    God please protect us from this evil government.

  9. Dave T: Don't worry, crooked Hillary and the Republican idiots establishment are working over time to make sure Trump is not elected. God forbid we have someone in office who gives a damn about this country and the American people!!! America as we know it is slipping away before our very eyes and all we have is impotent Paul Ryan acting like a two bit panzie while he pats himself on the back for doing nothing.

  10. MSM lies their butts off while Americans start waking up to their collusion with DNC and Clintons. You're being had if you believe anything the MSM propaganda regime dishes out to you. Even Jake Tapper on CNN is starting to see people aren't buying the BS crap anymore.

    Think about it, if the MSM, the DNC, Clintons and the GOPe is against Trump, chances are he's going to end their gravy train full of corruption and crime at the taxpayers' expense. It's time for a DC Purge!



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